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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well although single, I'll offer a quick comment. Take it for what it's worth. When one enters into a relationship be it bf/gf or CL or marriage, something serious, not casual, something that implies exclusivity and monogamy, there is, or should be an understanding by both the man and woman that part of that relationship includes sexual intimacy. I for one believe that all women, including those in a marriage, are free to decline to have sex. But those women who have the right to choose celibacy for themselves IMHO are not free to impose celibacy on their husband. Put another way, the term cheating is bandied about for those who see other women. But really, how can seeing another woman for sex be cheating when sex is denied at home. What exactly is the man cheating on? If he received sex at home with the woman he completely (sex included) committed to, he wouldn't seek it elsewhere. And a sexless marriage where the woman is denying sex, she also isn't completely committed to the marriage Show me a marriage without sex and I'll show you a marriage where someone is seeking it elsewhere A rambling RG
  2. And in a clothing vein, some new sweatpants, tshirts to wear when I start working out at the "Y" Nothing fashion statement wise for me while working out (mind you I'm not a walking fashion statement anyways)...just plain basic WalMart special sweats and t's. RG
  3. I assume you did find a really good SP. Perhaps she would appreciate it if you wrote a recommendation (in the recommendation forums) of your time together. If she provided an awesome experience, it's a nice way to let her know, and also let other gentlemen know of her RG
  4. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/why-it-s-hard-to-stop-a-peeping-drone-1.2743927
  5. One week left in August. One week from tomorrow and it's September 1 Summer has gone by too fast RG
  6. Just my opinion but chemistry (or connection or whatever term you like) is the most important quality in a SP/Client relationship. It is especially special when the SP/Client relationship develops between the lady and gentleman who see then each other regular basis. Lets be honest, the mechanics, well sex, any two people can have sex. But what makes an encounter special, very special, is when you have sex with someone special, someone who you share a connection with. The mechanics as it is phrased are a compliment to the connection you have with the lady. But when there is chemistry, mechanics are no longer the reason for seeing her. You enjoy her company because of the chemistry. A rambling Hope it makes sense RG
  7. Caesar Salad with chicken with Renees Asiago dressing Washed down with a big bottle of water For desert, toss up, mixed berries or share some Hagen Das with my cat His vote is for the Hagen Das LOL RG :-)
  8. Congratulations Fortunateone on your 3000 post milestone Looking forward to your next 3000 contributions RG
  9. Had a long awaited doctor's appointment today...although the news is personal, only a very special someone also knows, my news was GREAT!!!! I'm happy just because of it. Went to cash in some change at a coinstar machine. Had $169.00 in change...well now bills. It's like found money RG
  10. In the grocery store yesterday...Halloween candy already out for sale WTF!!! RG
  11. Many SPs do require verification including name, phone, email and a reference from a service provider. Now in a case like yours, where you do not have any references, contact the lady you would like to meet, tell her this would be your first time with a companion and you do not have a reference. She will likely have other screening methods available to you since you do not have a reference Now important. Be very open with the lady in your initial email. Give her your real name, phone number, email address and board handle confirmed by pm. She may need under the circumstances your work number, so provide your work number too. You may feel nervous about doing so, but this is normal protocol for seeing companions in this day and age, and is dealt with by ladies with the utmost confidentiality. You have nothing to worry about by revealing this information to a lady. In fact she will very likely appreciate you being open with her instead of evasive Good Luck RG
  12. Any gentleman experienced in this lifestyle understands it's not rudeness, it's just the lady taking precautions for her and her client's safety It's no more rude than a lady employing screening/verification prior to booking an encounter. She wants a date that is safe Or a client being told, if an encounter is an outcall, not to open any wine (or whatever) unless done in front of the lady. The lady employs many things to ensure her safety, it's not rude, it's just prudent. And a gentleman understands that no matter how intimate an encounter is, it is still two strangers meeting to begin with. If they continue to see one another, well trust develops over time, not the first time A client understands (well should understand) that, and understands why the lady provides her own condoms...it's a matter of her health and safety and not a matter of being rude...with a side benefit, the lady also is concerned about the gentleman's health and safety too. A rambling RG
  13. Happy Birthday Mister C Enjoy your special day RG
  14. Funny, when I was younger, my 20's-30s and 40's couldn't grow a good beard, hell not even a bad beard LOL. But it seems now (53), well it's like weeds growing on my face, comes in faster than I can shave them off LOL RG
  15. Well last winter I started a beard...forgot to shave for a few days, and it started coming in. I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. So I sought the advice of a trusted friend. Scared her LOL by sending a face pic of me with the scruffy beard (enough hadn't come in yet to trim/shape, so I looked scruffy) Well long and short, she prefers the clean shaven RG Couple other people said I looked older with a beard...they thought the beard/moustache/soul patch looked good, but aged me So I shaved it off Probably would have had to shave it off anyway, it hadn't fully come in, wasn't soft, and I had two encounters coming up A beard free rambling RG
