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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Unless, unless, there is a planned cabinet shuffle, MacKay is out as Justice Minister, a new "enlightened" MP goes in, says this bill is crap, back to the drawing board, and returns with a new enlightened Charter/SCC compliant bill which makes everyone in this lifestyle happy The conservatives doing it so they will be seen before the election as enlightened Somewhat scheming and Machiavellian of them isn't it...if that's what they intend to do Just thinking outloud RG
  2. Because it isn't just about you. It's also about the lady, her wishes, and her boundaries. And many ladies state in their websites they do not want graphic reviews. So posting on CERB (or other board) details about something you and a lady did in private and which she wishes kept private, is why it is inappropriate to talk about it in a public forum. At the time of the encounter, the lady will guide you if your not doing things right for her. And that's where and when you and the lady you see can click and develop a chemistry, not from you reading posts, and assuming one size fits all so to speak A rambling RG
  3. From the dark years of James Bond, the Roger Moore years...and this likely one of the worst RM JB films. Just my opinion though A View To A Kill RG
  4. You Only Live Twice RG
  5. The World Is Not Enough RG
  6. Well this Fat Bastard BBM has found all the lovin' he needs right here on Canada's CERB...and thank you ladies for making me (and other FB BBM's) feel loved and wanted LOL RG :-)
  7. If the bill has to go back to the drawing board, it's because it won't meet Charter challenges, the same challenges which brought the issue to a head to begin with. A new bill will address Charter challenges. But what is progressive about the Nordic model as you post. How can straightforward "charge the johns" bill be progressive? It feeds into the stereotype of this lifestyle as being only about victims and victimizers, and not for one second considering consenting adults can enter into a mutually beneficial sexual relationship based on services for money, with no strings attached. And just charge the johns, well that makes as much sense as legalizing drug trafficking but making it illegal to buy drugs. This lifestyle we are opposite sides of the same coin, either all victims or all victimizers, or as I prefer to think, consenting adults engaged in a mutually beneficial arrangement A morning rambling RG
  8. I don't know, Ford just might be supportive of this lifestyle...I wouldn't be surprised if he's had a "date" or two in his past...but now that he has "more than enough to eat at home" LOL he probably doesn't get out as much as he used to RG :-)
  9. Oh I don't know for fact, but I think there is a lot of people getting fed up with the Conservatives, not just those of us in this lifestyle RG
  10. http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2014/06/09/sex_worker_rights_why_peter_mackay_wont_get_a_date_this_friday_night.html
  11. MacKay doesn't care...by the time it comes to draft another bill the Conservatives will be voted out, PM Justin Trudeau will appoint someone as Justice Minister to make an enlightened law, and Peter MacKay will go back to Central Nova and hang out a shingle and go into private law practice RG
  12. O Brother Where Art Thou RG
  13. Forewarned it is written by Peter MacKay http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2014/06/14/peter-mackay-a-made-in-canada-solution-to-prostitution/
  14. Well my little boy (my cat) decided to give me a Father's Day present Come back from a walk, and there was one of my socks in the living room He doesn't do it all that often anymore, just strange today of all days LOL Put a smile on my face though...hence why a highlight RG :-)
  15. Back from a walk and going to the grocery store Having lunch (Caesar salad) washed down with water And surfing CERB, and reading/replying to emails RG
  16. But doing it behind closed doors, you'll get the opinion, the most important opinion btw, that matters at that time. RG
  17. I think your right CK, I can see them too Just a clever marketing ploy me thinks too :-) Seriously Jessica, I can see them RG
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