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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. James Bond Favourite Bond Villain Dr. No or Rosa Klebb or Auric Goldfinger or Ernst Stavro Blofeld RG
  2. I posted this In The News forum but perhaps, and maybe I'm being optimistic, but perhaps PM's proposed bill won't survive as is, it doesn't look like it has been legally scrutinized yet...if I'm reading the story right http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=182440 RG
  3. Comedy Thunderball or Never Say Never Again (James Bond Fans will know) RG
  4. http://www.macleans.ca/politics/is-the-proposed-prostitution-law-constitutional/
  5. Portobello Mushrooms marinated in lemon juice/olive oil & garlic, then fried, and stuffed with diced tomato, red onion and feta cheese Washed down with no alcohol beer Strawberries for desert RG
  6. white Hanes briefs jeez I am vanilla, and boring LOL RG
  7. And goes back to what I have been saying. No new money or resources (ie hiring of new police officers) have been allocated to LE to enforce this new bill. They don't have the resources to go after very few clients that an SP/Courtesan would see. LE would target street level prostitution, it's easy for police to investigate versus going after escorts/courtesans and their clients. Not to mention the first cases under the new law the Crown needs a conviction, not the court to throw out the case. Much easier using the law to target street prostitution A early morning rambling RG
  8. The police had that ability and power under the old law. They could have gone after agencies and ladies working at an incall locations for example Why didn't they...yes they had the ability and power, but not the resources...this bill hasn't given the police any more resources has it? Not to mention irrespective of the law, escorts operated discretely. It's the street level prostitution I foresee will still be the focus of LE, not escorts/courtesans operating discretely Just my opinion RG
  9. Caesar Salad washed down with water Mixed berries for dessert RG
  10. I could pay because it is to celebrate the anniversary of our marriage I am paying for "skydiving lessons" Text message...I'm the guy you met the other night, I sure would love to take you out on a dinner date Can we have a FWB relationship Do you want to go out and get a "Timmies" RG
  11. I guess I incriminated myself this weekend In case your wondering http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=181618 I worked on it and posted it this morning in the Toronto recommendations forum Would I incriminate myself again...yes most definitely But it was the lady that made it oh so great. RG :-)
  12. Us clients are pervs to Peter MacKay and the Conservatives (actually kinda rich considering they brought us Senators who screwed us taxpayers out of our hard earned money)...his bandwagon isn't the same as police and Crown Attorney's bandwagon The new dynamic at play was the Conservative's response to the SCC decision. I didn't see standing at that press conference police officers and Crown Attorney's singing the praises of Peter MacKay and the new bill Everyone is going to do what is comfortable for them...I'm just not going to get too worried RG
  13. Not unless they plan to allocate more resources to the police, be it new hiring of officers, or money. They only plan to help ladies to the tune of twenty million dollars total!.....calculate that amount divided by the total number of major cities in Canada...it's pitiful but shows how much of a political priority this REALLY is. Now you can enact all the laws you want, if LE isn't given a dime to enforce them, and they weren't, don't expect mass raids and arrests. They could have done raids and arrests under the current laws but didn't, did they. And just my opinion, but even if a law enforcement focus, it will be on street prostitution. I don't have blinders on. But as pissed off as PM makes me, his comments in his speech were all about street prostitution. His actual monetary allocation in the bill, really pitiful if he truly cares, and none earmarked for enforcement and prosecution. RG
  14. Well I wonder how many who are thinking of swearing off seeing companions in the future saw ladies from agencies or went to a lady's incall to see her (just as examples) which was illegal Unless they are really serious (ie increased money/resources to LE) about enforcement I'm not going to worry Maybe I'll celebrate the passing of the bill into law by discretely contacting a special lady and we can celebrate together ;-) RG
  15. It Went That-Away Sorry couldn't resist RG :-)
  16. Mind you criminalizing prostitution, well if us pervs ever got even just arrested, not to mention convicted, it would show on CPIC (Canadian Police Information Centre) Not to mention you would have a FPS number (not a good thing btw) Sex Offender Registry is salt on the wound, but there is already wounds created with just and arrest, worse with conviction RG
  17. I believe that happens if the daily amount is $10,000, and if you get into transactions that high you could split payment over a couple days. It's not, and I emphasize I'm not a cop or lawyer, the total amount transacted, it's the total amount transacted in one day. So for $10,000, split it into two payments of $5000 over two days But I could be wrong RG
  18. I recently had a curve thrown at me with a planned encounter. No details, but it fell through. I contacted a friend, Emily, telling her what happened and asking if she would be free. Something to keep in mind now, Emily is a touring lady, she is a local girl, just that Canada is her locale. I was locked into a specific date and place. I had no flexibility, not even on hotel. Well after emailing Em asking if I could see her on that date and place, keeping not only my fingers crossed, but arms and legs crossed too, her reply quickly came "Sure RG, I can make that work." She juggled her schedule and made herself unavailable for me. This is the second time she has done that for me. Emily arrived on time, looking, well WOW!!! Even more beautiful than her photos show. She is even more beautiful today than when I first met her back in March 2011. Wearing jeans and a tank top. If Peter MacKay got one look at Emily he'd tear up the new bill and book an encounter with her. Hell he might even leave his wife for her. I invited Emily into my room and we sat down and getting caught up over things over drinks...things going on in her life, things going on in my life, things in CERB etc etc etc. And while talking she was stroking my arm, I was stroking hers. Then as things progressed she got a twinkle in her eyes. I've seen that twinkle before. We stood up, smiled at one another then kissed and hugged. We undressed each other. Under Emily's clothes a special treat. She was wearing what she wore in one of her photo shoots. Take a look at the first photo in Emily's latest CERB album, Sensual Spring Seduction. That outfit greeted me. But as with everything Emily wears, it