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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Isn't this one of those you wish she would but know she shouldn't As a professional retired companion, discretion still applies to ALL clients/former clients doesn't it. Irrespective of their occupations or opinions But the ones she would "out" can't sympathize with them one bit. Especially if it was MacKay or Harper But it goes to show you, what goes around can come around On a lighter note, when Mike Duffy heard he would be out of the limelight he thought booking an encounter would do it...still hasn't added 1+1 yet But here's his disguise so the media won't recognize him LOL RG
  2. The photos stolen (yes stolen, exact ones off Kylie's website, not similar to hers, they are hers) are on this "lady's" website BTW I've met Kylie, and I've seen her photos, so I know they are of her I'll contact Kylie to let her know, but the voice of CERB while loud doesn't I don't believe reach to Great Britain or Europe. Not to mention this was stealing from one website to another, not one CERbite stealing another's CERBite's photos (and the thief isn't on CERB), hence why she (and me) didn't report it RG
  3. The ethics, or lack of them that some ladies must have gets to be a piss off sometimes. This one can't be reported since the thief of the lady's photos is in Britain/Europe. But some "lady" overseas stole Kylie Daniels' photos from her website. Before the counter argument comes in, how do I know they are Kylie's photos, yes I have seen her website, but second, I have met Kylie twice...Kylie is the person in those pictures. I'll link the offending website. Compare the photos there to Kylie's http://www.oriane-escort-vip.com/qui-suis-je-ang.html And forewarn anyone that if they are travelling to Great Britain or Europe, this "lady" has stolen photos and is IMHO bait and switch. Most ladies when advertising represent themselves. They invest in time, money, thought and energy to present themselves as a woman that has something special and unique to offer a man in the ways of companionship. But those who plagiarise, or steal photos, they just are looking to make a quick buck on the efforts of those ladies who are true professional. It sucks for the professional ladies and for prospective clients A rambling RG
  4. http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/sex-and-back-pain-university-of-waterloo-study-suggests-best-positions-to-spare-your-spine-1.2761157
  5. While quite happy with my Dakota parka, I wish I still had my parka from my days in the Armed Forces (circa late 1970's) mind you it wouldn't fit now LOL...their gear is damned warm on a cold day Something else I used for a few winters (but I don't think it would work on a really cold bitter winter day) and it kept me warm was a Bass Pro Shops 100 MPH Rain Jacket. It's Gore Tex, blocked the wind and when worn over layers was warm on a moderate cold winter day...on a bitter cold winter day never tried it http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-100MPH-GORETEX-Light-Jackets-for-Men/product/10210258/ Just thrown out there RG
  6. Wild sockeye salmon filets. Butter the inside of a sheet of aluminum foil, put the fillets on the foil. Sprinkle with dill and pepper, put slices of lemon and lime on top, and a bit of butter. Wrap the foil up and put in a 350 degree oven for 8 minutes. Serve with sauted mix medley of vegetables Washed down with water RG
  7. Back in my much younger (pre lifestyle days) when I was dating. I broke up with a girl (ok, she broke up with me) and I wanted us back. A friend at the time gave me some good advice which served me (I think) well. He used the analogy that a relationship is like a glass of milk. But if vinegar is poured in the glass the milk curdles. And even if all the vinegar could be separated from the milk, the milk is still spoiled. He said a break up, no matter who does it is like vinegar in milk (I know, funny analogy but these farmers, my friend was a farmer btw, come up with some good ones) and once you break up, move on. It's not a shrug your shoulders cavalier attitude. But it's having an acceptance of what has happened, and you need to move forward, not try to hang on to something that either wasn't there, or is no longer there And I think the same holds true if a companion or gentleman choose not to see a lgentleman or lady. Best just to move on. The SP/Client relationship you want or had is not there anymore, or ever was there. There are other ladies and gentlemen out there...move forward Only came to me because my friend just phoned and we had a good chat and I recall his advice A rambling RG
  8. Just watched (for the first time, honest) The Beguiled, with Clint Eastwood He may be a tough guy, but in a houseful of women and girls, well it was the death of him...literally LOL RG
