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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well personally, I like to now park as far away in a mall (for those few godforsaken times I go to one LOL) but not so much because I am playing secret agent, but it gives me a walk which equals exercise (I'm on a fitness/diet regimen) That said, seeing a companion is not the time to park far away. Not only is a car parked far away draw attention, but my stumbling & falling (did I mention I get kinda weak in the knees before an encounter with a beautiful lady) as I try to walk to the lady's house would draw a lot of attention LOL Seriously, follow a lady's instructions be it parking or whatever A rambling RG
  2. It applies to everything, whether parking, walking by the front desk at a hotel whatever...always act like you belong there. I would guess most times someone gets questioned is their behaviour raised eyebrows RG
  3. Can you access the Rogers website from wifi (log onto the hotel wifi, then once that comes up go in the browser window, type in www.rogers.com) If so can you access your email from the website, I would assume from the MyROGERS section of the website Even if not, maybe you can contact support and they can help Support phone number 1 855 381 7839 Good Luck RG
  4. Posts like this is why the ladies are professionals. But I can understand the emotional reaction of some ladies to want to out those politicians. But outing is a slippery slope, where would it end? One side effect of outing is clients would be less likely to provide screening/verification information to a lady for fear they might be outed too Screening/verification is a tool used by ladies for their safety. C36 already places ladies at risk, but clients refusing to be screened/verified will now place ladies at further risk Like I said in my previous post, I can understand those wanting to out a politician, but and my opinion only, politicians (well anyone) shouldn't be outed A rambling RG
  5. I'm torn on this I must confess. One aspect of the SP/Client relationship is that the SP is discrete...that is in part why she is a professional. And I believe in the adage about not lowering yourself to someone else's level and outing a politician who sees companions when at the same time he would vote for C36 does lower oneself to his level. But I also believe what goes around comes around, and maybe those politicians need to see the personal consequence of their decision. And after all, if C36 has the undertones of treating all clients as pervs, johns and criminals, shouldn't Canadians citizens know that it was pervs, johns and future criminals (maybe) that passed the legislation. But at the same time those supporting C36 are counting on the very professionalism of the ladies they bash and malign so they won't be outed. Should those politicians who show no ethics and integrity be rewarded by ladies who do have ethics and integrity? But no matter what one's opinion, if Harper and MacKay saw SP's, don't they deserve to be outed, just because it's Harper and MacKay. If a companion could out them, well you go girl. Seriously, I don't have an answer, I can see both sides of the argument. And I'm sure the CPC, well all parties have members who have seen professional companions. And maybe hypocrisy needs exposure, I don't know. But at the expense of a lady not showing discretion, again I don't know. Discretion equals trust, and all clients may feel if a SP was indiscrete with one client albeit a politician, she may be indiscrete with all her clients...is that damage to her reputation worth it, only she knows the answer to that. So as you can see I'm offering a very confused rambling here. But short answer, and my opinion only, be discrete, don't out a politician....well unless it's MacKay and Harper LOL Going for a Tylenol now RG
  6. Emily's chilli washed down with water For desert, mixed berries RG
  7. Bisquick-planning on making chicken and dumplings for Thanksgiving. The dumpling recipe uses bisquick, wanted to buy it before it gets sold out nearer Thanksgiving oh and I bought a stamp too :-) RG
  8. PM Mod telling the situation and provide him with Brooklyn's email address. He likely can send a password reset to her email address RG
  9. Maybe they just want to bring it with them Just a little levity :-) RG
  10. Meg O'Ryan http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 and Mature Angela http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=24465 are two Ottawa ladies that come to mind and I can recommend Good Luck RG
