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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well it was on tv yesterday, recorded it on my PVR, this afternoon going to watch All Quiet On The Western Front RG
  2. Well I'm sure there will be SP's lining up at Service Canada when this bill becomes law to get their cut of the Government's generous twenty million dollars to save them, not to mention Unemployment Insurance benefits coming to them. Of course this is the reality of the Harper Government's dealing with UI budget cutbacks http://www.workersactioncentre.org/updates/employment-insurance/service-canada-office-closures-causing-serious-delays-for-workers-accessing-ei/ What a bright shining day awaits the escorts/courtesans in this lifestyle. The government already has shown what it thinks of the marginalized in Canadian society, it now wants to spout a moral high road, but in the process really and truly marginalize and criminalize even more citizens...twenty million wouldn't last a week MacKay and Harper should be ashamed RG
  3. My cat heard about the dog vomit, don't know which upset him more, the thought of dog vomit or the thought he had to share his apartment with a dog But it woke him out of a sound sleep...and he went jumping...I think most of all to avoid the vomit RG
  4. Shouldn't be brought up at all http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_discussillegal Even if you have a medical pot licence where do you plan on getting more pot, not to mention in current political climate, this just stereotypes this industry RG
  5. Well I just was going to start another thread about that thing but seeing as OD just did I won't. And I won't even go on and on about that thing by posting a reply on this thread thus causing it to go on and on. It's the least I can do. Oooppps I just replied didn't I. But at least I didn't start a new thread RG
  6. Nothing in this bill about two friends getting together is there...two friends who are open and honest with each other and trust one another implicitly. BTW no nudge nudge wink wink here, what I am saying is absolutely true RG
  7. Well being a non drinker myself I wouldn't ask someone to drink at 9am, well unless it's coffee LOL Mind you when I have encounters they are usually evening, sometimes afternoon, and irrespective, as someone who usually is hosting, I always ask the lady ahead of our encounter what she would like to drink, and always, always, open the drink in front of her RG
  8. Well I checked a certain website (the type you can lose your man card for checking LOL) after an email from someone, well this was my cat's reaction. BTW this cat looks like my cat RG
  9. Well with verification, the Very First Time I was booking with a lady who required verification/screening, well I was terrified giving out my name. And my hand shaking as I emailed her the information, and a churning in my stomach after the information sent. But once done, I realized, as much as there is a concern for privacy from a man's perspective, the lady is willing to see me alone, intimately, and she has to consider her safety And safety trumps privacy each and every time. The ladies I provide, or will provide my verification information with I trust absolutely. I have no concerns with a lady I contact having my personal information. While this lifestyle may have to be closed to those in the outside world, to those of us in this lifestyle, being open with one another is IMHO the best way to go A rambling RG
  10. The only reason I include my board handle, confirmed by PM to a lady when being screened is that some characters may want to pass themselves off as a more well known gentleman on a recommendation/review board. BTW this has happened to some CERB members here Providing my board handle, and confirming it via pm isn't instead of providing my real name, it's in addition to providing my real name (and other requested screening information) Anyhow, just thrown in for discussion A rambling RG
  11. Make sure it's MacKay and Harper you charm...and then threaten to out them unless Bill C36 is cut LOL RG
  12. Congratulations Conquistador on 500 posts Looking forward to your next 500 contributions RG
  13. I was thinking of not just voting Conservative in the next federal election, but joining the Conservative Party too And sending PM a thank you card for enlightening me as to how evil and perverted a man I really have been. I may not buy a church, but maybe I should start going to church. But those in Ottawa could move to Chapel Hill RG (a pervert)
  14. A lot of fear mongering. How many saw escorts at their incall location or booked agency ladies and didn't give a thought that it was illegal...and easy enough for police to set up stings to go after those who did have incalls or were agency ladies. The police are going to set their own enforcement priorities based on their budgets not PM There is no new resources allocated to police to enforce this new bill. To rescue the prostitutes who PM claims he want saved from us pervs, twenty million is pathetic, actually a disgrace, and considering his speech, he should hang his head in shame instead of acting morally superior. It isn't even enough to even set up the bureaucracy needed to allocate funds to save the ladies All PM cared about was getting Bedford/SCC case closed, and doing so in a way that appeased the Conservatives political constituency. For those who are going to stop if this bill becomes law well everyone needs to do what is comfortable for them But enforcement costs money, with no new money coming, how are police going to enforce this law the way some think they will RG
  15. Tonight a homemade submarine sandwich Loaf Italian bread cut in half then cut lengthwise (enough for a sub tomorrow) Genoa salami provolone cheese mozzarella cheese jalapeno havarti cheese sliced Spanish onion peppers Dijon money mayo washed down with a no alcohol beer and mixed berries for desert RG
  16. Frost/Nixon Saw it this morning. OK, but you almost feel sympathy for Nixon and dislike Frost. But quick entertainment when nothing else on tv RG
  17. I think what is being missed is the police could have done so under the old legislation. Just for example how many ladies for example advertise incalls, how many agencies advertise, both illegal btw. It wasn't targeted by LE with massive raids because it is both time and resource (money) demanding on police. With the possibility of low return, on their LE investment if that makes sense. I mean would you as a police chief sanction thousands of dollars to go after one SP and clients doing incalls and get out of it, maybe six months probation? Especially when for less dollars unmarked cruisers could drive by and target street prostitution. Or even cheaper, set up a lot of speed traps and actually ticket drivers and produce revenue for the city Government agencies, be they federal, provincial or municipal are all constrained by budgets...no new funding has been allocated to law enforcement to go after prostitution. And LE is a government agency or extension of the Government/State Yes the government had to play a moral high ground to appease it's constituents but really I believe they could have given a rat's a$$ about the issue to begin with. This was their solution to get Bedford and the SCC off their back so to speak. Proof of how much they really care. Only twenty million for all of Canada to "save" prostitutes...if PM really believed what he preached, that amount, well he should hang his head in shame, that's not going to help anyone. No money or resources allocated to law enforcement. And each police department sets it own priorities with the resources it has It isn't just what the bill says, it also matters what the government will do to enforce that new bill...and that is not much of anything Just my opinion RG
  18. Well I know I would have had a lot less encounters over the past four years if I scared...er shared my photo with a lady I wanted to see LOL And thank you to all those ladies who after first glance of me, still came into my hotel room RG
  19. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/prostitution-law-changes-have-chance-of-surviving-court-challenge-1.2669996
  20. Soooo I am old, small and ugly I do need to pay for sex and have your requested donation plus tip and gift to offer you I live far away, will you be available on this date and time Is X dollars enough as a tip Being old small and ugly is there additional charges Are these turn on's for an SP Tongue in cheek here btw RG :-)
  21. Here's the link to a story linked in the MacLean's article http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/judge-raps-justice-officials-for-treatment-of-whistle-blower/article7394559/ Makes you wonder RG
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