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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Now you have me confused LOL RG :-)
  2. You can go to the upper right hand corner of each tab you don't give a fuck about, click on menu, and can delete it off your msn homepage. My msn homepage has cbc newsworld, today on msn and the weather. All the stuff I don't give a shit about has been deleted off, because, well I don't give a shit about it LOL RG
  3. I'd reply but doesn't that mean I give a shit about not giving a shit LOL RG :-)
  4. Well when I started it averaged one date a month. Because of personal circumstances in my life it is reduced to a date once every few months My days of disappointing encounters is long gone though. While many guys use recommendations as a guide on who to see, what I found works for me is when a lady I trust and respect endorses (if that's the right word) another lady. Also, I repeat with ladies I have seen and have a good time with, which all but eliminates disappointing encounter. I've found one trick to avoid a disappointing date...stick with the ladies from CERB. All my bad dates were from CL, Er*s, and other sites. The ladies on CERB have a board presence, profile, recommendations (sometimes) and so on. Anyhow, a rambling RG
  5. Got my medal and certificate back from the framing shop. It looks even better than I expected. Professionally framed looks so much better than do it yourself with a dime store frame My retirement gift to myself RG
  6. Glad you had a good encounter and I read your recommendation, a good first recommendation :-) RG
  7. When I become dictator for life I will abolish C36, string up pimps and human traffickers, and McKay and Harper will be double bunked in prison just because RG
  8. Hmmm she didn't mind being asked for a menu (this is my humorous side, not serious side) And the last time a menu was involved in an encounter I had was at the steakhouse where a lady and I had a dinnerdate as part of a sleepover...I ordered the prime rib btw. The best part of the dinner, the company. But I digress Seriously though, and I learned in my newbie days from a lady who was very understanding of my newbiness, well there is no need to discuss a menu. Even with a lady who has a menu. Ladies that don't have a menu don't advertise one for a reason, and won't discuss how an encounter will unfold prior to a encounter. As for those ladies who do have a menu, well you don't need to ask because you already know what menu items she offers. Encounters in my experience unfold naturally, and not as the result of a pre written emailed script...and what happens may not be what you expected, but more often than not, at least in my experience, is better than what was expected A rambling RG
  9. Very catchy original unique ad titles...they draw the reader to the ad They set the tone for the rest of the ad and tell the reader who is the lady writing Some are so unique the title is almost synonymous with the lady's name...you can just see the ad title and know without looking any further who wrote it A lady's writings should reflect who she is And when the lady includes a photo from her album in her ad post that just adds (pardon the pun) to the ad A rambling RG
  10. Touch first and foremost but sight a close second...like 51 to 49 if it came down to just two senses But, at least for me, the emotional connection while not a sense per se, is very important. Just thinking, cuddling, one of the most enjoyable comforting activities that two people can do. Cuddling involves touch, but it's something to do with your eyes open...but when you cuddle/snuggle with someone you have a connection with, it becomes a very intimate activity. Mind you any sexual activity with someone you have a connection with is far more intimate...but that's JMHO BTW and JMHO you can have a encounter that is cuddling only (including kissing) and it is a most intimate activity, every bit as those encounters that are sexual. A rambling from a guy who likes amongst other things, cuddling RG
  11. Ignorant people blocking doors...leaving the grocery store today, the exit door doesn't slide, it swings outwards into the outer foyer. Well first, WTF do they post posters right by the wall that the door swings out to. But second, there was a old lady looking at the poster, but positioned so that if I exited the door would hit her. She was completely oblivious to anything but the poster. She should have been a little more aware of her surroundings and realized other people are entering and exiting the grocery store and the earth doesn't revolve around her Finally, she moved after I pounded on the glass and she looked around RG
  12. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/peter-mackay-s-justice-roundtables-didn-t-set-a-place-for-sex-workers-1.2747403
  13. Good luck to you in your future. Wishing you all the best in your new relationship RG
  14. Isn't asking a lady prior to scheduling an encounter if she is having her period about the same as asking all ladies prior to scheduling an encounter are you drug and disease free. BTW I'm not for one minute suggesting either question should be asked A quick off the cuff rambling, just came to me RG
  15. For CERB Goddess Of The Day today I once again have to nominate Emily Rushton. Emily as you may all know, has made many contributions to this board. She is a cornerstone of the CERB community and a valued member here. Just her presence on CERB and her contributions is enough reason to nominate her as CERB Goddess Of The Day Emily is also, well to put it mildly, a wonderful companion, down to earth, a sense of humour, beautiful, classy and so much more ;-) She respects the gentlemen she sees as much they respect her. Just look at the recommendation threads, she has a lot of admirers (me being one of them) She also doesn't take her clients for granted. You may notice after she tours a city, she writes a thank you post on CERB. Not to get clients. After all her tour is over. But to show appreciation to those gentlemen who made her tour a success. That shows class, and manners, the true signs of a lady But my reason for nominating Emily today is more personal. Life, ok more accurately family, threw me a curve, a devastating curve. One which put me in a dark tunnel (sorry for metaphors here) I'm still in that tunnel, but some light is at the end now. Although some serious damage has been done. (close to estranged from family now) But Emily has been there, managing to keep my spirits up, when things were down. She is more a friend, than my family is family This accurately reflects my sentiments towards Emily And Emily as you might gather, is the person who kept my spirits up, and kept a smile on my face Emily, you are a bright light, and I consider myself a very lucky man for having met you. And you certainly deserve, in my opinion, to get nominated (ok for the fourth time by me ;-) ) for CERB Goddess Of The Day Here is Emily's profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=22822 And Emily's website http://www.emilyrushton.com/ Although Thank You doesn't quite cover it, Thank You Again Emily RG
