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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Although not a lady ;-) just a couple thoughts, from a clients side. First, do you screen/verify potential clients (get name, phone, email, reference etc) before seeing them There is a ladies' section on CERB where the ladies share information for each other's safety. Contact Mod, he can tell you how to gain access. Alas as a poor old man that's my limit of knowledge on that section...no men, even gentlemen allowed If you did have a bad date, bad enough to warn other ladies about, maybe a lady who has access to the ladies forum can post for you until you have access. Good Luck RG
  2. Finished filling out some paperwork, now sitting down surfing the internet (including CERB ;-) ) watching NCIS, and debating on what to have for dinner...salt & pepper wings (got a box in the freezer) or cheeseburger and fries from the takeout place up the road...best cheeseburgers ever Hmmm...what to have? RG
  3. An envelope and a stamp. Then a cheque for $25.00 to my doctor which I mailed in the envelope to pay for forms he filled out (not covered under OHIP) And given the humidity, a couple bottles of water, one of which I'm drinking now I got two walks out of it though. One to the store to buy the envelopes and after coming home and filling out the cheque etc, another walk to the pharmacy to mail off the envelope Much ado about nothing LOL RG
  4. Perhaps also post in the Ottawa Warnings Section http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=17 RG
  5. I wonder if the Conservatives (Peter MacKay, Joy Smith, Stephen Harper etc) realize that their legislation C 36, as shown in this case, will enable human trafficking something they claim to want stopped. There's enough uncertainty now, but once C36 passes, does a police department really think men painted as johns and pervs by the Attorney General For Canada would ever come forward and offer assistance to them And the real tragedy, there are girls out there who are victimized and continue to be victimized. The true criminals in prostitution are not fearing C36, it's the law abiding citizens who fear it A rambling over coffee number one RG
  6. Nice idea but not likely to yield a lot of results. The "johns" are, and just a guess, seeing ladies working the streets, not seeing the well established SP/Courtesans. For them to come forward would mean risking a criminal charge. Once bill C36 passes, any man would be out of their mind to come forward, to do so could result in being criminally charged. I think the police are truly concerned and wouldn't charge someone, but the climate now especially makes it very unlikely someone would come forward. RG
  7. Can you attach the link to the story Maybe post the Sun story in the News forum Thanks RG
  8. My second cleaning out...took a couple hours yesterday and today Deleting old work related emails and documents from my computer. Won't need them anymore I had a lot more in my computer than I thought Just some pension related emails still in my computer...those I still might need LOL ;-) RG
  9. The postage to mail in my retirement papers expresspost RG
  10. Happy Birthday Magician Enjoy your special day RG
  11. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/peter-mackay-skipping-canadian-bar-association-s-annual-conference-1.2724995
  12. The way to stop it is turn around and walk away. If the lady that greets you at the door is not the same one in the ad, walk away. And like Meaghan said, report in Bait and Switch area on CERB (each city has one plus there is a Canada Wide one) and also let Cowboy Kenny know for Cowboy Diaries. Finally, stick to the ladies on CERB that have a board presence and are recommended. I'm guessing here, but are you seeing ladies off CL or BP? Good Luck RG
  13. Happy Birthday Mandy Enjoy your special day RG
  14. Eddie Money Take Me Home Tonight Billy Joel She's Always A Woman Chicago No Tell Lover Just some more RG
  15. Someone thought I might have made pension contributions from my time in the Canadian Forces Reserves (included some Reg Force time) Well I did some digging, thought it might be nice if I had and got it returned to me. Found out today no pension contributions made, so nothing that can be returned :-( RG
  16. Cleaned out the fridge, not just some old stuff left in there but took crisper drawers out, washed them, gave a cleaning with fantastic and elbow grease...feel proud RG
  17. Speaking of glamour I have to go out and buy litter for the cat RG
  18. Happy Birthday Trish Enjoy your special day RG
  19. First I didn't say everyone doesn't care about a menu. My point was just don't talk about sex for money My exact statement was "Some guys like the idea of a menu, the ladies I see don't have a menu, the encounter unfolds naturally, so there is no discussion of any sexual services in our correspondence. Point is, keep talk of sex for money out of the email/text/phone call, don't use any acronyms." I am certainly aware of some men's focus on a menu, I didn't dismiss it. But for those not menu focused it ceases to be a concern when discussing booking an encounter with a companion. But for those menu focused just keep sex for money out of the conversation. RG
  20. Well this guy needs to learn how to properly launch a boat Not me btw...Honest!!! LOL Does that count as strange stuff doing while driving RG :-)
  21. So no cock pics Is this OK then LOL Seriously, beside the ignorance, what guy really would. I mean think about it, we know most ladies use smartphones these days. Why would I reduce what little I have to an eenny weeny phone screen. And I don't need added costs, the lady telling me I owe her a new phone because she sprayed over her phone laughing at my.... ummm, shortcomings LOL Just posted in the lighter side, that's all :-) RG
  22. It wasn't the panties that got you in trouble, it was the bra LOL RG :-)
  23. That idea of creating stories might work. Have a blog. Tell erotic stories, just nothing about money for services. Potential clients, those menu focused could read the stories, and say "hey, that is what is offered" And the stories could even be written in fiction, ie "The Sexual Journey Of Jenny Smith" (just a name I came up with on the spur of the moment LOL) Of course that is for guys who's focus is on a menu based service, that might be a way around the menu, I don't know Of course there is something even more profitable. Peter MacKay is going to give you twenty million to stop. You ladies could all be multi millionaires by stopping. You could even haggle with MacKay and Harper, I agree to stop and decline my twenty million in exchange for a Senate Seat...holy f*ck, Senator, they don't sell their bodies, they sold their souls. Anyhow, that's tongue in cheek ion RG
  24. For ladies you have seen before very easy, since you have shared memories, shared experiences, easy to come up with a code. For instance "I'd like to meet for dinner, how does the restaurant we ate at on our first date sound" Now restaurant would be code for hotel, or lady's incall. In that email/text/phone call not even is the name of the hotel revealed, not even is the city. Some guys like the idea of a menu, the ladies I see don't have a menu, the encounter unfolds naturally, so there is no discussion of any sexual services in our correspondence. Point is, keep talk of sex for money out of the email/text/phone call, don't use any acronyms. Finally, and in another thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=182967 internet users privacy upheld by the SCC. And I'm not a lawyer, but I certainly believe the police would need warrants for phone/text messages The bar is already set pretty high for police in these regards, so my guess unless you've already done something to bring attention to yourself to cause LE to initiate an investigation you'll be OK. And it's information gleaned from an investigation that causes police to get warrants to further aid their investigation. Much easier for the police to target street prostitution, less resources required, more visible results for LE to show to the public. Even MacKay's speech's all seem focused on street prostitution. And frankly if you were a police chief with normal budget restrictions, would you allocate your money to an investigation to catch maybe one or two clients of an escort, or the same money to do "street sweeps" where a lot of men could be arrested, and it would look good to the public at large...it's visible with results that can be seen Anyhow, just a rambling RG
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