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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I have had many memorable dates with Emily. And each time we see each other our time together gets better and better. Our relationship has gone beyond just SP/Client, we have become good friends. And an extended escape, a weekend sleepover with Emily seemed like the thing to do. I suggested a sleepover with Em back in 2012 but it wasn't until this past weekend that our schedules worked out and we could be together. It seemed appropriate to have this sleepover at Niagara Falls. After all if it's a honeymoon destination, it seems like the place to go to spend a romantic weekend with someone very special. I told Em I would be at the hotel the day before our date, so she could arrive anytime on the Friday. She said she would be in at 3:00, so imagine my pleasant surprise when the knock on the door came at 2:30, and this beautiful redhead Goddess was standing there, a big smile on her face, with her famous black and white suitcase in tow. She came in, and we greeted with a big hug and kiss. We began our weekend by just kicking back over drinks, catching up on old news and current events in our lives. All the while with a spectacular view of the falls. Then Em said she had a surprise for me. She got up, disappeared for a second, changed into some Victoria's Secrets outfits I gave her as a gift, and back in the room she came, modelling her new outfits And I was right she looks every bit as beautiful and could be a VS model. I got up went to Emily, hugged and kissed her, and we slowly undressed each other. We then went to bed, where we kissed, caressed and made love. Afterwards we lay in bed, kissing, cuddling and talking, while enjoying the view of the falls. It was a very romantic evening. And we followed up our romantic evening with a late night dinner in the hotel restaurant. We then went back to our suite and went to bed, a big day awaited. The first highlight of my Saturday was waking up with Emily beside me in bed. And she truly does have a smile that brightens a room. We weren't in a rush, so we spent a bit of time in bed slowly getting up. Then we got dressed and headed down for breakfast. After breakfast, we went to our outing of the day. For me, the important thing about this weekend was being with Emily, so I was very flexible on what we did. But what lady doesn't like going to a spa (conventional "civilian" spa that is) So I booked a couples massage for us at a spa. Emily's smile, knowing she was getting pampered at a spa, that made it all worthwhile. And I had my first ever spa day. When our spa session finished, we walked back, stopping to take in the view of the Falls. And we slowly made our way back to our room. We spent the afternoon in our suite relaxing, having drinks over pleasant conversation. And as things progressed, we went to bed, kissing caressing and snuggling with one another. Then Emily looked at me with a smile on her face, and said she has another surprise for me. But I won't see it until close to dinner. So I patiently waited...something difficult to do while in bed with a beautiful Goddess. But the clock got closer to when we needed to get ready for our dinner out. I quickly got dressed, and then Emily came in and kicked me out of the bedroom. A few minutes later, out she came and well WOW!!!.....Emily emerged wearing a very sexy white and black summer dress. I've never seen her in a dress before, and she looked absolutely stunning in it. The least I could do when Emily had gone to so much effort was a nice dinner out. And I guess I did good there, we went to a nice steakhouse for dinner. Meal so filling and so good we split desert and even between the two of us we couldn't finish it. After dinner we went back to the hotel. Me, I had to loosen my belt. We sat in the living room, just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. We decided to go to bed, and watched tv in the bedroom. Finally the late hour struck, and Em and I nodded off to sleep. Sunday was a high and low. Again, I woke up to Emily's smile, a smile that brightens a room. But today was our last day together. We lounged in bed for a bit, then headed down for breakfast But all good things must come to an end. Emily had a flight to catch and I had to go home. So we packed up. I went downstairs to the lobby with Emily to see her off. We hugged and kissed good bye. But the weekend seemed all too short, it could have lasted a lifetime for me. A lot of details of this weekend are private and will remain that way. Because they are special memories between two friends, and not to be shared. But I do consider myself a very lucky man to have met Emily, and that we clicked and have a special connection. Emily is a very special lady, even more beautiful on the inside than on the out. She is a caring supportive friend, a gem with a heart of gold. I consider myself blessed to be counted as her friend. And any gentleman should feel fortunate if Emily agrees to have a date with you. So if Emily tours to your city, and you would like to meet her, contact her using her preferred method of contact. Finally, Emily, we've known each other for three and half years now, this weekend was just perfect. THANK YOU!!! for another very special time together RG
  2. Sick of Windows 8, so upgrading to Windows 8.1 while surfing CERB and watching The Comancheros on tv. God I hope Win 8.1 is better than 8 RG
  3. Bacon & Tomato Sandwich on pumpernickel bread Washed down with water Mixed berries for desert RG
  4. I know a serious subject, not minimizing it, but a little humour RG
