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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach In the Good The Bad and The Ugly I haven't forgotten Lee Van Cleef, just that, well if you get past the fact that Clint Eastwood's character Blondie, (aka The Good) and Eli Wallach's character Tuco (aka The Ugly) tried to kill each other, that movie also had elements of being a buddy film too Lee Van Cleef's character, Angel Eyes (aka The Bad), well he wasn't a buddy LOL RG
  2. Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau The Odd Couple (the movie) I suppose then I should also mention Jack Klugman and Tony Randall from the tv show The Odd Couple RG
  3. Robert De Niro, Charles Grodin in Midnight Run Funny movie, and Robert De Niro plays a good straight man to Charles Grodin's dry humour RG
  4. Up surfing CERB and watching tv...insomnia sucks!!! RG
  5. About to put the computer down, turn the tv off, put my shoes on and go for a walk RG
  6. It would not bother me in the least Megan, not at all And providing such a lifesaving gift, that is one of the most generous giving acts a person could ever do for another person...truly it is giving of yourself for another person If there is concern about the scar, well a scar didn't in the least detract from this lady's beauty, did it. BTW for the younger generation, that is Marilyn Monroe This coming from a guy who's body is an imperfection. A scar however isn't a imperfection Megan. It's a physical sign of a beautiful woman who has an inner beauty too, by giving the gift of life. Don't consider it a scar, it really is a beauty mark RG
  7. Up too early, someone phoned (unknown number, didn't even answer) shortly before 4am woke me up, couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up, had two coffees, surfing CERB, watching tv and now, time for coffee number three RG
  8. Had a late lunch, so very shortly I'm going to have dinner, a BLT sandwich RG
  9. Interesting and good post. Personally I'm a political agnostic, although right now I don't like the CPC. But I hold no dreams that if an ouster of the CPC comes in the next election, the Liberals or NDP will be the white knights coming in, and it will be utopia. All politicians, jmo, are more concerned about being in power and staying in power, or second best, if not in power, at least sitting as an MP in the House. As for Bill C36 the CPC wants it, the Opposition doesn't. But why? Do you really think its because of the issue. I think in large part the CPC wanted this legislation as a way to thumb their nose at the SCC. The Opposition, they likely don't agree with the legislation more because it is a CPC legislation than anything else. If the CPC produced a good Bill, one supportive of this lifestyle, and protective of women, and in the spirit of the SCC decision, then the Opposition would hate it. In politics, integrity means little, you as an MP must be against what the other side is for,and for what the other side is against. And above all else stand united with your Party. Without for one minute worrying if what you are supporting or are against for the Party flies in the face of your own personal values and integrity Why Trudeau would want a united front on abortion I do not know. The Liberal caucus should have stood up and said any such vote on such a personal matter should be a free vote. While Trudeau announced a party line on abortion, it really was the Liberal inner sanctum (including Trudeau) who want this. Such a vote on abortion wouldn't be a vote bringing about a confidence vote. So what I don't understand isn't so much why Trudeau wants a party line on abortion, but why the Liberal caucus said yes Now me, if charged, well I'll just exercise my right to be silent ;-) But if I do take the stand, is it ok to lie because I swore on the Bible? I ask because I'm Agnostic, yes really. But nothing in that law says friends can't get together. Actually don't know how I would deal with it, except most important thing, if the police bust in, I'll just shut my mouth and say nothing Fortunately for those of us in this lifestyle, escorts and clients alike, who partake discretely, we won't be bothered IMHO, it's street prostitution that will be LE's focus because they can't afford to target and enforce anti prostitution laws against escorts and clients. Which also begs another question, if the CPC's new Bill, C36 has a calling in it to save prostitutes from johns and perverts, why doesn't the Government back their words and law with the money and resources to enforce it? What does that say about their integrity in drafting this Bill, when they knew they didn't have the resources to enforce the law they want passed A few ramblings RG