  11. -Being greeted with a smile, hug and kiss. -Having a chemistry/connection with a lady and she with you -The encounter is much more than time spent in the bedroom, it has a social aspect to it, be it conversation over drinks, or dinner out etc -You not only feel comfortable and safe talking to her but she also feels the same about you. Put another way, there are "rules" about what you can discuss with a lady, and what you can't. But it is special and makes sessions great when you are comfortable and trusting enough with each other that those rules don't apply, you both feel free to talk about most anything -The session doesn't just last during the encounter. Shared emails after an encounter, keeping in touch with one another -You have a shared history/shared memories with the lady -Not only do you enjoy writing a recommendation about the encounter you had with the lady, but on those rainy days you enjoy going back and reading them. The session(s) so great, reading the recommendation brings back memories -And the session is so great it wasn't just for the moment it lasts, but also for the lasting memories it made. A few thoughts RG
  12. Distance isn't the issue is right, seeing a special lady is :-) Budget is my constraint :-( Flying, well I haven't done that in this lifestyle, but I can appreciate what touring ladies go through on a very regular basis to see us. Their efforts flying across Canada should be appreciated. It is a special extra effort they take to provide us gentlemen with a memorable escape. Anyhow, a rambling RG
  13. Halifax Recommendations http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=137 RG
  14. If a lady offered me a student discount that's a sure way to a nice tip...at 53 I pass for a old man LOL...not a student What a round about way of saying I look young :-) But calling me good looking...that would be stretching it some LOL RG
  15. Don't know if my answer helps, but I live in smalltown Ontario. Closest city is Trenton to the east (Trenton west of Belleville) With that said, my travels have taken me to Toronto, Hamilton, London, Niagara Falls, Kingston, and Ottawa. If she's a favourite lady, well now you have an idea of how far I'll go. Going 5-10km, that's like the lady being my next door neighbour. RG Just to put in context Toronto 157km London 335km Hamilton 224km Kingston 117km (that's like local for me LOL) Niagara Falls 284km Ottawa 304km That's also why encounters for me are not spur of the moment but planned due to the travel involved, hotels etc
  16. Chilli...it is good. Had it for lunch, again for dinner :-) Washed down with water Blueberries with cream for desert RG
  17. A couple Since my diet/fitness regimen right now I would get a guilty pleasure from the following Hagen Daz ice cream...dulce de leche flavour Chocolates, any chocolates Ruffles Chips with Helluva Good Onion Dip or homemade sour cream/onion soup dip Becks no alcohol beer (low in calories but high in carbs) And for dinner, a cheeseburger (the best cheeseburgers I've had in a long time) from the fish and chips restaurant up the street But I'm more focused on my regimen, so I won't stray RG
  18. Fresh blueberries for desert tonight RG
  19. Highlights over the past couple days Lost 15 pounds so far on my regime (Started it Sept 1)...still a ways to go but I'm going in the right direction...and a thanks to my own personal Jillian Michaels ;-) for your moral support and advice Taking a hammer and nail and making another notch in my belt (no not that type of notch LOL)...my pants are sliding down, and belt is too loose. I'd buy a new belt but buying a new belt every couple weeks gets expensive Getting and trying a new recipe for chilli. Absolutely delicious chilli, a keeper recipe. And I have enough for lunch and dinner all this week...looking forward to each and every meal :-) Thanks for the recipe Emily RG
  20. Just put the dishes in the sink soaking them and shortly I'll wash In the meantime I'm enjoying a second bowl of chilli and surfing CERB RG
  21. Agreed, you murder someone, be it first degree or second degree, you should never see the light of day, or at least it takes a LONG TIME before you get to see daylight. Her life was worth far more than seven years of his Legally he may have met the criteria for second degree, but the Judge could have made his Parole/Day Parole eligibility much longer. And just being eligible didn't mean the PBC had to grant him Day Parole RG
  22. Emily's Chilli Was given a recipe to try for chilli. Got up early this morning, got the chilli going on the slow cooker. Smelled so good had some for lunch. Then just had bowl one for dinner, about to have a second helping :-) Really good recipe Emily a keeper. Thanks RG
  23. Had dinner (leftover ribs) washed down with water. Dishes done, kitchen clean :-) Going to get the slow cooker out, tomorrow morning I am trying a recipe a lady gave me :-) About to have mixed berries for desert and a coffee and relax for the evening But the best thing, finished those ribs...that was a recipe I'll never use again ;-) RG
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