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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Kathryn I absolutely agree and understand that. My comment was more directed at Trudeau directing his MP's having to vote pro choice in the House of Commons I just found it ironic I guess that for someone forcing his MP's to vote pro choice, he has taken a vote choice (pro choice versus anti abortion) away from his MP's which is anti choice. You have no choice but to vote pro choice is anti choice, in a democratic sense Does that make sense??? It seems clear in my brain, but then again that doesn't say much LOL The one thing I don't understand about all of this, votes like this (abortion issue) also others (like capital punishment) have been deemed votes of conscience and they aren't considered confidence votes, so why the need for party solidarity on them to begin with? Anyhow, hopefully a clarification RG :-)
  2. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/07/08/tories-20m-pledge-to-help-prostitutes-so-inadequate-its-hard-to-take-seriously-calgary-police-chief/ BTW this is what I have maintained from the outset, MacKay has no real concern for saving prostitutes, twenty million really is nothing, not to mention no additional funding to police for enforcement. And I don't even know how the police chief figures his city would get $125,000. Have they already predetermined which cities are to be "blessed" with MacKay's charity, and for how much? I would assume much smaller than that, even some small towns have prostitution, will they get funding or not. Just more of a rhetorical comment...I'd be surprised if MacKay and the CPC even offer dime one after C36 is passed...treat it too like an election promise. JMHO My two cents RG
  3. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/prostitution-bill-justice-committee-hears-from-experts-activists-1.2700922
  4. Happy Birthday Patrick Enjoy your special day RG
  5. Happy Birthday SassiesWorld Enjoy your special day RG
  6. Watched this the other night. Recorded on my PVR RG
  7. ....well this "angler" makes Bob Izumi look like a weekend fisherman LOL http://www.youtube.com/embed/nA3LtXnNIto?feature=player_embedded RG
  8. Does anyone else see an irony here. Trudeau won't give his MP's members the freedom of choice between voting anti abortion and pro choice. They must be pro choice...well vote pro choice. Liberal MPs have no choice but to be pro choice Just seems ironic that's all RG
  9. Final arrangements and reservations have just been made for a weekend escape with a very special lady RG
  10. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/prostitution-bill-police-sex-trade-workers-continue-debate-1.2699682
  11. Well used troubleshooter, and went back two days and restored Windows to how it operated then, everything fine now Funny just msn.com and Outlook not working, all other websites and hobby email working. But now all is right with the world Thanks RG
  12. My homepage msn.com and outlook email which is part of msn aren't loading No internet problem, and I can get on other sites (like CERB) just msn won't come up Anyone else having problems with msn.com? RG
  13. Oh it has been brought up before, like in this thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=141071&highlight=testing And for me, since I need to get blood work done every two months for an unrelated medical condition, I at the same time get tested for STI/STD's It's funny how in this lifestyle testing is a subject that comes up. But it doesn't seem to be an issue in the dating world And one wonders how active the men and women are that go clubbing or dating and yet do they get tested. I also find it interesting I don't recall STD/STI testing an issue on dating websites. Wonder why the conventional and "right" way to meet women is so far behind the times in regards to sexual health, and yet this lifestyle is so far with, or ahead of the times sexual health wise. Anyhow a quick few off the cuff morning ramblings on this topic RG
  14. The French Connection RG
  15. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/peter-mackay-warns-prostitution-will-be-decriminalized-without-new-law-1.2698425
  16. Morning coffee, surfing CERB, reading, replying to emails and watching the rain come down RG
  17. Clint Eastwood (as Walt Kowalski) and Bee Vang (as Thao Vang Lor) in Gran Torino RG
  18. Happy Birthday Evelyn Enjoy your special day RG
  19. Happy Birthday Mia Enjoy your special day RG
  20. Blofeld (irrespective of the actor who played him) and a white cat RG
  21. Sitting back, surfing CERB, watching The Blade Runner, all while my cat is on the floor sleeping, using my foot as a pillow LOL RG
  22. KC and the Sunshine Band That's The Way I Like It RG
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