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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Someone going to a hotel to get a room is no more strange than someone going to a restaurant to get a meal. Hotel staff won't wonder why you are there to get a room any more than a restaurant would wonder why you are there to get a meal. It's the business they are in, and business is predicated on getting clients who will book rooms with them. One other thing, you'll find hotel chains have different versions of points, or rewards. That's because they want you to come back to them. You have nothing to be worried about RG
  2. Answer a couple questions from my experience 1) Hotels require name, address, phone etc. In most cases you can just do it on line by accessing the hotel's website. They also need a credit card to hold the reservation, but most hotels accept cash in payment 2) I travel so no, I don't use the hotel in the same city...actually we're so small we have no hotel, we don't even have a Tim Horton's LOL. But if I'm reading your question right, some hotels offer day rates, especially those near an airport. If worried about an excuse, say you have contractors in your house, or family is visiting, or whatever. Or book a whole night, but check out once your done. If asked, say you and your wife made up and she wants you back home. Keep in mind that hotel check in in my experience is usually 3pm (sometimes earlier) and check out 11am the next day 3) I don't know Winnipeg hotels, sorry, no help there Good Luck RG
  3. There is a uniqueness to this lifestyle that doesn't exist in "civilian" lifestyle. Can a SP and Client be friends. I believe it can happen. But friendship, should it happen, should be for it's own reward. There should be no expectation of free time, or anything free for that matter. Friendship should be based on mutual trust and respect. And if you see a SP who you claim is a friend, don't be surprised that due to her livelihood as an SP, where time is money, she still will want to be compensated for her time. From her vantage point she has to consider that the hour she spends "off the books hanging out" could be an hour spent with a paying client And a question, if the expectation is receiving free time from an SP if you are her "friend" what are you in exchange giving the SP for her free time. Relationships, including SP/Client and friendships are two way streets Here is a quote from Nathalie Lefebvre, which has equal applicability to friendships with SP's IMHO "Money does not necessarily corrupt authentic love and intimacy, rather, it's our discomfort with the idea of mixing both that causes tension. I think it's important to keep in mind that most relationships have unnegotiated financial dynamics (for example, many marriages and long-term relationships) which can cause much more tension than the honest and open communication that's possible with clients in this industry." If you are seeking out a SP to hang out with, without having to pay, that is not friendship. That shows no respect for her livelihood, or for her time. But should you connect with a companion, you both like, trust and have mutual respect for one another, yes you could be friends. But that doesn't mean getting free time. What is means is you are friends, and friendship is it's own reward. And don't apply the criteria of civilian society regarding relationships to this lifestyle This lifestyle has it's own set of unwritten rules. In short, just my opinion, yes it's possible for a friendship to take place but friendship is not equal to free time A rambling RG
  4. I just recently joined @roamingguy1 Big change, having to be a tweeter when you are more a long winded rambler LOL RG
  5. Happy Birthday Andrea Enjoy your special day RG
  6. Just so you know, in Canada, right now, prostitution (sex work) is already legal. And some cities, I believe out in western Canada requires escorts to be licensed With the upcoming Bill C36 to become law however it will be illegal to purchase sexual services, so I hardly think any man would go to court, claiming he was discriminated by virtue of age from purchasing a service which the law says is illegal to purchase. Not to mention common sense rule number one, no guy would go to court and publically out himself as someone who sees escorts. One rule of this lifestyle discretion all the way around RG
  7. Well as bcguy42 said, produce an example of someone with just one post and one thanks and that they have 10,000 rep points. It would substantiate your claim Honestly, with just a couple weeks here I'm wondering why you are so concerned this much about rep points, they don't come overnight, it does take time and most of all as Meaghan McLeod said "Bottom line, if you want to increase your rep point, post threads that people will give thanks, nominations and rep points." You have over two thousand points now, follow Meaghan's advice, the points will continue to grow RG
  8. Perhaps a lesson from James Bond might answer the question 1) JB is the MA doing a body slide 2) The banister is the client receiving a body slide 3) And well you can figure out what the other thing is supposed to be LOL Sorry, just kidding, couldn't resist RG