is she who makes the outfits look good. But she looks even more beautiful as herself, and the bra and panties dropped to the floor. We proceeded to the bed, where we kissed caressed and made love. We then snuggled, and made small talk. I asked Em if she had dinner yet, she replied no. I asked if she would like to get a bite to eat. She smiled, said yes, and said she knows a pub near the hotel, if that is OK. I said sure, so we got dressed, and headed towards the pub Now it was a good dinner at the pub. I had real good well great dinner company, thanks Emily. And as we walked in I found it entertaining watching a few heads turn, looking at Emily, my beautiful dinner date. She was wearing a tank top and jeans, her long red hair flowing. And in fairness to those guys who's heads turned, likely I'd be getting whiplash from my head turning seeing such a beautiful woman. Emily has a playful mischievous side too. She noticed a couple guys keep looking at her. And Em and I were sharing a plate of wings. She said she knew the best way to clean our fingers of sauce, the next thing simultaneously she licked my finger clean and I licked hers clean. Those guys stopped staring. I think they really got hot and bothered by that. Em and I had a chuckle over it. We left the pub and went back to the hotel. When the elevator reached my floor I gave Emily a hug and kiss goodnight, and said I'm looking forward to our next time together. I went to my room and went to bed. Our four hour encounter was a very much unrushed four hour encounter The next morning I was up bright and early at five thirty. Watching Toronto come to life. At six the phone rang....OMG what's wrong, I thought. This was the hotel phone btw, not my cell phone. I answered fearing the worse. "Good Morning RG, what time does your train leave?" It was Emily. "1130" I reply "Good, we have time then, I'm taking you out for breakfast" I told Emily I wasn't ready yet and she said that's OK, she's not ready either. But she'd be down at seven thirty to pick me up. "Great" I replied, "I'll be waiting" At seven thirty there was the knock on the door, and Emily, was there, with a smile that lights up a room, taking me down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Having a nice breakfast with one of my most favourite ladies yesterday, it was the highlight of yesterday. And even though my Date Of A Lifetime with Emily was on Thursday evening, and ended late Thursday night, it was a pleasant surprise to be asked out and taken for breakfast by Emily Friday morning. All my dates with Emily have been Great!!!.....but they get even better each time I see her. Emily looks like the Girl Next Door. She has head turning beauty, easily could be a Victoria's Secret model or PMOY. Well you might gather I find Emily beautiful. And as beautiful as Emily is, on the outside, it's her inner beauty that really makes Emily special. She is a trusted friend, someone who, well we can be open and honest with one another. She is a gem. You may detect I've got a soft spot for her...well I do. I absolutely trust her without reservation. That said, I also would recommend her to any gentleman looking for a lady who provides a GFE, in fact Em redefines GFE. And for someone looking for a regular lady to see, don't be deterred by Emily's touring coast to coast. She twice has made adjustments in her touring schedule so I could see her (and again, THANK YOU SO MUCH Emily) Any gentleman looking for a great lady to see, contact Emily. She redefines GFE. She returns any respect, affection and appreciation tenfold, so as with all ladies, treat her right And to Emily, well here I'll just say again THANK YOU and give a hug and kiss. Anything beyond that stays between us
  19. With all the talk and concern about the proposed new prostitution law what if a companion and gentleman had a date, but he didn't pay her. WTF are you smoking RG!!! I bet you're thinking that right now...hear me out First, this would be an arrangement between a lady and gentleman, who each other trust (I don't mean superficially trust) I mean TRUST!!!!! Second, communication (be it by text/phone/email) would be for a date, no talk about details but just about getting together...for all outwardly appearances it would seem to be two adults getting together for a date. Third, after the date, maybe a day or two (or whatever) later, then the gentleman pays the donation to the lady The encounter technically, well really is not prostitution since no money has exchanged hands. It was a date. Payment would be made later in the future Now I'm not a lawyer, nor a cop, but I wonder how that would stand up in court. It would take a lot of trust especially on the lady's part, and I could only see it happening with existing SP/Client relationships, not with someone who is a new client/new SP Absolutely no discussion of money could take place in emails/texts/phone calls A quick off the cuff rambling RG
  20. Finished doing a customer satisfaction survey for a hotel I stayed at Reading and replying to some emails, and surfing CERB while drinking a coffee and having berries for breakfast And watching Thunderball on tv RG
  21. Happy Birthday Castle Enjoy your special day RG
  22. I still think, new law aside, considering how PM considers ladies such victims and exploited vulnerable people, allocating twenty million dollars is a disgrace. A lot more would be allocated to save you ladies. Hey, maybe tap into the money used for MP's and Senators travel and housing expenses...they could show they are really serious about saving ladies from this demeaning and exploitive profession. Not to mention not a dollar, nor new hiring of police officers allocated to LE to enforce this new law. Don't expect big police raids, undercover ops etc. Police didn't make it a priority under the current law (and there were sections in the Criminal Code that could have been enforced using stings and such) They won't have resources with the new law to have undercover stings and raids, LE priorities are elsewhere. And the new law, implications for us, really none I believe. When PM was making his speech, he kept focusing on street prostitution and street prostitution only. He wasn't talking about, nor likely even thought of escorts/courtesans And a long shot, but what if the bill dies on the order paper? Anyhow some ramblings on a Saturday night RG
  23. Happy Birthday p hodson Enjoy your special day RG
  24. red plaid shirt tan cargo pants RG
  25. Were people who are this concerned about the new bill just as concerned about the old legislation Under the old legislation for example, well how many guys saw ladies from agencies, or went to a ladies incall just as a couple examples. There were restrictions under the old legislation but no one seemed too concerned about some of those laws And the police could have done stings, but they didn't...not a law enforcement priority, either under the old law, or as I predict, the new law either My two cents RG
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