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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Keep in mind down in the United Stated where prostitution is illegal (for the most part) high end upscale (for lack of a better phrase) companions/courtesans, whatever term you like employ screening/verification, it doesn't seem to be an issue And one could always join a verification site (ie Date Check, SP411 etc, if they prefer) Right now, there is fear of the unknown. But and just my opinion, should gentlemen stick with reputable companions here, there shouldn't be a problem. Avoid places like Backpage, CL and most definitely streetcorners Anyhow, a rambling RG
  2. Well for me it won't change. I trust the ladies I see or want to see with screening/verification information. They can be trusted with it Now the government on the other hand, don't trust them at all Professional companions have integrity, Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, Joy Smith et al have none But my lack of trust in the government doesn't mean I won't do my part to keep ladies safe...including being screened A rambling RG
  3. Ladies plagiarising from other ladies.....using their ad titles (verbatim)and content, and passing it off as their own. When a lady's ad titles and content is stolen (yes plagiarism is stealing) that is attempting to pass yourself off as that lady And in the context of this lifestyle, just my opinion, but it's just as bad as using another lady's photos as your own when you advertise Most companions spend a lot of time and effort into presenting themselves as someone unique and distinct. Stealing their hard work just shows a lack of ethics and integrity, and only reflects bad on you. And it does get noticed, not a good thing A rambling RG
  4. Contact the lady ahead of time, ask her what she would like to drink. Most ladies like wine, some beer, cider, water or a soft drink. Do not open the bottle unless in her presence. Have all the lights on in your room, bathroom door open and so on. Dark candlelit room may seem romantic but a lady seeing you for the first time will likely want to walk in a bright room, where she can see you. Also open doors (including closet) gives the lady peace of mind that no one is hiding in the room, to surprise her My experience, ladies arrive freshly showered so its not an issue. But if she did ask for a shower, hotels provide towels and soap and shampoo. So if she asks say yes. And some ladies may be receptive to a shower for two, while others not. If she says no to a shower for two, don't take offence, some prefer not to that's all Let the encounter unfold naturally. As Hyperion said, she is a valued guest. You treat her as a valued guest, she is going to reciprocate your hospitality and treat you as a valued gentlemen, and that is the start of a mutually beneficial relationship A rambling RG
  5. The bad news...I've run out of love to give The good news...That's because I happily gave out a lot of thanks in this thread Thanks Spud for noticing that I, well, ummm...I post a lot LOL and starting this thread. Very much appreciated Thank you to everyone else for your kind words and comments And as you might gather I enjoy being part of this community, thank you to Mod and Town Council for making CERB the community it is A thankful rambling :-) RG
  6. Well seeing as I'm retired And I've got a lot of time on my hands And I'd like to lose a few pounds I thought of joining a gym. But smalltown Ontario doesn't have any gyms Then this morning, this was on the radio And I realized, we do have a "Y" So I checked it out, has what I need. Bonus, exercise wise, round trip walking to it, three miles So the last thing I bought, this morning, a membership at the YMCA, effective for September 1st RG
  7. Not disagreeing with you. Just saying that those clients who do report on underage prostitutes are doing so in spite of law enforcement and the justice system, not because of it And there is another truism, most of the men here on CERB see reputable companions, those who are adult women, have web sites, profiles and a board presence. We are not likely to run into underage prostitution But equally true, there are anonymous methods of reporting, ie crimestoppers, 911 from a pay phone etc A rambling RG
  8. I'm with you too Meaghan. It is our duty to call if we see someone underage. And there are avenues, like Crimestoppers, to contact anonymously. But our Justice system certainly doesn't make clients want to assist law enforcement. Called johns and perverts by the Attorney General for Canada makes us all pariahs. It's hard for a client to want to assist, even anonymously knowing how the justice system thinks of us So any assistance provided by clients is done in spite of law enforcement, not because of them RG
  9. Homemade submarine Salami, roast beef, provolone, mozzarella, jalapeno havarti, sliced onion, peppers and tomato. Hot mustard and mayo on French bread. (half a sub today, half tomorrow) Washed down with water And for desert, nothing RG
  10. Congratulation MN2 on the addition to your family RG
  11. In a word yes In my life I have a circle of acquaintances that I like and call friends. But I have a very small close circle of people, like four, who I can count on, they can count on me, who are trusted close friends One of these people happens to be a professional companion What do you call someone who you trust without reservation or hesitation What do you call someone who is as open and honest with you as you are with her What do you call someone, who when times were bad (yes really bad) managed to put a smile on your face and brighten your day and make those tough times easier to deal with. And what she did touches my heart to this day and I'll always appreciate and remember it What do you call someone who is more friend to me, than my family is family to me I call this person a close trusted friend About the only thing unique in a friendship in this lifestyle, my other friends don't know her and she doesn't know them. But that doesn't make her any less a friend Any more details, well that is private. I am very happy to have met this lady and appreciate the friendship that developed She knows who she is, and what I truly think of her. And to you, thank you again for our friendship A rambling RG