  9. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/th%C3%A9r%C3%A8se-casgrain-feminist-icon-quietly-shunted-by-harper-government-1.2719588
  10. Had a sleepover last weekend. As part of the weekend we went out to a very nice steakhouse, prime rib took up the whole plate. Veggies served never got eaten, too stuffed with beef :icon_smile: So answer here, no vegan, not even vegetarian But you can care about animals, without being vegetarian or vegan...I have a rescued feral cat that proves that. But if you want to start a social group for vegans and vegetarians, start one up, there may be others who want to join RG
  11. This is not a business like any other. A woman, yes, even an SP is free to choose who she wants to be intimate with. Denial of sexual services because of age is not a Human Rights violation. Forcing a woman to see someone she doesn't wish to see would be tantamount to sexual assault And anyone who would even consider doing such a thing IMO has no respect for women. SP or not, a lady is free to choose who she wants to be intimate with RG
  12. There is NO DOUBLE STANDARD. A SP/Client Relationship is not like conventional relationships. The client compensates the lady for her time. A good client understands this and does not push the boundaries to get free time. Even in cases where a client becomes friends with an SP, he still compensates the lady for her time. As for SP's being friends with other SP's, there is no financial arrangement to their relationship to begin with so there is no problem in them being friends. On the other hand, a client claiming to want to be "friends" with an SP may just try to usurp the conventional SP/Client relationship so he can receive services from the lady without compensating the lady for her time. His claim of friendship may be a very hollow claim RG
  13. Happy Birthday Tracie Enjoy your special day RG
  14. Happy Birthday Malika Enjoy your special day RG
  15. I've met a lot of people in relationships who are lonely, and some people who are single, like myself, who aren't lonely. Lonely and being alone are two different things. But seeing SP's I'll admit is a substitute for dating for me now. But the dating game didn't work out for me. And there was a point where I gave up on dating. But I still missed the companionship of women. It took three years from my last date to seeing a SP. And seeing a professional companion provided female companionship without the strings attached in dating and a relationship. Some of the ladies have become trusted friends, friends as close as civilian friends. But at my age (53) it isn't hard to keep boundaries clear, remembering at it's very core, it still is a business relationship, albeit a very unique, intimate business relationship. But for someone younger, less life experience, it could be difficult to remember that the SP/Client relationship is at it's core a business relationship, and not a conventional date. Well this topic is sort of a hijack of your original post. But that said, here goes http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=171932&highlight=STI%2FSTD%27s http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=141071&highlight=STI%2FSTD%27s http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=104685&highlight=STI%2FSTD%27s http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=103179&highlight=STI%2FSTD%27s Just a few threads on the topic, if you use the search feature you can dig up even more threads on the subject As for STD/STI risks, well the risk for STD/STI's comes from sex Not from sex with escorts. And in my experience the ladies I've seen in this lifestyle are religious about safe sex. The only way to ensure you haven't contracted any STD/STI is through regular testing. Because you only take your partner's word, and she/he may have taken other partner's word that they are safe. Testing is the only way to ensure you are STD/STI free or if not, get treated Finally, if STD/STI's are a real concern, they can occur from sex with SP's/the girl (or guy) at the bar/dating/one night stand/extramarital affair/and given there are extramarital affairs, sex with wife/husband/SO So if STD's/STI's a concern, really, truthfully, abstain from sex And remember safe sex practices are risk reduction, not risk elimination A rambling RG
  16. That's the thing about an exclusive arrangement. You may be friends with the lady. The lady may be friends with you. But its under current arrangements when you see each other for a few hours for an encounter. But if every day, day in, day out you see each other, 24/7 you may get sick of one another, but what is worse, you can risk destroying a friendship. If you see the lady every day, she isn't going to be done up to the "t's" like she is when she comes for an encounter And if she sees you every day well it's not like an encounter any more, she likely won't get a gift and tip every day. Even if she did it ceases to be special, just a routine expectation Two people together occasionally, it is a special occasion, with some ladies a very special occasion. But every day, unless you both are in love with one another and want to build a life together, just my opinion, but an exclusive arrangement is a recipe for disaster. And the worst, a friendship could get destroyed in the process. A morning rambling RG
