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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Went out for a morning walk...damn it is cold, and now rain spitting down But I digress Cold weather calls for the slow cooker So on my walk went to the grocery store, picked up a pork roast, sauerkraut and a few other odds and ends, and for dinner, pork roast with sauerkraut in the slow cooker, with enough for meals for the next few days Dinner at 6pm YUM RG
  2. The same holds true of companions and prospective clients in this lifestyle. Yes, the client is ALWAYS right, but the companion decides who will be her clients. Just seemed appropriate for this thread RG :-)
  3. I know...had to turn the heat on in my apartment...can't bring myself to close windows yet, still like the fresh air coming in And as for things that suck, it's annoying ads for me. Like Don't Touch My Dart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEuirXFfsP8 The ad makes me want to get in my truck and smash into his f*cking Dart How the hell that series of ads makes anyone want to buy one I don't know Maybe I'm grumpy, just saw the ad on tv, Nabob woke me up at 4am to a cool morning and guess who's sound asleep now LOL RG
  4. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservatives-fall-priorities-add-up-to-one-winning-re-election-1.2763624
  5. Today looks like a few good movies day some playing at the same time Already programmed my PVR to record them Three John Wayne movies The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Cahill US Marshal and Big Jake Then the war classic, The Bridge On The River Kwai and Monty Python's Life Of Brian Won't be able to watch them all today, thank goodness for PVR :-) RG
  6. What is the DNS Resolver cache and why does it need to be flushed and modem reset so often Every day, at least once a day, sometimes two or three times a day the internet locks up, and the screen pops up with HP Diagnosis which scans the problem and solution is flush dns resolver cache and reset wireless modem. It's all done from my computer not an issue of getting up and unplugging things, but it gets to be a pain in the ass when your halfway through writing an email/post/tweet etc and the internet locks up Any tips as to why it happens so frequently and if there is a more permanent fix Thanks RG
  7. A Caesar Salad for dinner, and olive oil and vinegar to make a salad dressing (with my new regime I make my own dressings now) RG
  8. Given the choice, turnips Cat or Dog RG
  9. You should let it be known to the service you had to wait, a concern since it was over lunch and you had time restrictions And let the owner of the service know about less than satisfactory service because the lady didn't like your body hair The owner of the service, especially since you are a repeat user of that service will likely want to keep you as a client and take action deemed fit But if you aren't satisfied with what they did to try to make it right, then no longer use their agency. If you feel the need to write a negative review, there are other boards out there that allow negative reviews. But CERB doesn't, so don't write a negative review here. This isn't the board for it Chalk up the bad service as life happens My two cents Good Luck RG RG
  10. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/rob-ford-pulls-out-of-mayoral-race-doug-ford-steps-in-1.2764485
  11. My guess though based on what you say, is those men are more likely to look at BP or CL for dates. Any looking of a lady's website like Gabriella's (and others) is not done with any serious thought or attempt at booking. Likely they are at the most window shoppers and tire kickers when it comes to viewing those websites, not gentlemen with a serious intention of booking the lady for a date The tiny sample you refer to are likely the type of client that lady seeks to attract. Those with the prevailing pooner attitude as you put it, likely seek a different experience better catered to by ladies who have simple websites, or are on BP or CL. You also say most of those men use phone to book. Well most of the ladies who have elaborate websites use email for booking and utilize screening/verification in their booking process. Should they have to change to accommodate men who use phone only. Don't think so These ladies with the elaborate websites aren't trying to do a thing for those men, they are trying to do something for the men who appreciate amongst other things, the website the lady produced, which is a reflection of them, and the companionship they offer BTW the ladies I've seen that have elaborate websites, their websites gave an accurate reflection of them and it was part of the reason I booked a date with them Just my opinion A rambling RG
  12. Yesterday went to the bank to transfer some money out of a TFSA. Only tellers there, no one there who could do it. But told it could be done over the phone and was provided the number to call. Called it today, and after going through the voice mail crap, finally got a customer service representative. Then after giving all information to ID myself, and telling them what I want, after about fifteen minutes they come back with "we can't do that over the phone, go to your local branch" WTF my local branch told me to call you, and no one was there the day I went to help me do this. Not too impressed. RG
  13. Just wondering how the police would ever enforce C36 in multi jurisdictional cases. I live in smalltown Ontario policed by a local (and small) OPP detachment. I see ladies in bigger cities, including touring ladies. Now some of those ladies tour. Would the lady's hometown (wherever that is) police force be involved. And that police force may be located in another province, depending on the lady I see. Finally, she and I would meet in another city, not my town nor her hometown, so a third local police force would need to get involved. Plus I repeat with some ladies so when I book an encounter with a lady I repeated with over email/text/or phone it would sound like I'm just talking about getting together for a date, nothing about a client meeting a professional companion. And if a repeat date, well there are shared memories and histories only that lady and I know and have and can be used in emails/conversation to establish where we'll meet, right to hotel room, without even revealing the city. Even payment can be done electronically via email money transfer. My experience is that ladies have a separate email for money transfers. You can email money transfer, without