  12. It sounds like some of us have highlights in our day to look forward to now And a couple highlights of the day, well from yesterday and today 1) One positive letter from one of the doctors I've had to see Feeling upbeat about an upcoming appointment with another doctor now 2) Having my retirement luncheon next week. Was called yesterday to find out what day is free for me, now they just have to pick a day (I'm free all week) to have it 3) Enjoying the best cheeseburger while surfing CERB Think that's it...well except now also looking forward to Emily's next album...well more accurately portfolio, from her upcoming photo-shoot Think that's it RG
  13. Just a question, seems the appropriate thread. I find texting at the best of times a challenge, the little keypad on the phone and the small screen. How the f*ck can anyone text while driving. How the f*ck can anyone think they are safe behind the wheel if texting RG
  14. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/harper-government-s-legal-setbacks-suggest-strategy-of-confrontation-1.2729421
  15. Jack Reacher Two hours of my life I won't get back, and $5.99 lost to the cable company for ordering it on VOD You might gather I didn't like the movie RG
  16. Well a couple of ladies say I look like this guy...hence my avatar. Now body wise, picture this next guy except I'm 6'1 and...ummm, well I'm not as skinny LOL Now I don't see the resemblance to John Malkovich but a few ladies say I do look like him. I keep trying to see it, I don't, but don't argue with a lady or ladies As for George Costanza, I just needed a positive body image to post without posting a lie LOL BTW I'm nothing like Costanza, or any of the other Seinfeld characters, I'm a gentleman...physical shortcomings aside, I do have some other redeeming qualities LOL And I'm bald on top, hair cut short on the sides...what little hair I have is grey and brown. No tattoos, not that I haven't thought of it, but if I ever did, it would have to be a tattoo with a special meaning to me My normal dress is jeans, or cargo (casual) pants, sweatshirts, tshirts or button front flannel shirts If you saw me in person the dream would die LOL But the Fat Bastards BBM like me RG
  17. Post milestone day today on CERB :-) Congratulations to Cato for 8000+ posts Enjoy your posts, looking forward to 8000 more RG
  18. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/08/06/porn-school-quebec-male_n_5654426.html
  19. Congratulations Spud on 3000 posts Enjoy what you write, look forward to your next 3000 posts RG
  20. No that is not what I'm saying. If dfk is offered and you are a gentleman, good hygiene etc, and receive dfk that is not unique. Likewise, if you have poor hygiene, not a gentleman, don't be surprised that you don't receive anything or something's listed on a lady's menu. But sometimes, YMMV also means, for example, if the lady and gentleman click, especially after repeat encounters, well some things happen in encounters that would not normally happen in encounters. No they aren't menu items per se, but they are special and unique for that lady and gentleman. And encounters, at least for me, have been much more than the sum total of menu items offered. One quick example I feel safe in offering. There was a lady I used to see (she is retired now). We had a evening encounter, four hour outcall at my hotel. At the end of the encounter she mentioned she hadn't eaten all day and was going to the hotel restaurant for dinner before she went home. She then asked me to join her. Be clear, date was over, she wasn't trying to extend the date. This was off the clock, we were a man and woman having dinner, not SP/Client. YMMV allowed her the freedom to see me, technically off the clock as they say, because she enjoyed my company enough to have dinner with me. But not every client should expect the same treatment, nor did she have a menu item, free dinner time after an encounter. I can think of other examples but privacy and discretion don't allow it. It hasn't happened to me often but when it did it has been appreciated and memorable. I don't know if that makes my point clearer RG
  21. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/08/05/candace-maxymowich-manitoba-tory-sex-ed_n_5652134.html?utm_hp_ref=canada-politics My only question to this vexing approach to teaching...well non sex education LOL, how do conservatives reproduce? RG
  22. If there is any paint damage to your deck and/or siding, see if your homeowners insurance might cover it. I know someone (no not me) who washed their sheets using bleach and took it upstairs to hang out to dry. Well long story short, some bleach was dripping off the sheets, and when they were carried across the living room the bleach dripped on the carpet and discoloured it. Insurance replaced the carpet I'm just wondering, maybe insurance might pay for any repairs/replacements you might need in this case. In any case, can't hurt to call Now as for things suck for me. Albeit minor. Went to a framing shop this morning. Want to get my medal, certificate and uniform shoulder flash framed. Carried the cheaply framed certificate (government is cheap you know hence why I want to properly frame it LOL), my medal, shoulder flash to the framing shop...to find out it's closed till next week. Well at least I got a walk in this morning RG
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