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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I was on one Government course, got the certificate, suitable for framing until I saw it Just my first name and first letter of my last name Sort of like Roaming G. But then again, when I was in the Canadian Forces my identity disc (dog tag) had me down as RC (Roman Catholic) when I was officially United Church. And after my tour in Germany with 3RCR was given a certificate, Served Pro Patria...only my rank was wrong and they spelled my name wrong Anyhow... RG
  2. Got a call from work (well former work today) from a former co-worker. She told me there is a retirement recognition program that the Public Service has. I get a couple certificates, one from the department I worked for, one from the Public Service and a gift from a selection of gifts...all the gifts useless to me. After seeing the gifts I wish I was just forgotten and not recognized LOL...oh wait, I think I am, still waiting for my first pension cheque, what I really need RG
  3. Speaking of the creeps, on my internet homepage today http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/justin-bieber-faces-assault-dangerous-driving-charges-in-ontario-1.2753194 Obviously CBC gives a shit or they wouldn't have written this "story" Still can't figure out if Bieber is a boy trying to be a girl or a girl trying to be a boy or....who gives a shit LOL RG
  4. How do I feel. First and foremost I respect the lady's boundaries. That said I do have preferences. I partake in this poly amorous lifestyle knowing there are risks. But if disease is truly a worry for you (I assume you are talking STDs/STI's) this is not the lifestyle to partake in. Even condoms and dental dams are risk reduction, not risk elimination. The only true risk elimination is celibacy or masturbation (and no sexual partners) The second least risky is an exclusive monogamous relationship. But I am vexed by your post, you partake in activities that worry you? The SP is the one at most risk in bbbj If it worries you so much, stop. But my guess, seeing as you are continuing to get bbbj's and don't want cbj's, your really not that worried But you should get tested regularly for STD/STI's while partaking in this lifestyle, well while sexually active RG
  5. Back from my first workout at the Y...feel good, tired, but good And opened up CERB and saw that Emily Rushton has new photos for us in her portfolio...thanks Emily RG
  6. hmmm harder than you think since cakes (and other fattening things) are going to be the death of me LOL...obviously cake although my health regime starts tomorrow and cake is out Seeing as tomorrow is Sept 1 and considered the end of summer, which do you prefer, Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall RG
  7. Only because my membership starts at the gym tomorrow :-) Olivia Newton-John Physical RG
  8. Couple ladies I have yet to meet, but there is a certain comfort and enjoyment in meeting a certain regular lady. The excitement isn't the surprise in meeting someone new. The excitement is in meeting a lady and friend after a period of time not seeing her. There are just things shared between us that can't be shared with someone you don't know. A certain magic comes from having shared memories As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder LOL A rambling RG
  9. My reason to refer to the negotiating thread is because first, there is going to be overlap between bartering and negotiating, and some points in that thread would be appropriate to consider in bartering. And second, Summer posted (copied/pasted) I believe this discussion was brought up before and mod would not approve it Which was in reference to negotiating. I stated that the lady determines her rate, and it is up to her to determine if bartering is an acceptable form of payment. If a client/prospective client brings it up, then it starts reeking, IMHO of negotiating. I didn't say no to bartering, just it should be up to the lady to suggest it as an option, and there are risks to a mutually beneficial arrangement of barter (an encounter versus reciprocal services) Just my opinion RG
  10. Encounters with an Enchanting Lady Make For A Memorable Escape RG
  11. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-fundraising-runs-into-roadblock-in-quebec-1.2749721
  12. And no discount would be needed to get my attention...I thoroughly enjoyed our past date VJ. It was even better than expected (and I expected a great encounter) and a memorable date Thanks Victoria RG
  13. Just to throw out for discussion, and just my opinion, but a birthday special presupposes an existing SP/Client relationship. Not something done with a lady who is a stranger to you. Now lets say a lady offers a birthday special, be it discount, birthday cake present whatever, would you, the client, provide something to the lady on her birthday? Shouldn't the giving of something on a birthday be a two way street. Guess what I'm saying, if you as a client expect a birthday special from a companion, maybe you should reciprocate and give the lady something extra when it's her birthday A rambling RG
