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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Me, I did the dating game for most of my life. And yes, I was hoping to one day settle down and get married. Out of all those years one lady I almost married, well until she came by my place pregnant with another man's baby...engagement off!!!LOL and a serious girlfriend who ended up stalking me. I was 46 at that time, burnt out from dating, and said never again. Well I did try a couple dating sites (for my trouble I got contacted by two Russian brides) But after three years solo, I needed female companionship. I thought I'd give seeing escorts a try. My first few encounters were less than spectacular dates,but then I met one special lady, and most of my encounters since then great. In short for me the question isn't "The hobby and my relationship" The statement is "This lifestyle is what I do instead of a relationship" At my age now I'm not prepared to have a relationship. That said, I have made wonderful connections with many ladies, include a few I consider trusted friends. I kinda just wish I was richer and I'd have more encounters than I do now A rambling RG
  2. Surfing the internet...I mean RIGHT NOW :-) I'm on CERB. But I've been searching for recipes. Won't be spending thanksgiving with family (my choice) and don't want to do a whole turkey dinner for myself. But need something close to thanksgivingly for dinner...found a slow cooker recipe for chicken and dumplings, think I'll make that RG
  3. Good luck in the next chapter of your life All the best RG
  4. Groceries...I was given a recipe to try. Now I have all the ingredients so bright and early tomorrow morning I get the slow cooker out and start cooking...well not until I have my morning coffee or two first ;-) RG
  5. Happy Birthday Boomer Enjoy your special day RG
  6. I'm third with chemistry/connection. That gets determined, for me by a lady's posts on CERB, her website and board profile, any emails/PM's we might exchange. And chemistry/connection, for me at least is the most important quality. If it wasn't so important well there are many beautiful ladies in this community partaking in this lifestyle. And as for menu of services, pretty well most ladies offer similar services. But if it was just looks and services, all ladies would be interchangeable every man. It is, at least for me, the lady's personality/intelligence/character/chemistry/connection whatever you wish to call it, that matters most It is also the one intangible quality. Who connects for one gentleman may not connect with another gentleman. A lady should be herself, and not try to imitate other ladies. (that includes stealing photos or plagiarising websites) In short, everyone is unique, and what you offer as a professional companion should be special and unique Hope that makes sense Good Luck RG
  7. Leftover Ribs washed down with water Mixed berries for desert If someone mentioned ribs for dinner I'd be smiling ear to ear...this recipe, well I'm glad only one more meal left. And recipe deleted from my computer On a high note, got a new recipe to try for my slow cooker Saturday RG
  8. Well to get this thread back on track Carly Simon You're So Vain RG
  9. Well I don't hunt but have a couple friends who do, and share venison and moose with me But a couple jokes Bubba Bubba was at the police station explaining to the officer why his cousin shot him. "We wuz havin' us a real good time drinkin'," he explained, "when my cousin Billy Bob picked up his rifle and asked us fellas if we wanna go a huntin'." "Okay," then what happened?" the officer asked. "That's when I stood up and said, 'Sure. I'm game'!" Elk Hunting Bubba and Jake chartered a plane with a pilot to drop them off in the wilds of Alaska for a week of elk hunting, just the same as they did the year before. When the pilot returned with the plane Bubba exclaimed joyfully to the pilot, "We had a great hunting trip! We bagged four elk!" The pilot regretfully explained, "Unfortunately, our plane can only fly with the weight of two elk. You'll have to leave the other two behind." Bubba and Jake were both infuriated and insistent. "We won't allow you to fly this plane out without all four elk," Jake demanded. The eager to please pilot relented and the plane took off with the three of them and their four elk. About fifteen minutes into the flight the engine started to sputter, and within seconds they were hurtling to the ground. Wearily arising from the wreckage, Bubba looked at Jake and wheezed, "Do you have any idea where we are?" Jake, quite pleased with himself, replied, "Yes! We're about a mile from where we crashed last year." ...- Oh stop groaning, I didn't say they were good jokes...what would you expect from a fisherman RG
  10. Happy Birthday bcguy Have a Great Day RG
  11. Happy Birthday Isabella Enjoy your special day RG
  12. Can't believe it. Doing it and openly advertising it on their website WTF is wrong with people Maybe this should be posted on the Nova Scotia Warnings:To Report Bait and Switch, Scams and Dangerous Encounters http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=203 I think a agency offering BBFS falls in the realm of dangerous encounters Still shaking my head RG
  13. Speaking of ribfest it was leftovers tonight...balsamic glazed ribs Washed down with water For desert...mixed berries Two more days left of ribs then trying something new:-) RG
  14. Posted in the wrong forum try these to start searching...I'm assuming Northern Ontario http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=120 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=121 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=220 RG
  15. Well first I am working out...cardio and light weights in the morning...and do use water to replenish fluids...probably hour&half total exercise. The water I drink throughout the day is better IMHO than the beer (no alcohol) and fruit drinks (such as lemonade) I used to drink Problem with all these links is for everyone claiming the risks of too much water, there will likely be just as many claiming there is not too much you can drink But my doctor seems to think diet wise I'm doing OK...and he knows what I'm drinking for water RG
  16. As part of my regime I'm drinking LOTS of water. Some of this water includes water with lemon in it I have a 32 ounce Rubbermaid water bottle in the fridge, I put in one lemon cut up into 8ths and fill with water. I keep this in the fridge and have the lemon water three times a day. This is a substitution for buying bottled water. Thanks RG
  17. Good luck in your new chapter in your life Best Wishes RG
  18. Finished dinner (leftovers...ribs) Kitchen cleaned up Relaxing in the recliner now enjoying desert (blueberries with milk) and listening to my cat meow asking for a sip of milk And a bonus...yes its Fall, but I've got the window open, heat off, fan off Nice and comfortable in here RG
  19. Although called a motel really a hotel, low frills hotel, try Motel 6. Runs about $75 overnight.. pretty reasonable I'd say stay at a airport hotel but Kingston doesn't have one Had to stay there for non lifestyle reasons, affordable and clean Not luxurious but likely more acceptable than a conventional motel They may have a short stay rate, but their rate is likely comparable to a major chain's short stay rate RG
  20. Remember, when an encounter is booked, it is the man (prospective client) who contacts the lady, not the other way around. The man does not set the terms for his contacting a lady. The lady sets the terms for a man contacting and booking an encounter with her. The man should know this by reading her website and board profile, plus her postings on CERB (or other boards) Finally, a booking is made to the lady's SP Persona name. That is how the man knows her, and will continue to know her. Her persona is for a man's purpose and requirements, her name, he doesn't need to know her real name. For the lady, a man, a stranger is asking her to be intimate with him. The lady isn't going out soliciting men to see her. And she has to keep her safety and security in mind. A man, if privacy is his concern about seeing a particular lady should just move on to find one he does trust with his privacy. If he is uncomfortable with this, see ladies that don't require screening Expecting the lady to give you her real name after you give her yours as some sort of quid pro quo you'll find yourself being denied a lot of dates And a prospective client insisting on personal information from a lady is going to be raising red flags for her At the end of the day, it is the man, out of the blue, who initiated contact with the lady to see her, not the other way around. Why would a woman give her personal information to a man who contacted her out of the blue RG
  21. That wasn't just the Wife Experience, it was the Marriage Experience LOL RG
  22. It was a short lived highlight but I was called slender by a beautiful lady Of course it was a comparative statement, but for a split second or two it felt good to hear...well read LOL And it's further motivation to keep my regime going so one day it can be said as a non comparative statement Thanks Em :-) for brightening my day RG
  23. Ribs, garlic, balsamic vinegar and red wine RG
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