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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. This law is replacing the old law as a result of the SCC decision and as such, jmo but it should be treated as nothing more than the government's political response to the SCC, not some newfound "mission" from the sanctimonious Conservatives to save prostitutes and prosecute us pervs. Peter MacKay is willing to allocate twenty million dollars to save the ladies He made no mention of additional resources allocated to the police to go after us pervs though Twenty million really isn't a lot, if PM truly cared about saving ladies, much more money would be allocated My opinion, the law enforcement resources that already exist will be allocated to enforce the new law...because the old law isn't there to enforce. As for police just waiting to arrest someone, there were already enough prostitution related offences on the books that they could have made lots of arrests, if so motivated The new law pisses me off, PM pisses me off, the Conservatives piss me off, I'm pissed off being labelled a perv by the Justice Minister (most people take the time to know me before labelling me LOL,I've never even met him)....but that said, I really don't think anything will change from an enforcement perspective. The police don't have the manpower or resources to enforce it A rambling RG
  2. A Victoria's Secret gift card plus couple things from VS And dinner out last night All for a special friend RG
  3. I plan to incriminate myself this weekend ;-) RG
  4. Just a Thank You to Emily Rushton for a much needed escape and for being unavailable for me again ;-) You are a very special lady and Girl Next Door and your friendship means a lot, more than you know RG
  5. The discussion is now moot...even BBBJ's are now safe for ladies to offer because PM has made it legal to sell sex but not ok to purchase it so no matter what is offered no perverts, er clients will be around to purchase any sexual services PM has eliminated the worlds oldest profession and saved you ladies from us pervs. You can offer the moon but no clients now to buy because it's illegal Isnt Canada a better place now (this posted with sarcastic voice) RG
  6. My thoughts and prayers out to the RCMP their families and friends Stay safe everyone RG
  7. Well every recommendation I wrote (not to mention post I made on CERB) I stand by. And this weekend I'll be writing another recommendation It's just a small way I show my appreciation to ladies for the escape they provide me BTW I didn't hear of additional funding for the police to enforce this law Nor really is there a lot of money earmarked to "help" save the women either more like a token amount that is going to be spent A rambling RG
  8. The ladies should be happy....Peter MacKay is trying to save you and retrain you to get out of prostitution...he cares (detect my sarcastic voice here) But me and other men...just a bunch of pervs Pissed off...saw PM press conference...not happy at all RG
  9. No not that....but seeing as I'm just back from there It's been so long that the last time I was at the Eaton's Centre there was an Eaton's there Just a dumb rambling RG
  10. Sitting in the Train station waiting for my train RG
  11. A VIA ticket to Toronto and back RG
  12. In the spirit of CERB positivity, today nothing sucks. Smalltown boy goes to the big city (Toronto) for two days. It is part break from things here, but most of all, seeing a Goddess, the proverbial Girl Next Door and most of all a Friend tomorrow. RG
  13. If ladies are going to be pressured to see men they don't want to see, the next step, men will be seeing ladies they really don't want to see. Take for example: A dedicated UPS (United Parcel Service) union worker was attending a convention in Las Vegas and decided to check out the local brothels nearby. When he got to the first one, he asked the madame, "Is this a union house?" "No," she replied, "I'm sorry it isn't." "Well, if I pay you $100, what cut do the girls get?" "The house gets $80 and the girls get $20." Mightily offended at such unfair dealings, the man stomped off down the street in search of a more equitable, hopefully unionized shop. His search continued until finally he reached a brothel where the madame responded, "Why yes sir, this IS a union house." The man asked, "And if I pay you $100, what cut do the girls get?" "The girls get $80 and the house gets $20." "That's more like it!" the UPS man said. He looked around the room and pointed to a stunningly attractive blonde. "I'd like her for the night." "I'm sure you would, sir," said the madame, then, gesturing to an obese fifty-five year-old woman in the corner, "but Ethel here has seniority." Just think a little levity needed here :-) RG
