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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Although not the intent of this thread (I think LOL) there is another time a lady may wish to decide to no longer see you. And that is in the case of a lady when she retires. At that point she is turning another chapter in her life, and may wish no contact/reminders of her life as a SP. I know of a certain special lady, who I have fond memories of. She retired and now has another life. I felt special, she kept a planned encounter even though she was winding down her SP career...in fact I think our encounter was her last date. We used the encounter amongst other things, to give her a retirement gift. I told her she had my permission to keep my contact information, just in case she chose to return to this lifestyle. I never asked nor was offered her information. If she wanted me to know it she would have let me know. But she retired and has another chapter in her life But people need to respect other's choices so if no longer wishes to see you, that needs to be respected A rambling RG
  2. Get a ladle, remove some of the juice And are you cooking on low or high?...if high reduce to low Remember the lid keeps the moisture in so even with some liquid removed the remaining liquid doesn't cook off A rambling from Chef Boy RG LOL
  3. Another slow cooker recipe-glazed ribs with red wine and balsamic vinegar Never tried it before, we'll see how it goes Apartment smells real good now, smell of red wine RG
  4. That would cost a lot more, because you need Goose and Maverick to fly the plane for you And they cost a lot, and being older now, the need for speed may be gone in them LOL Court seems cheaper RG
  5. If I was going to get a couple million out of it, I would. Then issue a statement, that I'm still a perv, I want a nice encounter out with a "poor victimized" ladies with her consent of course, ;-) Mackay, come charge me...Supreme Court here we come. I'm retired, got the time and money LOL RG
  6. That's what makes true gift giving/receiving special. Because it is given from the heart, not from a sense of obligation. And the one who receives the gift doesn't feel a sense of entitlement to it. Applies not just here but with gift giving/receiving in general I know I find much more happiness and hope give it too, when I give a gift to a person who doesn't expect it or feel entitled to it, versus those gifts given because it's expected of you and the receiver feels entitled to the gift Hope that rambling makes sense RG
  7. If gifted a lottery ticket, it would depend on the amount. With an amount like $10 no, it's so small an amount I would keep it. But a larger amount, $100 up split it, or well in the case of something like $100, pick up the phone, say I'm taking you out for a nice dinner using the money for dinner No matter the amount I would let the person know. RG
  8. Congratulations Christine on your 3000 post milestone Enjoy reading what you write, looking forward to your next 3000 contributions RG
  9. Sort of a boring day so changed my profile page on CERB and Twitter a bit And in one sense it sucks, I wanted to do a leg or shoulder of lamb in the slow cooker, but the grocery store only had lamb chops. So I've been surfing the web and found a low carb crock pot recipe for ribs. So tomorrow I'll be doing ribs in the slow cooker for dinner RG
  10. Statler Brothers Flowers On The Wall Kinda describes my mood today LOL RG
  11. A lull in the pouring rain, it's dark out but I'm risking it and going for a walk Out for now RG
  12. My one alarm clock (Nabob the cat LOL) decided to wake me up just before 4am...so I'm up, on coffee#3 watching tv, surfing a couple different websites. Weekends are meant for sleeping in, and my cat after getting me up is now...you guessed it, sound asleep Dark outside when I go to bed and dark outside when I get up...days getting shorter or seems that way RG
  13. Well I haven't had extended vacations with a lady but I had an overnight sleepover with one great lady, Lonna Lux and a weekend escape with another great lady, Emily Rushton Some planning goes into such a date. It's not just stay in the hotel room For the overnight sleepover we had a nice dinner out. Then come back to the hotel. Prior to the sleepover I discussed with the lady what type of food she likes. She's a girl after my heart, steaks were her thing :-) so we went to a nice steakhouse. But it's important to ask the lady her food preferences. Going to a steakhouse with a lady who's a vegan would be a faux pas. Given the short time span of a sleepover the social activity if you will was going out for a nice dinner, oh and breakfast together the next morning For the weekend escape, again planning (together) went into it. We decided (Emily's idea) that going to a spa would be a nice way to spend the day (civilian spa) So I made the arrangements and we had our couples spa day. And we had a nice dinner out, also at a steakhouse. Not to mention all meals during that weekend...but the steakhouse was the dinner date With longer escapes, keep in mind that the lady will not be with you 24/7. She may be away for an hour, may have certain routines she needs to do etc. But this is discussed ahead of time. At the same time, let her know of any personal idiosyncrasies you might have (in my case snoring LOL) Any such extended date requires absolute trust. If you feel the need to put your wallet and watch in a safe, or the lady wants to secure her purse, you don't have trust. To me, a sleepover, whether an overnight or longer is not about an encounter with an SP. It is about a chance to reconnect with a special lady you know (who just happens to be a professional companion) because you have shared memories, a shared history, and want to make more memories Anyhow, a rambling RG
  14. I posted on Twitter (don't think here) but even so, guys who want to take a picture of your penis, ladies often use cell phones so think how your penis pic really looks to the lady, probably similar to shrinkage So unless you want the lady to laugh at you, and deny your request for a date, don't send pics RG
  15. Reading and answering emails, surfing CERB, Tweeting, but about to get up and get dinner....more Hungarian Goulash Back shortly:-) RG
  16. Congratulations Gentleman11 on the 500 post milestone Looking forward to your next 500 posts RG
  17. Nice sunny day today, started off overcast and grey...didn't need for a jacket when I went for a walk While I still have enough Goulash for dinner today and tomorrow, planning for Monday's dinner...Lamb in the slow cooker. But I've made the marinade (2 days enough time for all the flavours to come together) Like it when I'm organized when I cook Now sitting back enjoying a coffee RG
  18. Stay with the reputable ladies from CERB, stay away from BP/CL ladies My personal gut check on this, if I don't trust a lady to pay her via email money transfer then I don't trust her enough to see her for an encounter A rambling RG
  19. Also doesn't require carrying large sums of money around...especially useful for someone who travels/has travelled to cities such as Ottawa/Toronto/Niagara Falls/London and Hamilton to see ladies. Travelling with a large wad of cash not good, I'm sure a lady after an evening date going back to her hotel or home would prefer not to have a large wad of money as well RG
  20. And the question presupposes that there is something inherently wrong or bad with this choice of profession...and assumes that even ladies who are professional companions see this as a profession wrong for their daughters. Also the question feeds into the negative stereotype that society has of this lifestyle. Something really that someone who partakes in this lifestyle shouldn't be doing. BTW the ladies I have met are strong, independent, confident empowered women. Nothing at all like the stereotype. Personally, I have no children but if I did and had a daughter I would want her to make a career choice she wanted, not one society pigeonholed for her RG
  21. Typo on my part, meant full name in my post, I edited to correct I do standby my post in that I give full name for verification/screening, so by the time I pay via email money transfer the lady already knows my name Thanks for pointing out my typo, my post corrected to what I mean :-) RG
  22. For name, the ladies I see require full verification/screening which includes knowing my full name, first and last. So the lady knows my name from the email money transfer. By the time I'm paying her via email money transfer she already knows my full name and more The ladies I see I trust, they are reputable. If I was concerned about my name being known, if I didn't trust them with it, I wouldn't see them in the first place My two cents RG
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