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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Happy Birthday Melodie Enjoy your special day RG
  2. Happy Birthday Finch Enjoy your special day RG
  3. I am not paranoid in any way shape or form, nor is Emily feeding my paranoia (which I don't have) I am concerned that a lady may book with this "RG" assuming he is me but he could be a bad date, or worse. Hence why I posted this in the warnings section. It isn't the first time someone has tried to pass themselves off as another guy, nor will it be the last The lady who told me thought it was worth warning me about. And a couple other people thought I should be concerned too. I'd rather err on the side of safety, and let the ladies know someone has copied my profile. That isn't paranoia, that is being and showing concern. Most get it, surprised you don't RG
  4. That's the real concern. A lady may be contacted by this character, and the lady thinks that guy is me. The guy could turn out to be a bad date, maybe worse than just a bad date. And she wouldn't have booked with him except she thought he was me. This is something that could potentially have very serious consequences And after seeing the profile it's clear it was my profile copied, it's not a coincidence. Anyhow, a rambling RG
  5. I posted in the Canada Wide Warnings but since the other board is a Toronto board rhymes with CERB also thought to post here too My post in this thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=611476#post611476 A lady brought this to my attention (thank you btw) On a Toronto based _ERB review board, there is a member who has a similar handle/profile to mine (RG from Smalltown Ontario) This person is not me!!! Whether the profile is coincidence or not I do not know for fact If you also use this other board, and are contacted by this individual on that board, just a heads up, this person is not me The only board I use is CERB If any ladies are contacted by RG and unsure if they were contacted by that RG or me, please feel free to PM me here on CERB, just to be sure. And again, I only use CERB, so if from the other board, it's not me A rambling I wish I didn't have to make RG (the real RG)
  6. Find hotels hosting these type of socials, you'll likely find a hotel offering a hourly rate RG :-) Additional Comments: No one is saying you are cheap. A four hour rate sounds more like a day rate than hourly rate though. As for not asking your name, don't you have to show ID (even credit card) I've never been to any hotel or motel where (even though I pay in cash) they didn't need to see some ID. In fact this is the first I ever heard of not asking a name RG
  7. On Her Majesty's Secret Service The Roger Moore years were the dark years of James Bond, but George Lazenby was when JB hit absolute rock bottom JMO of course RG
  8. A movie on VOD which I just started watching, Three Days To Kill stars Kevin Costner Too soon to tell if it's good or not RG
  9. Just for a little levity A Seinfeld episode for every occasion RG :-)
  10. Live And Let Die The first movie of the dark years of James Bond...the Roger Moore years LOL RG
  11. Especially considering in the case of touring ladies who go up North, which is a bit off the beaten path, a recommendation would be a nice way for clients to say "Thank You" to that lady. And provide feedback so she knows her tour up North was appreciated. The lady may then add the Territories to her touring schedule on a regular basis A rambling RG
  12. Clint Eastwood and In the Dirty Harry series of movies LOL RG
  13. You still miss the point, it isn't how society will treat johns, frankly society as a whole likely doesn't even care. It's how the government will treat clients of professional companions Just listen to the words Peter MacKay, The Justice Minister and Attorney General of Canada uses words like pervert and johns to describe clients. With that being the government's attitude, just how do you think the justice system will treat clients And that I believe is the author's point RG
  14. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull RG
  15. But by using terms like fag, and faggot allowed for a dehumanizing treatment of homosexuals. Likewise referring to men who see escorts as johns and pervs etc instead of as clients also allows for a dehumanizing stigmatizing view of men who seek the companionship of professional companions in a mutually beneficial arrangement. That was the point the author was trying to make Using dehumanizing labels allows the government to try to sell it's world view that those of us who seek out professional companions are exploiting women, and those women are victims. It would have been very hard for MacKay to sell his legislation if he used terms like professional companion, client, mutually beneficial arrangement and so on. RG
  16. Happy Birthday Alexa Enjoy your special day RG
  17. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/06/27/thomas-mulcair-peter-mackay-emails-judges_n_5537200.html?utm_hp_ref=canada-politics
  18. You may want to re-read the article again. The author isn't talking about the public treatment of john's with the enactment of this new pending legislation. She is talking about the government's treatment of john's with the new legislation and comparing it to past treatment of gays. And the author is using the comparison of john's and gays because it pertains to government involvement and social control in the sexual preferences of society. It isn't about how society treated homosexuals and society will treat johns. It's about how the government will stigmatize and criminalize human sexuality RG
  19. http://www.feministezine.com/feminist/historical/Good-Wifes-Guide.html
  20. Your best bet is find a hotel offering a day rate. Hotels near an airport often offer them Hotels with hourly rates, well for one, don't assume their sheets are clean and changed hourly. More important, most ladies wouldn't go to that type of hotel. So either get a hotel with a day rate or see a lady who has an incall location RG
  21. Except that MacKay is dangerous, Ford ads a bit of comic distraction And something tells me when it comes to prostitution, Ford is on our side...whether that helps or hurts us I don't know LOL RG :-)
  22. Isn't an encounter more than just about the "O". Isn't there pleasure in two adults getting together intimately. And it's a question, as Il Re says, you won't get a lady answering, it's a no win for her. She says she always has an orgasm, you assume she's fibbing, if she says she is faking, you as a client may be offended A quote comes to mind, seems appropriate for discussions when the subject seems about orgasms, SOG's, MSOG's or whatever And seeing a lady, just my opinion, is the encounter, is also metaphorically the journey The destination, the orgasm. But if you focus solely on the orgasm you miss out on the journey...a journey which has enjoyment and pleasure too. A philosophical rambling...hope it came out right :-) RG
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