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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I do think informing the client ahead of time is fair, to let him know it is "that time of the month" He will respect you for letting him know and can make an informed decision as to whether postpone the date or have the date And for some guys, well I'll speak for myself, an encounter is not about the sum total of sexual menu items to engage in in a set period of time. It is about connecting with a lady, especially if the lady is a regular. Maybe some sexual activities get restricted, but you can engage in some others. An evening of kissing, cuddling, snuggles can be very intimate and romantic and I've had pleasurable and memorable encounters that involved snuggles only with a special lady (btw that's just how our date unfolded, not saying she had to have it unfold that way) Think of it this way. Well I like a GFE. JMO but the best GFE happens when you do your best to offer a BFE in return (in short be a gentleman) Well how many guys here have/had girlfriends...were they physically able for sex 24/7 365 days or did their gf's have "that time of the month" too So consider it just another dimension of a GFE (ok sorry about that one bad joke LOL) If a lady lets a gentleman know ahead of time, he can make an informed decision. And the gentleman needs to understand "life happens" And btw, don't always assume letting a guy know equals a cancelled date. You may get a guy who likes you, wants to see you, and enjoys your company for more than the sum total of menu items offered. Just my opinion that's all A rambling RG
  2. Respect the lady's (or gentleman's) boundaries and booking procedures. A client or true prospective client would understand that. Tell them you'd love to be taken out for coffee (or dinner ;-) ) and that your rate for such a social encounter is...well whatever you set If your face is hidden, it's because you have a reason. Tell them if you had face pics to offer they would be in your album for all to see, not just them. How do you know it isn't someone who thinks they might know you in "civilian" life and wants to "out" you. Or is a picture collector. Oh, and a prospective client should know social dates, like dinner dates, are very enjoyable too in their own right, even if you can't eat all the food on the table (sorry, flashbacks to a few weeks ago where the best part of a nice dinner out was the company) Your not way off, their request is unreasonable. Anyhow a few ramblings. RG
  3. Get worried if you didn't have a case of the nerves The day that nerves and excitement leaves me is the day I stop having encounters...then it's become routine and boring I get nervous and excited with building anticipation each and every encounter, and a certain lady I see regularly, well a special excitement for her RG
  4. But is that technology's fault or the user of the technology's fault Everyone has to do what is right for them But for those who cross a busy street with their phone in their face Or have that earpiece "growth" in their ears so they can be wired in 24/7 or.... well you get the idea They let technology control them. Me I'm a controller of the technology I use Just adding to my thoughts, unfortunately on a laptop, using the internet But I wasn't doing it when out for a walk, and my phone didn't go with me on that walk LOL RG
  5. Bad that a man who spent intimate time with a companion would cause her problems by carelessly leaving contact information for his wife to see. The SP didn't sign on for that needless drama And, (not judging any marriage/relationship, only two people know their own relationship) why subject your SO to knowing you see companions. Your reasons for seeing a companion can be very valid, and again, I'm not judging anyone's relationship, but why put your SO in the position of knowing you see other women. That must hurt her So be discrete, delete all history, be it on your phone and computer. The only person who should know you are seeing a professional companion is the companion herself. She wouldn't leave any text or other history for others to find out about you, you should do the same A long winded rambling from a single guy, nothing to risk by being discovered, but gets it RG
  6. The grey skies are gone and no rain. No clouds, blue skies today calling for a high of 22-OK not 30 but still it's better than the weather the past few days RG Awww F*ck I spoke too soon, now it is greying up...lets hope short lived and it turns out sunny tired of rainy fall weather in the middle of August
  7. Well in the strictest sense I don't need a cellphone, nor a laptop. But I choose to own one, not because I have to have one, but because I choose to have one. My cellphone is also my "home" phone. I do not have a landline. So when I share my cell phone number with a lady she knows my "home" phone number. And my phone is not to my ear 24/7...I have a life and am not one of those people who needs to be that connected to my phone. I grew up in an era (1970's) and don't recall seeing line up at pay phones so people could stay in touch. So I don't really understand the need to stay this "in touch" now. We managed without cellphones in the 1970's (and earlier) so (and just my opinion) we can manage without being 24/7 glued to our cellphones now. I do take my cell phone out. When I'm travelling, it is very handy for emergencies. Have a roadside emergency, a great way to call for a towtruck, see an accident, call 911 and so on. And when I'm travelling, to see a lady, well it's a great way for the lady and myself to stay in touch A landline wouldn't allow it As for computers, well I have two reasons for a laptop. One, it was cheaper than a desktop. My laptop cost $400+ and does what I need for my purposes. A corresponding desktop, couple thousand (I thought they were cheaper, nearly had a heart attack) Two it offered portability, I can use it in my living room, my "office" in my kitchen etc while still being hooked up to my wireless internet. A desktop anchors you to one spot in your home. Why pay more for a computer that has less flexibility, again, my opinion. And as for computers be it laptop or desktop, or the internet. Well I don't truly "need" it at all. But a computer/internet opened a wonderful world of companionship (CERB) one I wouldn't have discovered without it And through emails, I get to stay in touch with people who are important to me. Yes you say, without computer/internet I could use conventional mail but back in the old days LOL I wasn't much of a letter or card writer, I would probably would be the same now As for a cell phone, well now it's a smartphone I use. But I grew up in a household with a rotary phone (landline) including at our cottage, a party line, then touch tone phones (I remember when phone jacks were the big thing, you could unplug your phone and move it around the house) then the addition of answering machines, then voicemail. And when you felt screwed over by Bell enough, VOIP type technology. Cell phones for me just an evolution in home phone with more versatility So cellphones and computers, they haven't taken over my life, they have complimented it. A rambling RG