  16. Maybe I should bring a Magnum along, it's for pleasure seekers after all http://www.magnumicecream.ca/Home.aspx Oh sorry it's not that type of Magnum is it LOL :-) Sorry, couldn't resist RG
  17. Well more a general comment, because Magnums, uh, er, well I have enough inadequacies down there, a magnum would just drop off what little I have to work with , unless tightly duct taped on LOL...or fit over my hand like a latex mitten LOL Anyhow, seriously, the only way a lady can ensure that the condom that is being used is safe for her is if she buys it. She knows if she has an allergy to latex. She can ensure the condoms are stored properly and haven't past the expiration date How does she know if the condom hasn't been carried in the man's wallet or he put a pinhole through it (just saw a Law & Order SVU episode on just that recently) The only way the lady can ensure the condom that goes inside of her is as absolutely safe as possible is for her to buy them herself, and seeing as she will see a variety of men, she should carry a variety of sizes of condoms I would assume when a lady sets her rates some of her rates go into business expenses, be it make up, clothes, etc...oh and condoms too Anyhow, just my viewpoint A rambling RG
  18. Went to the framing shop. Dropped off my medal and the certificate to be custom framed. Don't wear the medal, now that I'm retired, and its better to display it than keep it in a sock drawer Get it next week but I had to pay today, so I guess it makes it the last thing I purchased RG
  19. Could get her a male MA and he could give her this at the end of the session Sorry, couldn't resist...but was always told a credit card and a shopping trip are a lady's idea of a happy ending RG :-)
  20. In my case yes the ladies are beautiful, both in public and private. That they want to be seen in public with ugly old me, well, an old (ok middle aged) man being seen with a young beautiful woman in public isn't depressing, isn't depressing at all. It's uplifting :-) And men may not get PMS, but some of us have various forms of ED (some hit and miss)...never had a lady laugh at me because of it though, and had very many wonderful encounters irrespective Ladies are far more than the sum total of menu items they provide. That some think that's all a lady is about, now that's depressing RG
  21. I can't count the number of breakfast, lunch and dinner encounters I have enjoyed since partaking on this lifestyle...although I do remember a honeymoon dinner with my virtual wife. Also more recently, and I'm still stuffed from it, a lovely dinner at a steakhouse with someone special. Where the best part of the dinner was the company. And the food so good and filling we shared desert and couldn't finish it. Also having drinks at a bar with a lady. Sometimes encounters unfolded with no conventional "menu" items per se, well except kissing, but turned into a snuggle only evening, and every bit as intimate and memorable as dates that were sex only The most amazing part of the social date. Well I have no problem being seen in public with a companion. But these ladies see middle aged bald headed me and are happy to go out in public with me ;-) Anyhow a rambling RG
  22. The girl should be cut A LOT of slack. I know how terrifying, how much of a hurdle, seeing my first SP was. So I can only imagine how terrifying this first time must have been for the lady. To compound her already existing fear with what happened, well it must have been horrible for her. There have been ladies in my early days of this lifestyle who gave me tips and advice on how to be a good client, and in part that's why I'm the client I am today. Clients, especially experienced clients might want to consider when they see a lady new to this lifestyle doing the same. Respectful advice given to someone new from someone experienced is always appreciated. No one's first time is perfect. But now, the memory of her first time is a bad memory, a nightmare. Someone is owed an apology here by the sounds of it, and it doesn't seem it's the OP that's owed one Anyhow a rambling RG
  23. Just thinking of the safety issue reminded me of the Tim Bosma case lured away under guise of a test drive http://globalnews.ca/news/560553/tim-bosma-a-timeline-of-the-police-investigation/ Maybe this could be something similar (not saying it is) They might be scheming something Or not that but want face pics, for what? Some might think the obvious, but what if they are trying to confirm your identity for nefarious purposes. They are asking an awful lot from you...what do you know about them RG
  24. The dynamic in a SP meeting a wife/gf/SO is because usually the man and the SP know one another, or it's the man's idea (often a surprise) for his wife/gf/SO to partake with him in a threesome. Some men think their fantasy is also their SO's fantasy In this case it sounds like a couple are approaching Il Re together as one client, not one client approaching him about a threesome with his/her SO The logic of seeing a professional, be it MA/MP/SP before an encounter to see if you have chemistry to have an encounter is all well and fine. But compensate the MA/MP/SP for his/her time for that meeting. BTW that logic of seeing a professional before an encounter really then should apply to ALL prospective dates then, not just couples massages, menage a trois etc...all dates. Because all dates to be good require chemistry That couple that contacted Il Re, my advice to them, the best way to see if you have chemistry, book with him. Be it in this case or any type of encounter MA/MP/or SP, there is an element of unknown on your first date It's part of the excitement of seeing a professional My two cents A rambling RG
  25. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/lawsuit-against-bell-over-expiry-of-prepaid-plans-gets-green-light-1.2739544
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