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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I think a lady would be happy to provide you with a reference (I assume you are a good client ;-) ) and not get tired of doing so. It isn't just for you that a lady provides a reference. It is done by ladies to keep other ladies safe and vice versa. Ladies want to be safe. And they will be happy to do so because you are a client willing to be screened, a sign of being a good client. It won't annoy the lady being asked, because she may also require a reference for new clients for herself from other ladies. They do this to be safe, and ladies want each other to be safe. The only reference etiquette is to contact the lady you wish to use as a reference before you use her as a reference. That way the lady isn't contacted out of the blue by another lady about you, she will expect to be contacted. In short, don't worry about contacting a lady you have seen to be a reference. She will likely be very happy to do so if you were a good client A morning rambling RG
  2. Ewwwwww Yuck But eels don't have claws, gerbils do LOL http://www.theawl.com/2012/11/a-complete-history-of-gerbiling-so-far This makes using a strap on seem pretty tame RG
  3. A lady won't reduce her fees because you have tough times. Instead they'll see a client who can afford her rate. If she sees you at a reduced rate because you are going through tough times then her income gets reduced and she may go through tough times And if she makes an exception for you, she'd have to make an exception for everyone Either stop partaking in this lifestyle if you can't afford it or save up money, and reduce the number of times a year you see ladies A rambling RG
  4. This year, thus far. And all ladies I saw are mentioned because all ladies are Great Companions A lady I kinda have a soft spot for, Emily Rushton. I've seen her three times so far this year. In Jan, June and a weekend sleepover in July. Thanks Emily for all the Magical Memories Then I also reconnected with Kylie Daniels. If you like her posts and her pictures, you'll love her in person. Kylie is a wonderful companion, and I had a great second date with her. And I finally met Victoria Jolie. Our first time together yet she made it seem like we had known each other for a long time. My encounter with VJ exceeded all expectations. My recos of these ladies can be found on CERB. For Emily, I have seen her in Toronto, Kingston, London and Niagara Falls. And for Kylie and Victoria, I saw them in Toronto A fond rambling recollection of 2014 RG
  5. Personally I've seen ladies mid twenties to fifties. But I am more comfortable with ladies in their thirties and up. I find I have more things in common we can talk about. Things a fifty three year old man couldn't talk about with someone twenty years old and vice versa And a teenager, eighteen, nineteen years old, no way....may be legal but absolutely too young for me. Anyhow, that's my comfort zone age wise in seeing ladies A rambling RG
  6. First there may be a reasonable explanation, and she hasn't been able to get in touch yet. A broken or lost cell phone which hasn't been replaced yet may be a reason, and she has your contact info in there. Maybe she did think things were going too fast as Cato suggests. As for phone call frequency people are different. One girl I dated wanted calls every day, another just once a week. Maybe she thought the frequency was too much especially after being single and unattached (I'm assuming you met a single unattached women) Give her a week, let her get a hold of you. If she doesn't, then it wasn't meant to be, if she does, the reason she stood you up may be perfectly innocent. RG
  7. Maybe something came up and she couldn't make the date. Give her a call next week and find out if she's OK and if she wants to go out. Maybe between now and then she'll call you Being taken for a ride. You've had a few dates. Dates don't necessarily imply long term commitment. Unless you loaned her a large sum of money or something like that even if she no longer wants to see you, that can hardly be construed as being taken for a ride...the early stages of dating don't come with commitments of being together for life. And if she doesn't want to continue dating, then she really wasn't the right one, and better to find that out now instead of a few years into a serious relationship A rambling RG
  8. Well I'm single and glad I stayed this way...couldn't see myself married or in a relationship now Maybe if I met the right woman I would say different but never met the right woman Only thing, if I had known how the dating game was going to turn out for me, I would have started in this lifestyle a lot sooner than I did and forgot dating A rambling RG
  9. He'll find out ladies have condom shock too....anyone who refuses to wear a condom shocks them so much that date declined, and maybe name put on the bad date list RG
  10. Happy Birthday Chantal Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  11. It's a sad world and there are those who do steal, even from a church. The church has to protect itself. Until you are known to someone you are a stranger and do you trust strangers? Probably not. But you expect them to trust you. As for the two staff working at the church, they are there to do their jobs, not to watch over you Finally there may also be insurance concerns. What if you got injured in the church (slipped, fell etc) They could be opening up the church to a lawsuit. So long and short, yes they should have asked you to leave. It wasn't being rude, it was being prudent My opinion RG
