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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Malika is right about needing references/verification. So you may need to schedule your encounter ahead of time to give the lady a chance to check your references and other screening/verification information Also you'll need to remember your smartphone and computer can be checked at the border so don't put anything incriminating on there...get a disposable cell RG
  2. First there is an old saying, even a gilded cage is still a cage. And a lady has a life outside of being a professional companion. Being a professional companion, irrespective of how social and interpersonal an occupation it is, is still for the lady her livelihood, her job. And being with a billionaire, who books for x hours, time is up, peels off a few more bills, wants xx hours more, then when that time is up wants xxx hours more, I don't think anyone would like that The billionaire is making her continue her job indefinitely based solely on his whims. If a set time is booked is one thing, but indefinitely extending it is another. And maybe the lady has only one client a day, she doesn't see multiple clients in a day. Because that is what she prefers and how she runs her business (just don't assume all ladies see clients one after the other) A lady has a life outside of being a companion. She may have family, friends, going to school, another job. She presents the illusion of someone free with no outside responsibilities and obligations but she like everyone has a life outside of this lifestyle Would you like to work, then at the end of your work day, get thrown a bit more money, but you have to work more, then at the end of that more bills peeled off, but you stay longer at work and so on, based on the whims of a boss who is a billionaire. Finally, for a getaway, an overnight, it is something planned. It is beyond just getting a hotel room and staying locked in 24/7. You have to have something planned, depending for how long the getaway is, a few things planned. And she will want some "her" time too. Point to this, at the end of the getaway she may have had enough of the clients company (he still is her client) and wants to leave. She may just want to go home. She does have a life outside of being an escort. Peeling more money off to extend a getaway may not appeal to a lady and doesn't stop her outside responsibilities. My guess and generalizing no, irrespective of billionaire or not, a lady won't indefinitely stay with him, at his whim. Extending a date an hour or two is one thing, but indefinite extending, I don't see anyone liking that A long winded convoluted rambling Hope it answers your question RG
  3. In fairness to the OP he mentioned that he and his wife have talked about having a SP. We have to assume that he would plan the threesome as he and his wife have talked about. And we are assuming since an SP is mentioned we assume a female. But it could be a male SP that they discussed. I don't believe it is an issue of double standard as it is so much asking if this is an appropriate birthday surprise for his wife. But talk or no talk, this is something that shouldn't be a surprise for your wife IMHO. It needs to be discussed, planned, ensure the wife and SP are both comfortable with one another and so on A good ménage a trois requires comfort and chemistry amongst all three people. An SP that the wife doesn't know showing up, just recipe for disaster. Not just for the wife, but the SP too. And it may have unforeseen long term negative consequences for the marriage as well Anyhow a rambling RG
  4. A quick Google search brought up The Er***c Rev*ew which has discussion boards on it And another site travels*xguid*tv/ may also help Just those two came from a Google search, typing in escort review boards United States BTW as a sidebar, funny in a country where prostitution is illegal, escort review boards exist Good Luck RG
  5. All I know is it's a time for a clean out too. When I did my last move seven loads of stuff in my pick up truck to the dump. Amazing the things that you pick up and end up cluttering your home over time With clutter stuff, be brutal. Ask yourself if you'll ever use it again...irrespective of if it's good or not, and if the answer is no, pitch it RG
  6. Well for something completely different...for those who partake in this lifestyle to cross dress. Safe to post here, this is supposed to be a judgement free board accepting of all variants of sexuality LOL RG
  7. Not hot at all, would be better with lots more clothes on LOL But somehow the same doesn't hold true for women...VERY HOT, VERY HOT :-) And I personally like the second picture not just best, also hate the first one...but that's because I'm not gay...Not that there's anything wrong with that RG
  8. Thank You Kylie...but you always seem very sane, both on board, and in person. Me on the other hand...??? RG
  9. Well for married guys after they come home from an encounter Chris Isaak Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing The only bad bad thing here is his purple pants LOL jmo RG
  10. Well I'm out, I joined Twitter Still roamingguy @roamingguy1 Going to be more a follower than followed there, but who knows A rambling, or is that a tweeting LOL RG
  11. Old news (from February) but got it this morning when I logged on. But a warning And I've been a recipient of some of these calls, but I haven't called the number back (thank god) http://www.nbcnews.com/search/one%20ring%20cell%20phone
  12. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/prostitution-not-an-equal-crime-for-men-and-women-1.2706756
  13. Without details, something medical wise happened to me. Can't go back to work yet. Tried short term DI, insurance company denied. Feedback from doctor is about 8 months till a clean bill of health, and a clean bill of health is what is required to go to work plus the OK from Health Canada All sick and annual leave used Compensation advisor suggested two options, go on UI, I'd get $400/month (christ, paid into it since 17, now 53, that's it) or retire Weighing the options, retirement was best option for me under the circumstances This is the abridged verision of the abridged version...details out for personal reasons RG
  14. Given the current climate, one for everyone From Joy Smith and Peter MacKay LOL You Don't Have To Be A Prostitute RG
  15. Again, a salad, washed down with water Followed by strawberries for desert The thought of eating anything more is still too much after my dinner out Saturday night...could only handle half a sandwich last night :-) RG
  16. Spent a night in St John NB last year enroute to my dad's funeral last year. Stayed at the Delta Brunswick. A comfortable hotel, treated good by staff, but so you know the elevator is key carded. Just a tidbit of information RG
  17. Although not a maritimer, when in Halifax, I had a great dinner at The Five Fisherman http://fivefishermen.com/ When I was there last year went to the Grill, it doesn't need reservations, the restaurant does As for hotels, don't know Halifax proper, but if you choose to stay at one of the hotels by the airport STAY AWAY from the Comfort Inn...it is, well, I'd rather sleep in my truck LOL...seriously Just a couple tidbits RG
  18. Well although it was expected because of circumstances, it's was still hard to do Today I had to submit my retirement letter. Retirement from the federal public service after 29+ years. Not ready to retire but have to Retirement should be a happy day, but it sure doesn't feel that way RG
  19. And are you talking about a female SP or male SP. Don't know, a female SP for your wife, sounds more like a ménage a trois fantasy for a man...maybe something for his birthday. I'm with Kylie on this, be very sure this is something she really wants. Not something you want RG
  20. A nice smile And sometimes, if you are lucky, their look, a very special look. A look that combines that they are happy to be with you, trust you, and relaxed. They want to be in your company as much as you want to be in their company. You see it and you know all is right with the world It's hard to describe, but it's very special when you see it on a lady's face. And if a lady ever gives you that look, you won't ever forget it RG
  21. I lost faith after the one time I used one of those booking sites. When I went down east for my father's funeral, I booked using one of those sites. Going through the booking, they had a "special", for a certain lower price, charged on my credit card, they would then pick the available hotel from three different 3 Star hotels, the Hilton Garden Inn, Holiday Inn Express or Quality Inn. Well they picked the Quality Inn. I was locked in, already charged on my card, no backing out, no changes. Well Quality Inn, the name is a lie. Sleeping in my truck would have been preferable. Bed soft, washroom is actually two rooms. A sink in the closet. Toilet and tub across the entry hall from the closet. Toilet close to the wall. Where do they put the toilet paper holder, wall opposite...no, instead right beside the toilet, so it jams into your hip when sitting down. This was no three star hotel. A one and half star maybe, and only because one star is given for free I'm pretty good at picking my own hotels, and when an expert traveller's opinions is given, I listen. I also give back my experience when asked for But had I picked my own hotel for down east I would never have gone to the Quality Inn and it would have been worth the extra expense for a comfortable hotel A rambling RG
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