  14. Cooking dinner, spaghetti carbonarra (spaghetti with eggs, cheese, bacon, cream and butter) While not good for you, its good My second last bad meal before Monday and my regime (fitness and diet) RG
  15. I would answer but wouldn't that mean I give a shit LOL RG :-)
  16. A friendship with a certain special lady that kept a smile on my face when I was entitled to feel down My cat waking up to wake me up so we will go out to the living room and he can go back to sleep The smell and taste of that first morning cup of coffee Going back on CERB and read recommendations I wrote of past encounters Just a few things that keep me smiling RG :-)
  17. You shouldn't approach seeing a SP on your birthday as a chance to get a "birthday special" Instead, especially if you have a lady you see regularly, you might want to spend a day or evening out with a lady to share your birthday with her...but because you know and like her and that her company would make your birthday special But a call out on CERB makes me think your looking for a birthday discount...don't be surprised if you get no ladies "jumping" at the chance, they could spend the time better with a client who pays the full donation Just my opinion RG
  18. I would just add to MightyPen's comment that since it is the lady who determines what her rate is, it is up to her to offer bartering as an option for paying the donation. It isn't up to a client/prospective client to offer to pay via bartering, it reeks of negotiating. And most ladies have it in their websites no negotiating. It would be tricky to, pardon the pun, negotiate a bartering arrangement where both parties have a mutually benefited. The simplest thing is to pay the lady's rate. If the lady needs a certain service she has the money from paid encounters to pay for the service. My barter arrangement then would be I'll provide you with X amount of dollars for Y amount of your time LOL A rambling RG
  19. It was the day for annual inspection of apartments by the fire dept. Got up early, had to stay inside waiting for them, to come sometime between 8am to 5pm. Just came, not even a 2 minute inspection...I've been waiting all day for not even a 2 minute inspection. And the only complaint, my bed is up against the wall where the baseboard heater is. Normally it makes sense but in my bedroom, even in winter, I don't have the heater going. So f*ck, this weekend I have to rearrange my bedroom, and the bed is a bitch to move. Fire department never had an issue with the bed there before, why now I don't know RG :-(
  20. Did you ever think if you dated a Kardashian and things "progressed" and you think you're going to get lucky and as you remove your clothes she removes hers, but removal of her clothes means she becomes a Cardassian? Better stop, that image scares me, plus people might think I give a shit Well frankly a lot of us here must give a shit about not giving a shit or we wouldn't have read and/or posted in the Who Gives A Shit List thread. Really if we didn't give a shit would we even be here. Oh the more I think about it...... Who would of thunk it about so simple a topic Maybe there's a rerun of the Royal Wedding, one of them, on tv somewhere because I just don't give a shit anymore LOL RG
  21. Here is the thread on negotiating...overall a very heated discussion with most against it http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=141558&highlight=negotiating RG
  22. The unfortunate thing is ladies are often forced to keep their period private (mind you I stand by the adage everyone's sexual health is their own business). How many clients would cancel on a lady after booking a date, and thus deprive her of income (this is after all her livelihood) if he learned it was her time of the month Now not all ladies do this, but often on a lady's website it says, words to the effect "money is for time and companionship only, what happens is between two consenting adults" and some ladies do not even have any menu of any sort. So to me, just with that, there is no guarantee of anything in an encounter. Personally, if a lady told me she is having her period (and no, not obliged to do so) I'm open to other activities. An evening lying in bed (btw I have done this, and just because the encounter unfolded that way, not because it was the lady's time of the month) kissing, caressing, conversation and of course, snuggles:-) It was a very enjoyable, pleasurable and a memorable encounter. I guess my point is, if clients could be open to a date unfolding differently than planned, they might just find other activities equally enjoyable. But probably it's the worry a client isn't open to other activities because life happened that prevents ladies from disclosing (again I emphasize she isn't obligated to disclose) I look forward to my dates, and however they unfold is how they unfold. No preplanned scripts for this guy. But that's just my opinion A rambling RG
  23. Well except for Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and the Royal Baby...but for reasons only a certain lady here on CERB and I know ;-) RG
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