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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Don't know about it, and yes, a bad idea. Companions do make their living in large part on being discrete But isn't there just a little part of us wishing Harper and MacKay are on this "list" and maybe also hoping Joy Smith was "lonely" one night and saw a male escort for company:icon_twisted: But out of fantasyland, and back to reality, it really is bad idea, the thin edge of the wedge. If a lady ceases to be discrete if she is seeing politicians, who else is she indiscrete with. Not worth lowering yourself to a politician's level...hope they remember that A rambling RG
  2. I purchased, oh hell can't say here, it's for this weekend's sleepover ;-) RG :-)
  3. The Guns Of Navarone RG
  4. Same as last night...wings (leftovers) washed down with Becks no alcohol beer Fresh pineapple for dessert RG
  5. Does this answer your question And it probably is a good idea to wear one, we all know what happened to her and she wasn't wearing a shower cap at the time...coincidence maybe, maybe not RG :-)
  6. Surfing CERB, finishing my second coffee, but about to have a shower and then head out to the bank. Then back home to pack for my weekend escape with a very special Gem of a lady. RG
  7. From Here To Eternity...on the other night, recorded on my PVR An oldie, but entertaining RG
  8. The Eagle Has Landed RG
  9. Every lady and gentlemen has their own boundaries. Making a post once can be informative for everyone. Repeating your post seven times!!! across the different forums makes your posts come across as spamming and diminishes the value of the message completely. Not to mention the value is completely gone with a board member who has a hidden profile, especially after she has posted blank profiles suck in the things that suck thread. A hidden profile is pretty much the same as a blank profile to other members...coming across like you have a double standard, one for yourself, one for everyone else http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=422082#post422082 Your posts were not helpful. They come across as lecturing everyone else and condescending. Most do not know you, so can't assess the value of your post. Each and every one of us has our boundaries, and most know the risks, and make an informed decision knowing those risks. And you haven't been an active member here, your last post on CERB September 2, 2013. Your return to CERB is with a post that spams this site If your post was intended to be informative, all you did was do your post a disservice, most here will view it as spamming, nothing else RG
  10. Congratulations Claire on 500 posts Looking forward to your next 500 contributions RG
  11. First had a phone call with a friend (civilian friend) Then pulled out my.....................suitcase (what did you think I was going to say LOL) Packing tomorrow for a weekend escape Now relaxing surfing CERB and watching tv RG
  12. Right now..... But only because I'm in lounge pants (pj bottoms) and don't wear underwear with them RG
  13. For a change X Rated Blondes and yes I had to look it up LOL RG
  14. Pacific Salmon (just have memories of my uncle bringing it on visits to Ontario) Nachos...with jalapenos or without RG
  15. Prefer Summer over Winter but prefer Fall Best of All ;-) East Coast or West Coast RG
  16. With all the people just on CERB eating chicken, this is what the farmers are going to encounter.....chickens who flew the coop LOL RG :-)
  17. The beach sounds erotic and exciting, but invariably there's the sand in the worst places, or some kid is going to kick a beach ball over, so I pick a Romantic Evening In With A Special Someone For dinner Prime Rib or Lobster RG
  18. Chicken....well wings, salt & pepper flavour Washed down with a Becks For desert, fresh pineapple RG
  19. Does he/she have a job lined up in his/her chosen profession? If so, maybe something related to the chosen profession Or get the degree professionally and custom framed Perhaps a watch with something sentimental engraved on the back Just a quick few I can think of RG
  20. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot RG
  21. Just a plain old (well not old) salad with bleu cheese dressing Washed down with water Fresh pineapple for desert RG
  22. Congratulations Il Re on your 1000 post milestone Looking forward to your next 1000 contributions RG
  23. What you could do is ask a lady if she offers a retainer type arrangement. And if so, what your expectations are, and what are her expectations of such an arrangement. She may be amiable to this, she may not But your logic as you put it out really doesn't work out for the lady. Under your figures she would get $250 month for one encounter. That means really for two encounters per month she should then earn $500 month. Your suggested arrangement means she is only making $400 month...that's a loss for her of $100 month Keep in mind, ladies do this for their income. Why would a lady have two encounters per month with the same client for a reduced rate when she can have one encounter with that client at her regular rate and another encounter with another client at her regular rate. But before broaching the subject of a retainer, make sure you have established a good rapport and connection with the lady. And having two one hour encounters (I'm assuming based on your suggested donation) really isn't enough time to have a retainer type arrangement, usually they are arrangements of longer duration. Anyhow, a rambling Good Luck RG
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