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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I think unless you hear the companion's reasons, assume lack of attraction and nothing more. Lets see, some ladies post they see men only...does that make them homophobes, or they are just attracted to men (and heterosexual) Some ladies put age restrictions on who they see, is that ageism or just that the lady is attracted to men of a certain age range How many companions complain about maybe client's/potential clients lack of attraction for black companions (or other than white companions) I mean if ladies can be chastised for their preferences, shouldn't everyone, SP and Client alike be equally chastised then Am I homophobic because I do not wish to engage in a sexual encounter with a man or is it that I'm heterosexual? I think if everyone, I mean EVERYONE looks at themselves first, they might find they have No Love For A (put your label here) (put your gender here) It could be lack of attraction to a certain ethnicity or age group, or sex, or sexual orientation, or body type or disability or hair (lack of it) etc etc etc If you want to call it discrimination fine I prefer to see it as a lack of attraction. At the end of the day, don't you prefer to see someone who is also attracted to you, and focus on that, not on who isn't attracted to you My two cents RG
  2. Maybe they have a profile on Eros which they use instead of a website RG :-)
  3. Back from a walk, replying to some special emails, surfing CERB watching The Good Wife, and about to get myself chilled water with lemon in it RG
  4. A white Italian (wine that is) for a very special date later this week ;-) RG :-)
  5. Don't know yet but it definitely won't have garlic or onion, I have a very special date later this week RG
  6. Well speaking for our date Victoria, the first time we met, you were down to earth, and you made me feel like we had known each other for a long time. You have absolutely nothing to apologize to me for. But me, I have to again say again Thank You, it was a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to reconnecting with you in the future RG
  7. Wow!!!...talk about a mountain out of a molehill Speaking of context, the post that out of one side of your mouth you found funny and representative of your thoughts yet in the next breath telling people to abstain from violent imagery. Here is OD's post in entirety (copied/pasted) not just a line taken out of context BTW the chilling imagery about "if she had been a bitch...." didn't come from OD, it came from you "Turn offs? Not many. At my age, I am always pleasantly surprised that a woman will not throw up when we are naked in the same room. These are more general observations than anything else. If there is any advice I can pass along, these would be a few things that I would suggest: 1. Time: Hobbyists are consistently reminded that they are not compensating a provider for a specific service, they are compensating her for her time. Keeping that in mind, the idea of "shoot and scoot" just doesn't fly. A two hour appointment should last two hours unless the hobbyist leaves early at HIS discretion, unless of course he has been a total dickhead. If he has been a dickhead, you have the right to kill him and dissolve his body in the bathtub. 2. Punctuality: These days, everybody has time pressures. As much frustration as it is for a provider when a client is late, it is equally as frustrating when a provider shows up late. Life happens. We all make mistakes. We all get delayed. Just remember, when things start on time, everyone is a lot more relaxed and happy. 3. Social Media Interaction: This is a biggie for me. Whether you are writing here on CERB, on Twitter or on a subscribed Blog, your words are a window into your provider personna. The most beautiful person becomes ugly if they express themselves in a hateful manner. It cuts both ways. Some providers use what we say here as a screening tool - they don't want to deal with assholes and misogynists. Keeping that in mind, we won't see you if you have shown that you don't respect us. We won't see you if you are mean spirited. We won't see you if you twist our words against us. Food for thought. 4. Live rabid monkeys: Don't have them in your incall. They are intimidating. 5. Divided Attention: Everybody has a life. Sometimes we have stuff on our minds that we can't shake. The mark of a true professional in ANY line of work is to put that stuff on a mental shelf and get through the day. It's especially true here, where intimacy is so much harder to achieve when a provider's mind is obviously elsewhere. 6. Unnecessary commentary: Eeeeek. This is a tough one. Have you ever been in an intimate moment that has an undertone of soft and romantic when all of a sudden the badly delivered porn movie dialogue starts? I'm getting the shivers of discomfort just thinking about it. Ohhhhh... and please. Don't speak if your mouth is full... mid BJ commentary is kind of a boner killer. 7. Turkey Bacon: Only if every pig on the planet has died of a horrific flesh eating disease will turkey bacon be acceptable. 8: Outside communication: Turn off your cell phone. Do it. Now. Unless you have a friend or family member that is dying, your attention is with me. I've ended two encounters early because the provider was constantly checking her messages. In virtually EVERY other business, that kind of behaviour would merit discipline or termination. It's a disservice to your professionalism if you can't give me our time. The person on the other end of the line is NOT paying you now. I am. 9: Talking badly about other providers: This is tough. It's a very competitive business. Like many other hobbyists, I don't necessarily provide reviews or recommendations for the majority of providers with whom I have spent my time. Keeping that in mind, you have no idea of the nature of my relationship with nearly any other provider. I may absolutely adore a provider that you have just torn a verbal strip from... and that really doesn't help your cause. 