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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well I lost dad a year ago June 13, 2013 to cancer, but a friend wished me Happy Father's Day this morning...my cat being my child And my child so appreciative of his dad, he wanted me to feed him LOL Happy Father's Day everyone RG
  2. Stumbled across this today. Not current news, but an interesting read RG http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2014/03/27/lies-damned-lies-and-sex-work-statistics/
  3. Flight Of The Phoenix (the original one with James Stewart) RG
  4. Well if the choice is Football (soccer) or CFL, I'll change the channel and look for a good movie...or even better yet, hope for an encounter with a lady ;-) Favourite James Bond redhead Fiona Volpe (played by Luciana Paluzzi) in Thunderball or Tiffany Case (played by Jill St John) in Diamonds Are Forever or Helga Brandt (played by Karin Dor) in You Only Live Twice or Rosa Klebb (played by Lotte Lenya) in From Russia With Love RG
  5. Bridge On The River Kwai RG
  6. I discovered from someone special that coffee can be ordered on line, and flavours not available in Canada are available on line ;-) RG
  7. Don't get me started on Future Shop. They were, well the salesman was the one who told me when I went shopping for a computer (FS had a sale on at the time...$200 for a laptop) to me a bunch of crooks. I went to get the laptop, and he said yes, $200 for the laptop but something like $600-$700 for an operating system (Windows 8 btw, they should pay us to take it) WTF...didn't even finish listening to his spiel, just turned around, walked out, went to Costco, got a laptop for just under $400.00 Guess that's why I hate shopping too...unless it's something for a special friend, that I enjoy A rambling RG
  8. I might get a time out for posting this, maybe even banned permanently from CERB but X yields few choices so Xanadu Yuk I feel dirty and sick for posting RG
  9. I just wanted to say Thank You first to my dear virtual wife for noticing and posting this thread. Your hubby appreciates this very much Second, Thank You to all who commented, it too is appreciated. And Third, a Thank You to the CERB community for any posts you thought were rep worthy The rep points aren't why I joined CERB, but it is a nice indicator of how this community thinks of me. In a high pitched voice like Sally Field "You like me, you really like me" LOL Thank You All Everyone RG
  10. Not to make light of things, but I'm safe then emailing/receiving emails as long as their are no children present....and I don't do it in front of police now Seriously, with ladies I contact, most don't advertise a menu of services, and I don't ask about what services offered...I ask about setting up a date, time, place etc. I wonder, this more thinking out loud, if ladies required a user name/password for someone to see their website. That way it is more a case of "members" viewing the website than the general public surfing the web Anyhow a quick off the cuff rambling off the top of my head working off only one cup of coffee...time for cup two RG
  11. I can see for some how they would be beneficial, but for me, as a touring gentleman LOL living in smalltown Ontario I have found they aren't beneficial to me in arranging dates. I'm further ahead contacting a lady, and scheduling an encounter at a future date that works well for both of us And contacting a lady ahead of time to book an encounter also allows the lady the time to pre screen/verify me. But that's just me A morning rambling RG
  12. True Grit (the original with John Wayne, the remake IMHO sucked) RG
  13. Well this bill has already been complicated by today's Supreme Court Of Canada decision http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=182967 And as I have argued already, police are going to focus their resources on street prostitution. It takes relatively few law enforcement "bucks" to get a lot of "bang" (ie arrests, convictions) whereas now requiring a warrant to access a internet users information from a Internet Service Provider needs a lot of investigative resources and information/evidence to show a court to get a warrant to access a user's information Would be a lot of bucks for very little bang Police departments are bureaucracies and like any other bureaucracies they are given budgets and spend it as they best see fit. My prediction is the focus will be on street prostitution And don't think, as much as MacKay et al are ideologically driven, that this decision won't be reflected in the final bill/law. RG
  14. Just in today's news (already posted) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=182967 But SCC states anonymity on the internet is a right and police will need a warrant before accessing someone's ISP to get a users identification How this will affect C36, hmmm....??? Probably LE's focus even now more than ever will be street prostitution Just my opinion RG
  15. Friday the 13th...and the one year anniversary of the death of my dad On a plus side, if you want to call it that, it was more a blessing after he suffered from cancer for over a year RG
  16. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/internet-users-privacy-upheld-by-canada-s-top-court-1.2673823
  17. Congratulations P Pete Enjoy reading your posts, looking forward to your next 6000 RG
  18. On a more fun side, celebrating a beautiful lady's birthday and having birthday cake in bed with her, another special lady and me....oh wait, I did that, as part of a ménage a trois, a most memorable ménage a trois BTW. Thank you Lonna Lux for allowing Emily Rushton and myself to share your birthday with you RG
  19. To have incriminating photos of Harper and MacKay and go to their offices and get C36 cancelled and replaced with something more favourable to those of us in this lifestyle...something that reflects the reality of those who partake in this lifestyle, not the false ideological stereotypes the politicians have RG
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