  16. Well I posted in the "Things That Suck" thread that my microwave died Then in "The Last Thing You Purchased" I posted I bought a new microwave The Highlight of the Day. I got my microwave unpacked, and it's small enough to sit on top of the fridge instead of taking up counter space (I have very limited counter space in my kitchen, and it was the only spot my old microwave could sit). So I now have a kitchen with ALOT!!! :-) of counter space, not to mention a new microwave too RG
  17. This lifestyle has a certain degree of risk. But as has been said before, everyone's sexual health is their own business. When you are intimate with someone in a poly amorous lifestyle, which this is, it is accepted that a risk exists. If a client chooses to proceed with an encounter with a lady, any lady, he is accepting a certain degree of risk. Likewise a lady, if she agrees to see a client, accepts a certain degree of risk too The argument of health risk here is a red herring. Each and every time a SP/Client engage in an encounter, irrespective of what menu items are performed, has a potential risk. Condoms and dental dams are risk reduction, not risk elimination. If a client truly, and truly believes in the risk of performing daty, simple solution, don't. Likewise, in the same vein, then show the same courtesy to a lady, and never ask for a bbbj. But really, if risk of STD/STI is a real concern, notwithstanding using condoms/dental dams, then perhaps one should re-think his/her participation in this lifestyle. Safer options are out there. Like an exclusive monogamous relationship with one partner. A partner who is willing to share her cycle with you. Or, and not being glib, masturbation This lifestyle is about risk/rewards. The risks, well for both lady and gentleman, STD/STI, being ripped off, assaults...well the bad side of this lifestyle has been discussed elsewhere on CERB. The rewards. For the ladies, a source of income, a livelihood for them. For the gentlemen, an escape, pleasure, companionship. So if you want to stay absolutely risk free, this isn't the lifestyle for it But if you want to reduce your risks, choose not to perform certain acts, or use dental dams But a lady, while it would be nice if she did let a client know, is under no obligation to let a client know her sexual health...because her sexual health, as is everyone's, ladies and gentlemen alike, is private and her own responsibility A rambling RG
  18. Ladies, the next time you get a man sending you a photo of his penis, send him this card right back, and deny his request for a date Oh, and then block his number and email so he doesn't call back Morning smile :-) RG
  19. My microwave just bit the dust. Screen still shows time display and stuff, but hit the Start button, nothing...time for a new microwave At least no problem getting rid of it, we have a dumpster including pick up for hazardous waste in our apartment, microwave already been to the trash area Damn, eating the muffin cold...well room temp LOL RG
  20. Well reading, OK continuing to read the thread, I'm rethinking my opinion. It would be nice for a lady to mention if it was that time of the month to a client. And not prior to an encounter, for him to decide whether to show or not to show. But when the encounter begins, so he can decide if he would like to perform daty as part of the date. But that said, everyone's sexual health is their own business A lady isn't compelled to answer if she has a STD/STI A man isn't compelled to answer if he has a STD/STI So why should a lady be compelled to tell prior to an encounter if it's that time of the month. She shouldn't There are protections out there to reduce risk be it condoms, dental dams etc. If a man wishes to perform daty use a dental dam Now I did say it would be nice if she did tell, but she shouldn't feel forced to do so On a related note, just as a lady shouldn't be compelled to disclosed, neither should a man. I had an encounter with a lady in Ottawa a few years ago. Well in the course of grooming myself down there the day before the date, I cut (well nicked more accurately) myself shaving, at the base of my penis. Even with a condom, a risk of blood exchange, no matter how minute, could possibly happen. I could have said nothing and gone forward with a normal encounter. Or cancelled, denying the lady income for a period of time she set aside for me. Or number three, which is what I did, tell her, and have an encounter that did not include fs or bj, but that didn't mean we didn't have a fulfilling enjoyable encounter So what is my point of this. No one is required to reveal their sexual health to anyone else, it's their own business. Second, that said, it would be nice to disclose something that may be of concern to their partner. Not obliged to do so, but it would be nice. Third, if there is something of concern, that doesn't mean IMO cancelling the date...it just means the date unfolds differently than expected...and different doesn't mean worse, sometimes different can be equally enjoyable. Finally encounters are about two adults engaging in intimate activities. Part of that is an expectation that everyone is mature, and understands life happens, and can deal maturely with life happening when it throws you a curve. A lady having her period is not the end of the earth. It is a normal fact of life. And both SP/Client can adapt and have an enjoyable memorable encounter if that happens A long winded rambling RG
  21. @ Jabba...I agree with your comments 100 %. What I posted applies equally to husband/wife (or bf/gf, or CL's) My answer was focused more on husbands only because the thread seems focused on husbands in a sexless marriage because their wives choose not to have sex But while one partner has every right not to have sex and to be celibate, she or he does not have the right to impose celibacy on his/her spouse. Like I said, find a sexless marriage, at least one person is seeking sex outside the marriage Thanks RG
  22. Salt & pepper wings with celery and carrot sticks and blue cheese dip Washed down oh tonight, a Becks no alcohol beer Strawberries for desert RG
  23. People who don't have boat ramp etiquette. You don't prep your boat for launching on the ramp (taking off transom tie downs, motor toter, disconnect safety chain and winch strap, put in drain plug etc) That is done away from the ramp. The trailer & boat should be ready to be backed into the water and the boat launched Likewise when getting ready to load your boat after a day of fishing, you get the boat on the trailer and then drive away from the ramp (usually a parking lot) to put the straps and everything else on the boat to safely trailer it. Amazing the number of people I've seen over the years who would spend fifteen/twenty minutes on a ramp while there is a line up of others waiting to launch their boats Second thing...telemarketers nuff said...I don't even answer the phone when the number is one I don't know or is unknown Third thing...spam email again nuff said And fourth...junk mail RG
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