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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. If you share your experiences in Kitchener through recommendations, then the Kitchener forum might start getting more activity, not to mention the ladies there would likely appreciate a recommendation too. You are familiar with the Kitchener scene, so start up some discussions. Who knows, your experiences may entice some other gentlemen to take a drive there. Not to mention locals gentlemen may also start posting recommendations RG
  2. It's as busy as CERB members make it. If there are CERB members, ladies and gentlemen alike who partake in this lifestyle in other cities it's up to them to make that city get noticed on CERB. So if you see a lady in another city, write a recommendation of your encounter in that city's forum. If there is a topic pertaining to another city, start a discussion up. But if little if any activity in a city, that is because no CERB members contributed posts to that city's forums. And it is up to the CERB members to make the board and its forums/sub forums active So if a CERB member has a post to make pertaining to another city's forum, post. That's how board traffic and activity is created A second rambling RG
  3. It's as busy as CERB members make it. If there are CERB members, ladies and gentlemen alike who partake in this lifestyle in other cities it's up to them to make that city get noticed on CERB. So if you see a lady in another city, write a recommendation of your encounter in that city's forum. If there is a topic pertaining to another city, start a discussion up. But if little if any activity in a city, that is because no CERB members contributed posts to that city's forums. And it is up to the CERB members to make the board and its forums/sub forums active And just a comment, this post was posted in the Ottawa forum, but many CERB member across Canada stick to their own city and general discussion forum all of Canada. This topic might have reach many more CERB members if in the general discussion area all of Canada if we were trying to get more cities to partake in their forums. BTW just a comment, not a criticism Anyhow a rambling RG
  4. Goldfinger And a bit of trivia, Sean Connery who played James Bond and Gert Frobe who played Goldfinger starred together in another classic movie The Longest Day. Sean Connery was a British soldier landing on D Day and Gert Frobe played a German soldier who delivered coffee to the German troops on horseback Just a bit of trivia RG
  5. Watching Bridge On The River Kwai right now RG
  6. Got back home a short while ago and enjoying a beer (no alcohol) after an afternoon fishing on the Bay Of Quinte. Three largemouth bass, one smallmouth bass one pike and one walleye caught. RG
  7. Watching Cahill US Marshall. Recorded it earlier on my PVR RG
  8. Bass...given the choice largemouth then smallmouth Best Bond Fight Scene Bond vs Grant in From Russia With Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DyfgdXt9dU Kendo fight scene in Moonraker Beach fight scene On Her Majesty's Secret Service Bond vs Alec Trevelyan Goldeneye Bond vs Patrice Skyfall Bond in Soviet jail in Afghanistan The Living Daylights BTW just a cross section, covering each actor who played Bond Which fight scene do you prefer Done just before I get ready to go bass fishing tomorrow YAY!!!!! RG
  9. Well I was talking with a lady about a upcoming encounter. I was concerned she would be tempted to cancel ;-) seeing that MacKay was handing out twenty million dollars $$$. She told me we can plan our date, it wasn't a tough call at all :-) To that Lady, Thank You, choosing me, a perv :-) over MacKay and his millions That brightened my day in a week that all in all has been pretty good after a few (quite a few) months that have been bad RG
  10. Happy Birthday Sami Enjoy your special day RG
  11. Well here's a quick shortcut to the Ottawa Discussion Forum http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=31 Click on "Start New Thread" and then repost your topic in there Some topics go in specific forums. The more you play around with this board the more familiar you'll get with the various forums Good Luck RG
  12. This isn't dirty and exploiting, I didn't pay for it, he did me for free, well I bought him a drink and it was on the taxpayers dime PM
  13. Happy Birthday HSDB Enjoy your special day RG
  14. Well a couple things First, went to the doctor's today...he OK'd and signed my Health Insurance form Second, yesterday went to the bank machine, couldn't get any money out...there was a freeze on my accounts WTF. I was away from home so couldn't contact my branch till now. Two days thinking the worst. Contacted the branch. Apparently it looked like suspicious activity (identity theft) taking place so hold on accounts, tomorrow I get a new bank card, cheques, etc. Stomach been churning for two days, turns out nothing and no, no money taken...whew relieved RG
  15. Please no more I can't take any more of these threads
  16. In an ideal world, no, seeing an SP shouldn't bar you from running for office. That said, in reality sex plays a part in politics, whether it is a politician seeing a SP, a politician having an affair, a politician sexually harassing someone etc etc etc. Some cases, like sexual harassment, definitely should have an effect, but others, well really it is someone's private life Now in the case right now of the conservatives, if a member (especially MacKay) was caught involved with a SP, well his private life is overlapping his professional public life and seeing an SP should affect his political life. As for the question of the SP who disclosed she saw a politician. SP's are hired, in part for discretion. Without knowing the details, I would say generally speaking a lady should keep encounters to herself. But said with the caveat I don't know the details. She may have had perfectly good reasons to disclose. But she may have disclosed strictly for titillation and to destroy a politicians career. I don't know A rambling RG
  17. A post by Cat in a thread a while back. Seems pertinent for this thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=59279&highlight=john RG
  18. Actually yes and by Satai on page two of this thread ;-) RG
  19. Happy Birthday Ms. Samantha Enjoy your special day RG
  20. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/should-the-prostitution-law-debate-hear-from-johns-1.2675048
  21. Here is a sample bottle of the new cologne :-)
  22. Right now watching The Blue Max (1966 movie starring George Peppard and Ursula Andress) Recorded it the other night on my PVR RG
  23. Correct me if I'm wrong, but now it goes to Committee? Does Committee run in the summer or does all of Parliament (H of C, Senate, Committees etc) all have summer break. If off for the summer when does Parliament resume business, and how long in Committee before it goes for third reading And my cross my fingers wish, when in Committee, they'll take notice of media reports and reaction to the bill, and suggest amendments before it goes for third reading But I'm not getting my hopes up RG
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