  5. Perhaps before criticizing Trudeau and his invoking the War Measures Act, lets not forget that was a direct response to the kidnapping of James Cross and kidnapping/murder of Pierre Laporte by the FLQ. This was an escalation in violence by the FLQ. Just my opinion, but the invoking of the War Measures Act probably stopped the FLQ from continuing to escalate and may have in fact saved lives. And as for the Night Of The Long Knives, the real Night Of The Long Knives, that was when Hitler and the Nazis carried out "political" murders so Hitler could come to power What happened with Quebec during the repatriation of the Constitution, well hardly rises to the level of political murder. Trudeau didn't murder Rene Levesque. There was a balancing act between the Feds and ALL ten provinces and that requires give and take on every provinces and the feds part. Quebec just wanted to take and no give. And as much as I despise Harper and the CPC and they won't get my vote, lets not forget, it's the parliamentary system that allows for the Prime Minister to have the authority he does. But dictatorial, well anyone thinking that might want to live in a regime like Stalin's Soviet Union or Hitler's Germany or Idi Amin's Uganda or Pol Pot's Cambodia or Muammar Gaddafi's Libya or the Iran, both under the Shah and Khomeini or...well you get the idea. Harper, well any PM in Canada's Parliamentary system doesn't deserve to be considered a dictator. Yes he can push through legislation, even bad, but he can be voted out, legislation can be challenged in the court because we have the Rule Of Law. Can't say that of real dictatorships can we. A quick few ramblings RG
  6. Same as for lunch, a small salad...still full from Saturday night's dinner RG
  7. Well I'm not a massage guy but I did have a great massage from Megan (Megan's Touch) and would recommend her. Oh wait, I did, when I saw her when she toured to Kingston http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=M&t=44037 and here is Megan's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=28987 RG
  8. Agree they should be re-tested every year. But what they do, at least in Ontario is a joke. It's every two years, and a written test only. But a written test doesn't test reflexes, awareness and so on. My mother passes the written test but should have her licence pulled. She's run reds, stop signs, illegal left turns, she doesn't focus on the road but looks at the "scenery" like buildings around her and then the car drifts into oncoming traffic. I absolutely won't be in the same vehicle when she drives and keep expecting a phone call, "your mother has been in an accident..." Her doctor should have her licence yanked RG
  9. True but how would anyone but Genevieve and the voter know? And once in the ballot box, which ballot gets removed Don't consider it illegal, consider it civil disobedience...well civil disobedience with a happy ending LOL RG
  10. Really it's more a Highlight Of The Weekend...and that was a, well a romantic weekend escape with Emily Rushton. I had a wonderful time with this special lady and friend My recommenation to be forthcoming in the next few days Thanks Em for spending the weekend with me...it was definitely memorable and perfect RG
  11. This is the WRONG SITE and WRONG LIFESTYLE to engage in if you are looking for a relationship/wife/SO. This is about NO STRINGS ATTACHED companionship only If you want to conventionally date, join LavaLife, eHarmony, Plenty of Fish etc Ladies will be scared away from you if they think you are looking for an SO BTW this is not about stereotypes. The ladies offer no strings attached companionship. The gentlemen are looking for no strings attached companionship. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement and that is what CERB and this lifestyle are about RG
  12. Happy Birthday mygirljenni Enjoy your special day RG
  13. Happy Birthday Mark Have a great day RG
  14. Salad with bleu cheese dressing, prime rib with the trimmings but what makes it so special is my dinner date, Emily Rushton RG
  15. Congratulations Meaghan on 2000 post milestone Looking forward to your next 2000 contributions RG
  16. Congratulations on 8000 posts Cato Looking forward to your next 8000 contributions RG
  17. Waking up with Emily Rushton in bed beside me Thats the highlight of the day...so far I still have a full day and a half to spend with Em :-) RG
  18. Counting down to hours now...for the knock on my hotel room door and a weekend escape/sleepover begins My heart's just pounding away, anticipation building..but its all good RG
  19. I thought there was another thread on this subject. Very informative thread, and Cat's guidelines are a real good starting point http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=97946 RG
  20. Something else about ladies who I repeat with. Yes we are more friends, not SP/Client. And we have for lack of a better phrase, shared memories, memories that continue to grow each time we see each other. But that lady doesn't fit me into her schedule. If I suggest we go out for a date, and have a specific place and time she, because she knows me, juggles her schedule (where possible) Likewise sometimes a juggling of hours is requested by the lady and because she is a friend, I'm happy to do so. What is nice about repeating with a friend, the same woman, is the comfort level between us that allows for example requests like that. And it doesn't diminish our encounters at all. In fact it makes them all the more special, if that makes sense RG
  21. Seems I was left behind so Indecent Proposal And for K Killer Elite (the 2011 movie) RG
  22. The idea of such a list only feeds into the negative stereotypes that "mainstream" society has of this lifestyle. This is a lifestyle where gentlemen get to have encounters with professional companions. Part of being professional is being discrete. Even if the ladies had such a list, the ladies, well the ladies I know, are too professional to out their clients. The relationships made between client and SP are built on a foundation of mutual trust, respect integrity, and discretion. Kinda humorous talking about such a list, but no, I don't see any such list existing. Although as I earlier said, don't we all wish at a minor teeny weeny level, if there was such a list it had Harper's, MacKay's and Joy Smith's name on it. But back to reality :-) One more thing thrown in for thought. How many here would think it's appropriate to publically "out" a lady (if you knew her real name)if your encounter wasn't one hundred percent in your opinion. No gentleman would. This is a discrete, anonymous mutually beneficial lifestyle all the way around. And violating that trust, save for safety, no matter the rationale, is not justifiable IMHO A morning rambling RG
  23. Here is a thread on the question you asked http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=10326&highlight=subjects RG
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