  10. Back from a walk, had a late lunch (salad) surfing CERB, surfing tv channels. And about to do something bad, a moment of weakness, they had fresh made coconut cream pie at the grocery store, so I bought it, going to have a piece with a coffee RG
  11. The Paradise Institute Janet Cardiff next Gutzon Borglum RG
  12. Well not commonly seen, but the emergence of a gimmick, something that really never caught on because it has no practical use ;-) the first cell phone http://mashable.com/2014/03/13/first-cellphone-on-sale/ and I'm not 100 percent sure, but the police in the 1980's (in Canada) still used a flap holster to carry their sidearms in. And gas prices weren't what they are today. I remember when the first Gulf War was on, early 1990's gas rose to around 50 cents/litre, and that was thought high...wish it would go back to those prices RG
  13. Don't know what advice to offer, my experience with Bell's "Customer Service" is it doesn't exist, and why I dropped them years ago But this link "may", I emphasize "may" help http://support.bell.ca/Billing-and-Accounts/How_to_escalate_a_complaint They may be able to steer you to the right direction. Good Luck RG
  14. It would seem to me that the listed/tagged price is what the retailer must sell the item for. The retailer tagged it, they are responsible for the pricing and labelling of inventory on their shelves they wish to sell That said, that is only my opinion This may be of more help though http://www.retailcouncil.org/memberservices/consumerprograms/scanner-price-accuracy Good Luck RG
  15. I'm sure there are ladies who can say that about guys they've met too Just thank you to all the ladies who were too polite and nice to say so to me ;-) But in laughing spirit, well not just a bag over his head, but body too, and a hefty bag at that BTW I think he was cover of the Swimsuit Edition of Fat Bastards BBM magazine LOL RG
  16. Is this why you thought he meant the grocery store LOL RG :-)
  17. Making hotel, and some other reservations for a very special weekend escape of a lifetime in a couple weeks RG
  18. Well never heard of this before so I did a Google search and came up with this https://www.health.arizona.edu/health_topics/sexual_health/usingtwocondoms.htm Bottom line, it sounds more is not better. Stick with one condom RG
  19. Thanks for support everyone, well almost everyone but I certainly think a reasonable guess can be made on who the other RG is now. But as for that other poster's posts The real RG :-)
  20. The longest, well that's Emily Rushton. Our first date was March 5, 2011, and I just recently saw her, and will be seeing her again in a couple weeks. Each time we see each other, well it just gets better and better. A close second was Lonna Lux. Our first date was September 11, 2010. And I would have seen her just as regularly as I saw (see) Emily, because each date with her also just got better and better. But she retired, which while I'm happy for her, I do miss her And both ladies are very special, not only as companions each in their own right, but as people too. They also both liked one another, and liked me enough to share a special evening with me, my first ménage a trois, on November 10, 2012 Boy, those ladies must be special, I remember key anniversary dates with them too ;-) not to mention all our dates. And to Emily and Lonna, thank you RG
  21. Well most of the time I see ladies is in Toronto, so I'll offer a couple recommendations Kylie Daniels is a wonderful Toronto based companion, and you would have a great date with her while not Toronto based the following ladies do tour and include Toronto on their tour schedule. You would have to contact them to see if they are in Toronto when you are there Emily Rushton also is a wonderful companion. A date with her is memorable Victoria Jolie also includes Toronto on her tour schedule. I still have fond memories of our encounter this year Those are three ladies I have met and have had Great Encounters with, Kylie and Victoria in Toronto, Emily in Toronto, Kingston and London You can see my recommendations of these ladies in those city's forums here on CERB BTW they all have profiles on CERB Good Luck RG
  22. Congratulations Emily on 5000 (well almost 5000 ;-) ) sensual magical and original posts You are one of the CERB members who makes this more than a board, but a community as well. Your posts are a joy to read and a real contribution to CERB Thanks for all your posts, looking forward to reading your next 5000 posts RG
  23. The Shootist John Wayne's last movie RG
  24. Django and Dr King Schultz (Django Unchained) RG
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