any message attached to the email money transfer...then no proof that the money is for an encounter I guess my point is that in seeing professional escorts, it is a lot harder for LE to enforce. And keep any discussion of services and money out of the conversation. Which is easier, cheaper and would yield more high visibility results for police (not to mention Crown prosecutions), a multi jurisdictional investigation of a professional companion and client seeing each other discretely, or a couple plainclothes officers in unmarked cruisers going after street prostitution. And which local paper gets the headlines? I hate C36. But just because it is a terrible law, those in law enforcement don't share MacKay's ideological thoughts. Police are realists and at the end of the day will still enforce prostitution laws as before, focusing on street prostitution. How many police raids of escorts operating incalls discreetly can you recall under current laws. Anyhow, a rambling RG
  14. Not really a joke but kind of interesting and fun. Make sure to watch the whole video http://showyou.com/v/y-pNe6fsaCVtI/crazy-circle-illusion?u=multimotion RG :-)
  15. Hosting at, or Hosting from, who cares, the magic word that counts is hosting. When the lady writes she is hosting that means an incall Consideration, Honorarium, Rates, Donation, Gift who cares...any of these terms means the same and always easy to locate on a website Upscale incall location. How many complaints have I read from guys who went to an incall that was a seedy hotel/motel or apartment. By writing upscale the lady is letting prospective clients know the incall isn't a seedy hotel/motel or apartment. I don't know about you but I don't want a date in an incall that's a dive You may want to cut to the chase as you put it. To me a lady's website should reflect her personality and give me an idea if she and I would click A website shouldn't be reduced to "just the facts", the website should show a lady as unique from other ladies. I suppose cutting to the chase, all you'd need is one cell phone photo full front is enough. Terrible these ladies get professional photographers and have galleries. All the time it takes going through all those pictures makes it harder to cut to the chase. Something that could be done with one picture Funny thing, generally speaking, in my experience, ladies who have a website which reflects their personality, shows a bit of effort have been ladies I've had great dates with. Those with minimalist websites, little effort, seemed to be cavalier about encounters, viewing me, the client, as nothing more than a wallet Anyhow, a long winded rambling RG
  16. Brightens up the day considering the BS that's going on with the C36 hearings though RG
  17. Sounds like parents awkwardly trying (and failing) to teach the birds and the bees to their kids. OMFG has MacKay even consummated his marriage yet? Maybe the CPC is filled with virgins How the hell can anyone even discuss prostitution with these social retards I'd laugh but I'm crying RG
  18. Happy Birthday emiafish Enjoy your special day RG
  19. Happy Birthday Raven Enjoy your special day RG
  20. Although I don't know her touring schedule, Emily Rushton tours to St. John's NFLD (and Saint John NB ;-) ) A wonderful companion who redefines GFE. Here is Emily's website http://www.emilyrushton.com/ Here is Emily's CERB Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=22822 Emily has numerous recommendations posts and threads I have contributed to some of those recommendations ;-) and they can be found in the recommendation forums of Toronto, Ont, Kingston, Ont, London, Ont and Niagara Falls, Ont. Oh, and she is even more beautiful in person than her pictures show Emily is a wonderful companion I can recommend RG
  21. One thing about seeing regulars, no need to discuss fees or services. The email/text/phone call would read/sound like a man and woman getting together for another date And with shared memories and shared history, you can always talk in a code that no cop would understand. Make reference to dates you had in the past, something about them that only you and the lady would know Also, and especially in the case of touring ladies, which police department would even investigate. I'm from smalltown Ontario with a small OPP detachment, are they going to track me seeing a lady who's hometown is somewhere in Canada, or is it that lady's hometown police force, or the police force of the place we meet that investigates. Anyhow why would I stop seeing ladies, none of my emails now are incriminating and I see reputable ladies A rambling RG
  22. It's not from ignoring you, it's an almost impossible question to answer. I've connected with a few, more than a few ladies, each one unique and individual. I would as a start if I were you look at the recommendation page for Ottawa, and book dates with a few ladies that are recommended. No shortcut to finding someone special, but the ladies you meet on the way, even if no special connection, can provide a fun escape Good Luck RG
  23. But if each and every companion testified, articulately and with intelligence, with facts and their experience to back up their opinion, and no companion reacted with any anger to opposing CPC and special interest viewpoints, guess what, the stereotype that the government has about prostitutes would still be negative. The ladies in this profession already look bad to the government, Bedford didn't make them look bad. And no amount of positive actions by this community to make the ladies or this lifestyle look good would be of any help. Conservatives do not want their agenda to be confused with any facts, their mind was already made up. Hearings are just procedural hoops to jump through to pass the bill into law So Bedford didn't make any ladies look bad. Ladies looked bad to the Conservatives long before Bedford even walked in the hearing room But I do understand the frustration that leads to that anger. And talking to the Conservatives must be like talking to a wall. Anyhow, a rambling RG
  24. Definitely unprofessional, no argument. But her actions reflect on her and only her. Saying her actions make everyone in her profession look bad is like saying one bad client makes all clients look bad Apparently she has apologized for her outburst Complete story here including apology http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/terri-jean-bedford-kicked-out-of-prostitution-bill-hearing-1.2761325 RG
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