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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Went for my walk today already...nice sunny day here in smalltown Ontario not too hot, not too cold, just right. Then hit the grocery store, got the ingredients for a spaghetti sauce. Having spaghetti for dinner tonight Next job of the day, make a homemade spaghetti sauce RG
  2. While rearranging my living room, when I pulled out the couch, what did I discover, a dried up coughed up hairball :-( complements of my cat Not something fun to greet you RG
  3. Well been wanting to do this for awhile but it's been too hot. But today cool enough. So I rearranged the furniture in the living room in my apartment. Gives me better airflow inside, and my cat prefers the improved view out the window Took a bit of time to do, now I'm done and relaxing RG
  4. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/justice-department-lawyers-stretched-thin-internal-report-finds-1.2733522
  5. Well here's a start, the Halifax section. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=18 Look for a lady that you might be interested in, contact her, and see if you two might click BTW, and I'm not saying you intended it that way, but some ladies have run into guys who say they are good looking. You may very well be. But still, pay her donation in full. Don't assume your looks entitle you to any discount. And again I emphasize I'm not accusing you of intending to get a discount, consider it more friendly etiquette advice to a newbie Good Luck RG
  6. But it may be enough for the police to start an investigation. And it's more than doing nothing at all, especially considering people seem to be saying no one will really do anything, crimestoppers etc is a lot more than doing nothing Especially if you give the police detailed enough information RG
  7. First call from a pay phone, not a cell or home phone. Two, if you don't want to be a witness, call crimestoppers, give them detailed information (when, where, who, well you get the idea) If anonymity is a concern, it takes very little effort to stay anonymous And the police may like to interview potential witnesses, but only if you come forward as a witness. But if you stay anonymous they can't talk to you RG
  8. The first time I had to provide screening/verification information including a reference to a lady, the lady that was my reference wasn't known to the lady I wanted to see. But she had a website and was a reputable SP, just local to a certain city. And her reference of me was accepted Anyhow, long story short, I got verified, and these two ladies, as fate would have it met, with one saying words to the effect "Your RG's reference"...and the Gods shined on me, as both these Goddesses (long story) agreed to have a ménage a trois with me even though they never had been duo partners before...a very special evening with two very special ladies Anyhow, I digress :-) But a pleasant digression with wonderful memories Now back on track. Here's a link about references, very useful http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=166481&highlight=references A rambling RG
  9. You weren't asking for it...I don't see a problem with Mod. If you had asked for someone providing that service, that would get you in trouble Good of you to ask for advice though, that's doing your thinking with the big head. Good Luck RG
  10. BIG ALARM BELLS should be going off. If she offers it to you, she's likely offered it to others too. Don't ask for it and stay away from those offering it. It is the one service that if asked for on this board will ban you Here is the CERB policy http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_rules Our postition on services offered or seeked out on cerb. CERB neither advocates nor endorses any service advertised or discussed by any provider or any client on this board. We DO NOT allow advertising or discussion that involved unprotected sexual intercourse (BBFS = Bare Back Full Service). Those found advertising this service or seeking this service will be immediately banned from the site without warning. You'll find CERBite's here probably across the board (pardon the pun) against BBFS. If this lady advertises it and is on CERB you should contact Mod. Otherwise, my advice is stay away from her My two cents RG
  11. Well for me I give a lady's safety concerns equal consideration whether her donation is $200, $300, $400 or whatever an hours. I've never noticed a correlation between donation and level of screening A gentleman has equal regards to ALL WOMEN and their safety concerns and screening protocols. Their dollar donation amount doesn't play into their safety concerns at all and what method that lady chooses to use for screening. They choose a method that works for them and helps keep them safe As for what I'll reveal to a lady for screening purposes, whatever she requires. If I don't trust her with that information then I shouldn't be booking an encounter with her...why book an encounter with someone you don't trust Finally, yes a man's privacy a legitimate concern, but a lady's safety is even more a concern. And safety trumps privacy each and every time. If not comfortable revealing personal information to a lady then the man shouldn't contact the lady, hoping to be alone intimately with her My take on it RG
  12. Wait, you mean this isn't a dating site for singles Say it ain't so I just hope my bare finger isn't a concern A ring...really, it's like a "relationship handcuff" LOL RG :-)
  13. Well I have to look at myself in the mirror everyday. And if I saw someone underage I would report, now and post C36. Like has been said, anonymous reporting to the police is possible. All one has to think of any possible consequence I might suffer pales in comparison to what an underage girl is going through But as I added, I see reputable companions, those who are on CERB, board presence, etc, so I'm not likely to run into underage companions. In fact I can't envision a situation where I would run into someone underage. I avoid sites like BP and CL, and definitely street corners. And one C36 passes I will likely stick to ladies I know A morning rambling RG
  14. I'm not counting on people's good sense, never said I was. I'm saying with C36 if a client reports seeing an underage prostitute, he is doing so in spite of the justice system, not because of it. The police however are counting on people's good sense. Anyone coming forward to police, well the police should be very appreciative. Will they be, probably not And for me, if I did see someone underage, I would report it...it can be done anonymously through crimestoppers etc. And LE tools like crimestoppers has worked for years, along with TIP's lines, anonymously calling dispatch etc. If they didn't work, police wouldn't have them. So I don't agree with the diffusion of responsibility argument. But a person coming forward using these resources is not doing it for police, but to help an underaged prostitute who is a victim If you stay anonymous, you run little if any risk of going to jail. Those truly afraid of going to jail after C36 aren't going to be seeing escorts anymore and thus not run into underage prostitutes. But I'm not ever likely to see an underage prostitute. I see reputable companions, those with a website, board handle and board presence well you get the idea RG