  8. Have to give credit where credit is due...and a classic piece of advice from Sara MQ http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=298018&postcount=3 Even now, still laugh at that one RG
  9. I must sound like a politician, talking out of both sides of my mouth LOL It sucks that August is half over...where has summer gone???... but, it also means September is closer, and my membership at the Y starts September 1. Pumped to start working out, lose this weight RG
  10. boring I know, but I need to take some body measurements starting out and during my fitness regime so..... I bought a sewers tape measure RG
  11. Private communication between a SP/Client is OK and at least for me would be respected. But no need to publicly disclose it I could see where regular clients would like to see a special lady, for some gentlemen it's the overall connection/companionship a lady provides more than individual menu items she offers. Also for some it is the menu the lady offers and a client might feel upset that the lady couldn't offer everything. If he had known he could have reschedule their date It's a matter of mutual respect. The lady respecting the man enough to tell him so he can make arrangements knowingly. And the man respecting the lady to understand "life happens" If that makes sense A rambling RG
  12. Over my second coffee, looking for measurement progress charts (to mark my fitness progress when my membership at the Y starts) on line, surfing CERB, doing some tweeting, and watching the Rifleman RG
  13. It's August 15th, half way through August!!!...where is the summer going RG
  14. In my life I have a circle of acquaintances that I like and call friends. But I have a very small close circle of people, like four, who I can count on, they can count on me, who are trusted close friends. There used to be seven people I trusted, I had their backs, they had mine. There are only four people now. But more to that shortly One of these trusted people happens to be a professional companion One night, actually October 13, 2013 to be exact something happened to me. My family (mother, brother and sister-in-law) did something which they knew would have permanent devastating consequences for me. They had other options, but didn't care. And as a result my life has been turned upside down ever since. Besides having to deal with the mess they made of my life, the worst, that night, for me, well it was as if my family died. My father passed away from cancer last year. I was able to grieve and there was closure. But the rest of my family, family I trusted for a long time (2 all my life, 1 for 30+ years) in one knowing act of betrayal, well all trust broken, and it was as if they died. Except no grieving, no closure, just an open wound that hasn't healed Why mention this. I had to contact this companion right after this happened to reschedule our planned encounter because of what happened. I briefly explained what happened. She contacted me back, not so much worried about the encounter as concerned about me. She was a supportive ear that listened. And don't ask why. Despite an easy going relaxed demeanor, I'm not that open. But I opened up to her. And at a time when things were very dark and bleak, she managed to keep my spirits up and put a smile on my face. But then, about two weeks later she sent me an email, nothing to do with what happened. But it was special, it was moving, still touches me to this very day (and I will forever have it saved). It was a personal email, that a friend would send to a friend. A SP would never send something like it to a client. We have had many shared personal emails since then. Emails friend to friend So..... What do you call someone who you trust without reservation or hesitation What do you call someone who is as open and honest with you as you are with her What do you call someone, who when times were bad (yes really bad) managed to put a smile on your face and brighten your day and make those tough times easier to deal with. And what she did touches my heart to this day and I'll always appreciate and remember it What do you call someone who is more friend to me, than my family is family to me What do you call someone who was and is in my corner. That corner should have been occupied by family if needed, and family should never have put me in that corner to begin with if that makes sense. This lady supported me and is in my corner I call this person a close trusted friend As far as our encounters, friendship emotions (be clear just friends) aside, she never has had to worry about me crossing any boundaries, like asking for free time. True friendship is also about mutual respect. Mutual respect also means that I respect her not just as a friend, but also her livelihood. A livelihood and profession which allows her to pay her bills. But being friends make our encounters all the more special in an undefinable way. So sometimes, circumstances take place where a Treasured Lady is there for a Gentleman she sees. There is no crossing the line by anyone, just the lady and gentleman see each other as more than SP/Client. It makes their encounters closer, more special. But the Gentleman never forgets his friend is a professional companion and her encounters are how she earns a living A rambling. From a Gentleman who has a Very Treasured Friend, who just happens to be a professional companion. And for us, there has been no conflict or confusion between our friendship and her profession Finally, she knows who she is. And I've said it to her before. But again, a Very Appreciative Thank You, I don't know what I would have done at a very dark and bleak time if your support and brightness didn't help me along RG
  15. Lets say while I don't believe in ghosts, neither do I believe ghosts don't exists, I wouldn't be surprised if they did exist, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't exist I however don't believe in honest politicians...they're rarer than ghosts...honest politicians, just a myth RG
  16. Christ, still waiting for my first pension cheque RG
  17. Up wayyyyy too early. My cat decided to get up and felt the need to wake me up too. Now he's had his nibble of kibble, he off to sleep to rest up from his good nights sleep, me, I'm awake. RG
  18. Thinking of doing a FB BBM fishing tournament They tried it down south At the beginning of the video, well the guy who is underwater, well he wasn't just catching a catfish...he was, umm servicing his fishing partner's rod BTW any of that sort of thing in the FB BBM fishing tournament disqualifies you No rods of any sort allowed for anything RG
  19. http://www.cbc.ca/books/2014/08/ian-fleming-the-brain-behind-bond-james-bond.html
  20. roamingguy


    You don't mean this look do you I don't know, this look works for him, but for ladies???...hmmm But he has a lot to learn about apply make up...I mean all over his face and arms Sorry, couldn't resist :-) Signing off for now But I'll be back LOL RG
  21. How do I handle worry...with all the other things to worry about, now I have to be worried about how I handle worry...oh the worries I have to deal with LOL A rambling from a worried RG :-)
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