  12. Happy Birthday Nicolette Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  13. Well a couple. I hate being away from home but had to be Wed/Thurs for a doctors appointment that was out of town First highlight, my final (I hope) doctor's appointment went well...a long, almost year of hoops I've jumped through almost over now Second, slept last night in my own bed Third, went to the "Y" this morning, door unlocked fifteen minutes early, got started early and finished early...and I had the place to myself for 45 minutes RG
  14. Well I don't have a spouse, a SO or date in the civilian world But as I have said (and others too) everyone's sexual health is their own responsibility. I can't be responsible for everyone else's sexual health. Likewise other's can't be responsible for my sexual health. Testing is done to ensure I don't have any STDs/STIs and if I do (touch wood I never will LOL) to get them treated. When ladies get tested it is done to ensure they don't have any STDs/STIs and if they do, to get them treated. Now because I know who I've seen I would let any lady I've seen know if I tested for an STD/STI. Not because I'm obligated too, because I choose to. I also do not expect any lady to tell me her test results. As long as we as adults take responsibility for ourselves in this lifestyle, we should be fine No one should count on others in this lifestyle to take responsibility for your own health. Likewise others shouldn't count on you for their sexual health That is the assumed risk in a polyamorous lifestyle that all participants take A morning rambling RG
  15. Tomato and cucumber salad with chopped cheddar cheese Homemade oil/vinegar dressing Washed down with water For desert, fresh blueberries with cream RG
  16. I don't think communication, conversation is frowned upon during an encounter. But it is part of the encounter not something done prior to an encounter off the books. I book longer encounters (3-4 hours) and a lot of that time is spent in conversation over drinks. Or maybe even dinner first. But I pay the full donation for the time, not looking for any reduced rate for the time spent in a living room, or restaurant or whatever/wherever But as Brad says, some email communication is ok. But a steady stream of emails just to flirt with a lady, and no sign of booking an encounter is not welcome by a lady. And if you want to meet prior to an encounter to see if there is chemistry, understand a fee is likely to be charged by the lady But isn't that part of the excitement of a first encounter, meeting a stranger knowing you will be intimate with her A rambling RG
  17. For me once every two months. I get it done at the lab at my doctors office. I need to get my blood tested (test prescription drug levels) once every two months for other health reasons. At the same time I get tested for STD/STI...and every time I fail, I don't have STD's/STI's :-) If I'm already at the lab, get it done. If the results came back positive that I do have a STD/STI then I would get it treated immediately. And while I do believe that everyone's sexual health is their own responsibility, and testing is done for your own health, I know who all my partners going right back to my first encounter in this lifestyle in July 2010 were and are...and I would advise them if I did test positive. But I emphasize not because I'm obligated to, because I choose to Anyhow, a rambling RG
  18. Reco means recommendation To find out about services look at profiles of ladies that interest you. Often there are links on their profiles to their websites and that will tell what is offered And I'm not sure what you mean by bb...but if by bb you mean looking for bbfs a BIG no no here, and against Cerb rules to ask for or advertise RG
  19. Congratulations on 6000 posts PP Look forward to your next 6000 contributions RG
  20. If a lady said she does not want to see me, I wouldn't be angry. I would just move on. Getting possessive and clingy in this lifestyle is not a healthy thing...leads to jealousy, and maybe worse behaviours. Guys who see a lady and choose not to see her again wouldn't appreciate if that lady continually contacted him about second, third...well you get the idea, encounters. Same holds true here, ladies don't appreciate unwanted continual contacts with a man they don't want to see And who would really want an encounter with a lady who doesn't want to see him. Sounds unpleasant for everyone, and a date the lady rightfully so, would dread A rambling RG
  21. Back from day 2 at the "Y"...counting walking there and back, exercised for an hour and half...my arms hurt, but its a good hurt RG
  22. So that's what BJ stands for...Bon Jovi LOL RG
  23. He isn't interested in research. Read the first line of his post (copied/pasted) I'm sure many of you have read about the possibility of getting various social diseases by participating in BBBJ. I know that I have also. It hasn't stopped me yet, but I do worry. It sounds like he knows the risks, he's read about them (his words) But his thread seems more about how others handle the risks and worries I just find it strange, to be so worried as he claims to be, about bbbj, yet still continue to practice it. If this lifestyle or a certain activity in this lifestyle worried me, it's simple, just stop. Don't carry on while claiming to be worried Not sure if he is a troll or looking for input. I just find it strange he partakes in something that worries him RG
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