  14. Funny this thread is coming back, I'm seeing a lady this Thursday, one I've seen, seven or eight times, I've lost count, not to mention the dates I've had with other ladies over the years. Guess what, I'm getting the jitters already, but knowing in just a bit under 47 hours there is going to be a knock on my hotel door, and a beautiful Goddess and friend will be there, I'm looking forward to Thursday evening. And I'm glad that the ladies I see give me the jitters, because if I didn't get jitters (butterflies, heart palpitations or whatever you want to call it) from these ladies, then what would be the point in seeing them. Another way to look at it, none of these ladies I take for granted, and I guess the jitters is proof of that A rambling from a at the moment jittery, but happy and excited RG
  15. If you find two ladies who are duo partners, to see, tell them what you want, and they may be able to assist you in finding a male for your MMFF. Of course keep in mind they have to be comfortable with the idea too Good Luck RG
  16. About to start packing, small town boy going to the big city tomorrow :-) Have a very special escape this week :-) RG
  17. I spray on Off on exposed skin And I learned the hard way, out on the water, wear long pants, socks and runners...shorts, sandals and no socks give bugs more of a target Not to mention sun block too And if bitten, I've tried a bunch of first aid treatments, none thus far tops Calamine lotion For those worried about pink leg after applying calamine it looks better than Bug Bite Leg RG
  18. Prefer not to see blue...whew for a second I thought you were talking about LE, and I would never get a date again LOL Seriously, in my early days of partaking in this lifestyle, there was a lady I wanted to meet. She had age restrictions (I believe it 40 up) and you needed to state where you worked, lived and your profession. Me being a newbie, was curious, and just asked, out of curiosity (and to learn) Well she was a university student and didn't want to run into any fellow students or staff. And the city she was in was small so without those screening questions she likely could have run into a student or professor or other university staff Was she discriminating against students, and university staff, or providing herself some measure of privacy outside her worklife (after all she doesn't want to be the talk of the university) considering the intimate encounter she offers. Unfortunately she retired (or graduated) before I could meet her But it is another case of screening, albeit not because of race, that a lady uses and for very valid reasons IMHO A rambling RG
  19. I have to frequently (once every couple months) get blood work done for a medical condition I have. I get tested at the same time...kill two birds with one stone I get handed the lab requisition from my doctor to take with me to the lab After seeing the form it's not rocket science, any one with bare computer abilities could make up their own fake lab form and show this to a SP/Client to say they are STI/STD free. Even showing a form doesn't prove you have been tested...you have no way of knowing if the form is real or fake. BTW not a work of an active imagination. No names (legally bound :-( ) but there is a criminal, HIV positive, who told his girlfriend he was STD/STI free and showed the lab results...mind you he made the sheet up. He did this to have bareback sex with her. She got infected, has AID's and he now has AID's and at least, small comfort, but is doing time. So even the showing of a lab sheet isn't necessarily proof Best practice Everyone is responsible for their own sexual health, don't count on others to do it for you A rambling RG
  20. No more than a gentleman writing a recommendation now about a lady he saw at her incall which is technically illegal Or ads for escort agencies...I'm no lawyer but I believe illegal (living off the avails) Whether it's current law or new law, don't expect the police all of a sudden to be extra motivated to go after anyone in this lifestyle, be it companion or lady The new law is merely a political response to the SCC decision If it's going to be a new law enforcement priority, then expect the government (federal, provincial and municipal) to increase spending to give to police departments the resources needed to enforce the new laws. If they didn't see it as a priority before, don't count on it as a priority now Just my opinion RG
  21. From Russia With Love JMO But the best James Bond movie ever RG
  22. Play one other hypothetical here. The companion is married She is married to a black man Her husband is unaware of her profession (he thinks she is a MA, but not a SP) In her city it has a small black community, and her husband has relatives and friends in that community The lady doesn't want to run a real risk of running into her husband's family/friends There can be all sorts of reasons, not all necessarily racist. So don't assume the worst...you don't know To quote Oscar Wilde, "When you assume you make an ass out of u and me" A rambling RG
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