  15. Well the place I get my take out (well two places)...not many in small town Ontario LOL I thrown change (talking loonies and toonies here) in a jar that is set on a counter. Now the one place, usually $2.00. The other, a pizzeria/Italian Greek restaurant/takeout. The takeout is right by the kitchen. A pizza place, well with ovens going, literally the kitchen take out section hotter than hell. I put $5.00 in the jar. Working in that hot an environment, you may not think they are doing much, but well I wouldn't work in that hot an environment, no matter what. Actually only once I never tipped. Went for breakfast one morning (I treated, 4 people, approx. $20/person) Waiter was surly slow taking the order, NEVER offered coffee, had to ask, a couple times, and he NEVER brought any. Slow bringing the bill when we were done, when he brought the bill he asked then if we would like a coffee. No!!! And no tip for him either. After breakfast, first stop Timmies But that was god awful service, the worst ever RG
  16. How much, that's up to you Too much, well that depends on the lady you see. Your chemistry/connection you had/have in the encounter, how many times you've seen her (a lady on a first date not as likely to get as big a tip as say if you've seen her say four times and this is now the fifth date) and so on The only person who really can say if you are giving too big a tip is you The tips and gifts I've given have never been turned down. But I got a hug/kiss and thank you...which btw isn't why I gave a tip and gift. I gave a tip and gift as a token of appreciation for the time the lady spent with me Give what you think is appropriate and shows your appreciation to the lady for a good encounter A rambling RG
  17. I agree with you on one thing, if the rules on this aren't clear enough, you should PM the Mod and let him decide Me, I'll write my recommendations the way I always have, one encounter recommended in the city's recommendation forum that I saw the lady in (I see a lady in Toronto, it gets reco'd in Toronto forum, if Ottawa, Ottawa's forum, and so on)...and not copied to other city's reco forums Funny, recommendations have worked fine till this one particular case. If the rules that unclear, you'd think there would have been a problem before now You want the Mods to rule, feel free to PM them with your concerns RG
  18. I'll run a hypothetical on you then. There is one lady I see. She is well a regular. But she doesn't have a home town...well fairer way to phrase it, her home town is Canada, coast to coast Every time I see her I have had GREAT encounters with her and I've written recommendations of our dates in the city I saw her. Now should I (and no I wouldn't) by the same logic not just post my recommendation of her in the city I saw her, but in every city she tours too. It's the same logic as yours except when applied to a touring lady who has no home town as such, the cities get multiplied even more. That's because every city for her is her hometown This is what CERB rules say Some may think this is helping the SP. This is considered shill posting and against the rules Can I advertise, help out or promote a lady here? If you are an agency then yes you can. You can only have ONE account but you can use that account to post ONE ad per day the shows who is available with your agency. All the same rules apply. If you are a Customer and are "Helping" someone out (This is considered a SHILL post and is not allowed). When you post a recommendation and answer someones questions about a lady you must be a Customer and not have a connection with the lady that goes beyond the customer & sp standard arrangement. If you become friends with the lady and are posting to boost her business you are in fact SHILL posting and that is NOT permitted. If you are posting to "HELP" her out you are breaking the rules... if you are posting because you have a great time and wish to share this with other members you are welcome to post. You CAN NOT post mutliple posts about the same lady and no one else! This will appear as a SHILL and your probably doing it for other reasons but it will do MORE HARM THAN GOOD. So Don't do that please. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_recarea Posting the same recommendation more than once is not allowed and could come across as a shill posting. There is no grey area here. This is black and white in the rules. So if he wanted to post the recommendation in Ottawa then he shouldn't post in St John's forum as well. One recommendation, one city. Not hard, especially for someone who has experience posting recommendations already RG
  19. Well I have to disagree that it isn't clear that you post recommendations in the city you saw the SP. The recommendation forums are organized by province/city which would lead one to reasonably conclude you post your recommendation of a lady in the city you saw that lady in. Otherwise why would it have been organized as such on CERB Second, this wasn't the first recommendation this gentleman wrote. So he had to be familiar with how recommendations are to be posted on CERB Third, perhaps go to the rules http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_rules GENERAL - MOST IMPORTANT TO READ RULE Some things are NOT in the rules as they are too OBVIOUS for the need to have to SPELL OUT but still some people will say "That is not in the rules" and expect to get away with doing something they know is WRONG. If you are disrupting the site, being annoying, abusing the site, spamming the site or in general being rude or unpleasant to anyone you will not be welcome. It's very simple. Please read ALL the rules before posting. Maybe the rules on where to post recommendations is not explicitly spelled out because it is seen as too obvious. Especially when the recommendation forums are organized by province/city and the poster is experienced at writing recommendations Anyhow, my two cents RG
  20. How are those trying to silence a opinion any better than Harper et al trying to silence opposition to their agenda. Some would do well to remember Voltaire's line "I do not agree with what you have to say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" Democracy thrives on freedom of speech, expression, and thought. Those trying to curb those freedoms are just as bad as a government trying to silence any other opinion but their own. And there is more than just one right opinion Keep up the good work Jessica Lee, don't let the others get you down or silence you Posted as my freedom of expression rambling RG
  21. My response was a bit too quick, there was one in Newfoundland too http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=189399 RG
  22. No, Ice4Fun's reco is for St. John's Newfoundland Pistol Pete's is for Ottawa You write the recommendation for a lady in the city forum in which you had the encounter If Beautiful Delilah chose for example to now go to Vancouver, another reco thread for her in that city would start RG
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