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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Just finished lunch, surfing CERB, Twitter and one other (non lifestyle) board I belong to, while watching NCIS About to log off and go hang up my spice rack Be back in a bit LOL RG
  2. A lot of ladies utilize email money transfer. It's easy and discrete...most ladies have a separate email which won't raise eyebrows for email money transfer And in my experience, ladies utilizing this are impeccably honest...nothing to fear about paying this way before an encounter Added bonus, you do it from home on your computer as long as you have on-line banking...it's simple, the instructions from the bank's website so simple, even I understood them Good Luck RG
  3. A spice rack so I can organize my spices. Right now disorganizidly (is that a word LOL) arranged in a bunch of cupboards This afternoon, hang it up RG
  4. Although cool, who am I kidding, cold, when I left this morning, doors opened 15 minutes early at the "Y" Got in at 5:45am. Unfortunately (for me that is) by the time I finished with the weights (barbells and dumbbells) a elderly lady who has been showing up regularly lately,showed up, went straight to the stair climber, and started going...I think she could outdo most Olympic athletes LOL. I wasn't going to embarrass myself LOL I went to the exercise bike, and just gave myself an extra fifteen minutes on the bike Then a workout on the leg weight machines in the leg room, and then done But a good workout The rest of the day is mine RG
  5. Ouch!!! I really sympathize with you Emily. I've had my foot sprained, as you well know and witnessed last January when Nabob tripped me. I feel your pain Hopefully your ankle isn't too bad. Wishing you a speedy recovery. And stay off the foot as much as possible RG
  6. Wow Is Right!!! If you didn't know it is considered rude to say the least to ask strangers about their income, credit, tax, etc...well personal finances. Entirely an inappropriate question to even ask, not just here, but anywhere. This has nothing to do with proper etiquette when talking with companions. This is about proper manners when talking to anyone. Do you ask "civilians" (ie people outside this lifestyle), who are strangers to you about their taxes. If not, why be so rude to professional companions Would you like it if a stranger asked details about your taxes RG
  7. Back from the gym, had my shower, shave, dressed, now having a coffee and watching You Only Live Twice on my PVR RG
  8. Speaking of secret agents, why even have hidden profiles on CERB. Red flags pop up for me when on CERB, where your profile is anonymous and you put on your profile just what you want everyone to see, why hide it. Makes no sense to me at all When guys do it, I can see all sorts of warning lights and alarm bells going off for women And for ladies a hidden profile doesn't lead me to want to contact you to see your profile...I move along. Anyhow, don't know if a hijack, more a segue from the previous post, oh and a rambling too RG
  9. Thunderstorm For encounters, time preference, Mornings, Afternoons or Evenings RG
  10. I personally would feel uncomfortable doing it. I could never get comfortable enough with a man the way I could with a woman to be in an intimate situation. And if you feel uncomfortable it isn't going to be enjoyable. So MMF out. Now FFM I definitely could and have been a fortunate party too...it helped the two ladies I knew very well already and they were comfortable enough with each other and me...I'm flashbacking and digressing here :-) RG
  11. One sign Fall is here and days (and nights) getting cooler, flies seem to come inside :-( Highlight of the day, one fly has been buzzing around my apartment for three days...Driving both Nabob and me nuts Got him, no more fly Gawd it's a slow news day in smalltown Ontario...posting about killing a fly LOL RG :-)
  12. Sitting watching a movie recorded on my PVR (Tears Of The Sun) while waiting for an important call about my pension. Can't leave my apartment, I have a bunch of papers I'll need to refer to. God they are slow getting my pension going. Hopefully today it'll get resolved RG
  13. Oversleeping and running late to the "Y" I like to get there early (6am) while very few if anyone is there I made it early, on time, but didn't have time at home to sit back before I go, relax have a coffee and two waters...today only quickly chugged one water down before I left RG
  14. Tonight, leftovers...Hungarian Goulash...made it yesterday in the slow cooker, now I have enough for four-five days of meals Almost wish I wasn't on low carb diet, I'd serve it over noodles or at least have a roll with it :-( Washed down with water (god I'm drinking lots of water) And berries of some sort for desert RG
  15. One it makes it easier for the lady to carry the donation after the encounter is over. Some ladies, especially after a multi hour encounter could possibly be carrying a couple thousand dollars with them Which btw is a good reason to use email money transfer. Quick, painless and no one needs to worry about carrying large sums of money with them. Another reason comes to mind. No one actually witnesses money changing hands, at the most, an envelope changing hands. Likewise a lot of ladies websites say lay the donation on a table where it is visible. That way no one actually hands anything to anyone. Maybe it stems from a fear of LE, don't know. And LE couldn't say they witnessed a lady accepting a payment from him, all they could say is she picked up an envelope off the table RG
  16. The News Forum is "Links to news articles and information for service providers and hobbyists." Not all news stories have to pertain to the sex industry. This may be a news article of interest to SP's and Hobbyists. And if this is not of interest to some they are free not to read And who said it was funny, not me. You're the one who brought that up RG
  17. Me I'm 53 Began this lifestyle...well joined CERB Feb 2010 but my first date was July 2010 RG
  18. One thing about this lifestyle is there is someone and something for everyone's tastes and needs. As long as the encounters are mutually beneficial, there are no wrong choices and all should be respected RG
  19. Hungarian Goulash done in the slow cooker Washed down with water To keep it allowable on my lo carb diet no carrots, and no potato's added. And I'm not serving it over noodles or having dinner rolls with it RG
  20. Chinese medical student died of heart attack as he looked at 'sexy magazine' when he made fourth donation to sperm bank in a week http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2753346/Chinese-medical-student-died-heart-attack-looked-sexy-magazine-fourth-donation-sperm-bank-week.html#ixzz3D7FlDF2J
  21. This explains why friends...or is it bacon, is so important to us RG
  22. How would a 15-30 minute encounter factor in...it's not, in my opinion, either a GFE or PSE. It's long enough so a client can relieve his sexual urges. It might fall under Alex's choice 1, extreme sex fantasy, in that it might be a fantasy for a man to have non committal sex with no strings. Although I'm closer to believing the 15-30 minute type encounter caters to those on a tight schedule or limited funds at the time, but wish sexual urges relieved. Anyhow, just a thought RG
  23. One comment, speaking for me. First as you may gather, I'm partial to a GFE. But the most important aspect of an encounter is the chemistry/connection between the lady and myself. There are many beautiful ladies that are companions and will see a client. These ladies, for the most part, have the same, well similar menu of services Some have no menu, how you connect determines in large part how a date unfolds...mind you that holds for all ladies. BTW important here is the term YMMV...affects each and every encounter My point here,there has to be an intangible factor...chemistry/connection/maybe even friendship that affects who a gentleman wants to see and who a lady accepts as a client. Either it happens or doesn't, and if it doesn't, no one is at fault. If chemistry/connection wasn't important..the most important IMHO, then wouldn't each companion be interchangeable to a client and wouldn't she be reduced to just a sex provider. Now that's just my opinion, from a guy who seeks GFE and longer encounters. Those seeking shorter encounters may see it differently Just a point of view RG
  24. Leftovers...pork roast and sauerkraut washed down with water Gawd am I drinking lots of water Blueberries with cream for desert Gotta think of something for dinner tomorrow...leaning towards Hungarian Goulash...just cut the carbs out RG
  25. I like Excaliber because we both like and appreciate the redhead ladies in our lives RG EDIT To be clear I appreciate ALL the ladies I see...well except for the one that stole my money LOL But there's a couple special redheads in both our lives that we both know and we like ;-)
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