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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Groceries and a TFSA, well I guess technically 3 TFSA's RG
  2. Steak and asparagus Washed down with a no alcohol beer Mixed berries for desert RG
  3. Watched this one last night and included for a chuckle RG
  4. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/columnists/peter-mackay-hes-the-minister-of-wrong-again/article19260516/
  5. Picked up some corn on the cob, had it and finished off my macaroni salad Washed down with water And mixed berries for desert RG
  6. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/madeleine-meilleur-says-peter-mackay-s-judge-comments-unfortunate-1.2687467
  7. The view of MacKay as social progressive must have come from his relationship with Belinda Stronach LOL I think he's viewed as a Blue Tory, and his "musings" certainly make it seem he's stuck in 1940's-1950's thought, he certainly doesn't seem all that enlightened Maybe if MacKay was dating an Eva Braun clone, his true colours would have been seen sooner LOL RG
  8. U.S. Court ruling, may be of interest to those travelling in the United States http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cops-need-warrant-search-cellphones-court-rules-n140516
  9. Kinda wondering if Harper is crazy like a fox. Had the Cabinet reshuffle last July, took McKay out of Defence, put him in Justice where the lightning rod new law on prostitution was pending, plus he appears to be a typical male chauvinist with condescending paternalistic attitudes towards women...any leadership attacks on Harper, at least McKay will have a hard time now being a leadership contender. Every time he opens his mouth he offends someone Just a quick off the cuff thought RG
  10. Happy Birthday andflemcol Enjoy your special day RG
  11. Actually I've got a PVR Angela, unfortunately it was recording another movie at the same time I was watching Bullitt...and I stayed up late just to see that movie, especially the chase scene I love that fastback Mustang too RG
  12. Happy Birthday jafo Enjoy your special day RG
  13. Happy Birthday Michaella Enjoy your special day RG
  14. TV Ads :-( Watching Bullitt...the best scene in the movie IMHO is the chase scene, arguably the best car chase scene in movies anywhere and as the scene starts, they break for an ad. Then as the chase scene progresses, they break for another ad...like WTF!!! RG
  15. Each lady sets her own rates, and no matter what it is, don't negotiate or try to negotiate it Look at ladies profiles and view their website. If you see one who interests you then contact her using their preferred method of contact. But as for a specific city's rates, well I see ladies from Ottawa to Kingston, to Toronto, Hamilton and London...and I haven't found an average "city" rate, just that each lady sets her own rate, irrespective of what city she is in. RG
  16. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/peter-mackay-lauds-moms-for-changing-diapers-dads-for-moulding-minds-in-holiday-messages-1.2686099
  17. Or Ottawatonians are just more open and unashamed of partaking in this lifestyle, and willing to share, well except the transplanted Ottawatonians ones like Peter MacKay who thinks sex is dirty and should be kept in the shadows RG
  18. Just recently saw this movie, certainly doesn't glorify war And the Germans not portrayed as "bad" guys, just soldiers stuck in a war the same as Allied soldiers All Quiet On The Western Front RG
  19. No Country For Old Men RG
  20. Same as last night, homemade macaroni salad, and steamed asparagus Washed down with water For desert, strawberries RG
  21. Happy Birthday Emily Enjoy your special day RG
  22. Killer Elite Just watched it last night RG
  23. I too have to mention Emily Rushton as a beautiful lady to see. She is not only a wonderful companion, but a beautiful person as well. And as mrnice points out, she includes Halifax in her tours. A date with her is unforgetable Another wonderful lady who may tour to Halifax is my beautiful virtual wife, Gabriella Laurence. She also is a wonderful companion and beautiful person and you would enjoy an encounter with her too. And both ladies are redheads Good Luck RG
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