  9. One thing, I mentioned a Dakota parka at Mark's Work Wearhouse. Don't look in the Men's section (or ladies section if you're a woman) for it. Look in their workwear section. It carries clothes designed for people who have to work outdoors, even in winter, and that's the section I picked my parka up Good Luck RG
  10. I like Gabriella because I am one of her virtual husbands and wifey told me I had to say so LOL...seriously, Gabriella is a valued member of the CERB community, with insightful and fun posts. Oh and a wonderful companion too ;-) RG
  11. I like mrnice2 because he is well....nice. And a positive member of the CERB community. Although he is wrong about me being Joe Weider...still closer to an overweight John Malkovich LOL RG
  12. Got a lot of spam email today for some reason. More than the odd one or two. Instead of just deleting it though, added the email addresses to my Blocked Senders List What a pain in the a$$, but at least they can't contact me (well from that email address) again RG
  13. I'm not so sure about that. For me advertising lets me know about ladies I have yet to meet. I may not be able to see them right away but if I'm interested I'll keep her name in the back of my mind. But if it is a lady I've seen and like, future ads aren't needed for me to see her again. But her regular advertising may attract new clients. So ladies may get regular business from their regulars, but continue to advertise not because they are getting less business, but because they are also seeking new clients RG
  14. Portobello Mushrooms with feta and chopped tomato Washed down with a big glass of water Blueberries and cream for desert...washed down with a second big glass of water RG
  15. As part of my regime I added 15 minutes to the exercise bike (total 45 minutes), upped the weights and reps and started doing push-ups, sit-ups and crunches...guess it's good I still feel motivated and pumped about this RG
  16. I came close to buying last year but I ended up at Mark's Work Wearhouse and bought a parka there. For $250.00 I got a Dakota winter parka which kept me toasty warm...and last year was a bitter f*ckin cold winter. Canada Goose I think is good quality and warm, but also pricey. If you want Canada Goose because of the brand, go for it If you're looking for good quality winter parkas, Mark's carries them, a lot less expensive too A rambling RG
  17. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/prostitution-bill-male-escort-among-witnesses-as-senate-begins-review-1.2755508
  18. Lets not forget Fusili Jerry and that it took the Assman to get it out A Seinfeld episode for every occasion LOL RG
  19. solid, gel is too wet just my opinion An evening of hugging, kissing, caressing and cuddling and conversation...but no sex or just sex (cfs, one SOG) and nothing else (no kissing, hugging lying in bed together etc) RG
  20. One more thing, often ladies have a blue ribbon on there websites (I tried posting the image only, it didn't post) Here's the link with the blue ribbon image http://missy-mariposa.com/reference.htm Ladies that have that on their websites are happy to be reference providers to good clients Another rambling RG
  21. I can't see if I were declined for a date that I would at that point even want a date with that lady. Not a bash against anyone . I like a GFE, which for me is more than a menu, it involves a connection/chemistry...granted one that develops over time, but starts with the email exchanges. How can you have a GFE with a lady that right at the outset doesn't want to see you. There is a "relationship" aspect to a GFE one that couldn't exist if one of the parties doesn't want to be there This holds true with a first encounter, or with an lady you have seen multiple times. And personally, just my opinion, encounters have to be mutually beneficial, you the client must want to see the lady and the lady wants to see you. If one person, lady or gentlemen doesn't want to see the other, move on. There is no chemistry. I know for me if I was declined for a date or didn't want to see a lady for a date, the chemistry is gone (or never was there) and nothing brings it back. There are many SP's and Clients. If one declines you just move on, don't look back A morning rambling over coffee number two RG
  22. Happy Birthday mistert Enjoy your special day RG
  23. Definitely, that's why I said to contact the lady you are asking to give you a reference. She won't be contacted out of the blue about you, and (yes, you'll know if she'll provide a reference for you too ;-) ) And one thing to remember about this lifestyle. It is poly amorous. We all know everyone sees others, be it clients seeing other ladies, and ladies see other clients. Don't worry if the lady knows you see other ladies, she expects you to see other ladies A rambling RG
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