10: Just another client: The biggest mistake any provider can make is to treat a client like "just another client." I have chosen you because you represent something desirable. I have brought my hard earned cash with me because I think you are special. I sought you out because I think you are going to be wonderful to and with me. Treat me like more than a donation envelope. Act as if you want to be with me. Make me feel like you want ME. The best providers (and we have so many great ones) know that the encounter is so much more than an intermingling of moistened body parts. They understand that the fantasy is passion and desire. If you want hobbyists to respect the fact that you are so much more than just a series of desirable body parts, treat HIM like more than a penis with an envelope. Jeebus. I was on a roll there." OD takes the time and effort to write insightful posts with both good useful tips and a sense of humour at the same time. His writing is original and a contribution to this community Please OD continue with your humorous insightful posts. Most of us don't tear apart your posts to criticize them, we appreciate and value your contributions. Hell I wish I had your knack for humorous prose A rambling RG
  8. Of course it only works if you have a vicious dog to go with the sign LOL RG
  9. Well in fairness I haven't seen it, but that wouldn't, just my opinion mind you, that a so called classic is not...Gone With The Wind...wtf, started watching it once on tv, just couldn't There are probably others too Anyhow, now I'm curious about TD, but would I waste my money renting it, or would I like it...who knows A rambling RG
  10. Well my cat, after a morning of bravely doing battle with the squirrels from behind the safety of the window mind you, is now napping, in preparation of bedtime...if sleeping was a sport, he'd be an Olympian But usually sleeping all night is so much work for him he wakes up in the morning with me and comes out to the living room for a nap RG :-)
  11. Geez, getting time to change the cat's litter box today too hmmm:icon_evil: RG
  12. Going down to the laundry room (my scheduled time) Someone using the washer and dryer and my time scratched out and someone else put their name in my time slot F*CK!!!!! :-( RG
  13. http://living.msn.com/family-parenting/pets/14-things-that-cat-owners-know-to-be-true RG
  14. This just me btw, but if I was to go to a strip club I would prefer to go by myself, well with civilian friends, and focus on the dancers If I had the time for a date with an SP, which included time out, my focus would be on her and her alone (one exception a ménage a trois, I'm focused on both ladies equally). I'd prefer for any outing with a companion, for her to accompany me to dinner out for example, or us alone together at my hotel room Just me btw, not criticizing the idea, just not for me RG
  15. Not to mention just the basic Privacy issues. Is EVERYONE (client and provider alike) supposed to post their STI STD tests. Where posted? A website...??? Now possibly big brother will have access to private medical information (yes STD/STI testing is medical) I don't know about you, but the only ones I want knowing my medical history is my doctor(s) lab personal and any other medical professionals. And would public posting of STD/STI tests be the thin edge of the wedge that all health records become public. Not to mention that with test results posted publically then it publically outs EVERYONE involved in this lifestyle, ladies and gentlemen alike...under their real name But my medical history is mine to see, not for the whole SP/Client community to see. A rambling over my first cup of coffee...geez is being a caffeineaholic a medical problem to be publically posted too...Tim Horton's may keep an eye on the list too LOL RG
  16. Bob Dylan One More Cup Of Coffee http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xn6g7n_bob-dylan-one-more-cup-of-coffee_music Again best if served Black or with Cream, but No Sugar RG ;-)
  17. Sheena Easton Strut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcAJ9siMseA&feature=kp RG
  18. Creedence Clearwater Revival Bad Moon Rising RG
  19. And if that doesn't work, get a fence put up to stop them from cutting through your property. I'm not a lawyer by any stretch of the imagination, but growing up, our house was on a corner, and people cut through both our yard and our neighbour's yard to get to a greenbelt behind our house. Dad wanted to put a fence put up, but because people had used the property for so long to cut through to the greenbelt they had (in spite of it being private property) a right of way. The fence, shared cost between the neighbours and dad had a fenced off portion for right of way I would suggest go talk to a lawyer and get a fence put up. And your neighbours may feel the same way and you can all share the cost of a fence for all your places. And maybe add some razor concertina wire on top of the fence (just kidding)...good enough for maximum and medium security prisons LOL Good Luck RG
  20. Well had a hankering for hotdogs for dinner. Went to the grocery store, picked up hotdogs, buns and an onion Get home, cook up the hotdogs. While cooking, I got the onion and chopped it. Well gross...black on the inside...no onion for my hotdog :-( Then I go to the fridge to get the mustard, damn!!!...no mustard I forgot to get some when I ran out, and forgot I ran out So two hotdogs on a bun for dinner with no fixings or condiments. :-( RG
  21. When I met my first CERB lady (actually my third encounter) and not only my first good encounter, it was a GREAT ENCOUNTER!!! but I felt as if I should But that would leave the lady too long in the hotel corridor. So in my heart I am greeting the ladies like this even though I invite them into my hotel room and to the couch. And those ladies well they make old me feel like my younger self (going back to last century now LOL) And all the ladies I've seen in this lifestyle...well I thought I knew what was meant by a 10 But I was wrong...the ladies on CERB, well they don't deserve a 10, that would mean they lost points. These ladies are so much more than 10's to me, and if they were running down a beach, well Bo Derek would be left in their dust :-) CERB has introduced me to a community of like minded people, but especially kind caring affectionate ladies who value the gentlemen they see as more than just clients. Cliché as it sounds, and I said it before, but a brightness entered my life, because of the ladies of CERB Thank You RG
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