  17. Don't tell the hotel anything. Ladies are used to going to hotels for outcalls, and frankly, the hotel doesn't care. All you need to do is set up a date and time for the lady to come, and communicate the hotel and room number to her. I've in the processing of setting up a date, have my hotel already booked so she knows where I'll be staying. Day of the date I text her the room number (this is after I check in) If you are concerned about records of your hotel stay, pay in cash. I always reserve my hotel room using my credit card, but pay for the room in cash. They may either put a hold put on your card or they want you to give them a refundable cash deposit plus pay at check in. But no records on my credit card showing I stayed at a hotel Another tip for hotels, request a room away from the elevators. Granted not all hotels are the same, but being near the elevators in some hotels can lead to a noisy room A early morning rambling over coffee number one RG
  18. Congratulations Claire on your Third Cerbiversary RG
  19. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/beverley-mclachlin-chief-justice-deserves-apology-from-pm-international-jurists-say-1.2718342
  20. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/sunwing-flight-escorted-by-f-16-jets-back-to-toronto-for-emergency-landing-1.2718073
  21. It's not so much that the client has suspect motives, just he might have different expectations from such an arrangement. For example he might expect with exclusivity he can get to do certain menu items she normally wouldn't do. As for the lady, it's not just a matter of starting up her business again. She may have a business built on her reputation. What happens if say, they stay together for a year, then he decides he no longer wants to see her. A year not being a SP is a long time, memories fade, she may have a very hard time getting re-established. Some ladies I know invest in themselves...websites, professional up to date photos etc and have built a positive reputation for themselves. All that needs to be re-established. It is more than just a profile on CERB and posting some ads here A lady would really have to assess if it is worth her business to go into this sort of arrangement. It may be OK for some, but not all RG
  22. Highlight #1. A couple photos I took on my smartphone when down east last year were lost (I thought) when my cat knocked my phone on the floor and smashed it. The lady I sent the photos to before cat smash time still had them and emailed copies back. Now safe in my computer. To that lady, THANK YOU!!! Highlight #2. Went to the mail today. I have been off for quite awhile from work before I had to put in for retirement. Well they miscalculated my leave used and existing leave balances. I had more leave than originally thought. So while I was off on leave w/o pay I really should have been on leave w pay. A cheque, over $2000.00 greeted me in the mail today :-) RG
  23. You mean sort of be her exclusive client. I suppose it depends on chemistry and if she wants exclusivity. Sounds more like a sugar daddy/sugar baby arrangement Probably the biggest concern for the lady is with an exclusive relationship she also becomes financially dependant on just one client, and what happens to her if he no longer wants to see her. Also there is the possibility that a man who becomes the sole source of income for the lady may try to push boundaries, and the lady may feel obligated because she is dependant on him If the lady and gentleman click, it could work. But there would need to be mutual respect for such an arrangement so it could be mutually beneficial. The lady would need to be careful she isn't stepping in a caged, gilded as it may be RG
  24. I asked this question a few years back, sort of thought we should be supporting CERB ladies. But as was correctly pointed out, CERB is an "escort" recommendation board, not just a "cerb escort" recommendation board, and escorts even if not on CERB if recommendation worthy should be mentioned That said, and maybe I've been lucky, or, I don't know, but the CERB ladies (except one) have all been recommendation worthy dates. None of the dates from sites other than CERB I have been able to write recommendations about. And now, I solely support the ladies of CERB One thing, if you see a non CERB lady and she is a good companion, let her know about CERB A rambling RG
  25. Well seeing as he would be going to the United States, not a CERB bookmark so much, although it may raise eyebrows. But how about escort boards from the United States, ladies' websites and email contact, checking any email correspondence, both sent and received, looking at your contacts list on your phone to see if any escorts are on there...anything that might indicate you are going to be seeing a escort while in the United States. That just might deny you entry, at the very least. That's what I'd feel is incriminating, and besides not discrete on the person's part crossing the border, has a spin off effect, people on his contacts list may be contacted too RG
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