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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well for me, as I already posted "Gotta pay the bills hun, gotta pay the bills" I don't think it was the "hun" in the message as the whole damn message that turned me off LOL However, pet names, whether generic like "hun" "babe" "sweetheart" etc by either a lady or gentleman, take it as a term of affection. I don't see any ulterior motives in words like this, they are terms of endearment whether written or said. My take on it A rambling from a 53 year old guy who has been called hun, babe, sweetheart (and more ;-)) by many beautiful women and find it affectionate...especially when followed by an XOXO ;-) A rambling RG
  2. In fairness, this really is in most cases a turn off for both ladies and gentlemen alike. And that is blocked profiles on CERB. I'm sure red flags are raised when a lady sees a male CERB member who has a blocked profile Likewise, although not red flags, on the few times I have seen a lady's photo and go to check her profile to find it blocked...well I personally can't be bothered to try to find out anything more about her or contact her CERB is supposed to be a relative open forum for potential clients to meet professional companions with the benefit of using anonymous board handles. When ladies and gentlemen alike even with the anonymity of this board hide by blocking their profiles, it must raise warning flags to the ladies, and at least for me, well I can't be bothered to even go to the trouble of contacting the lady A rambling RG
  3. EMail (confirmation email) not returned in a timely manner. And no, I don't expect immediate replies to emails, but when it is coming down to the crunch, travel, leave, and hotel need to be confirmed, I need to get confirmation that the lady is going to show up Lady shows up at your hotel, providing a less than good encounter, saying "I gotta pay the bills hun, gotta pay the bills" Nothing like feeling like a wallet Another encounter, lady once she received the donation, says "now I can buy groceries" And again, nothing like feeling like your nothing but a wallet The pièce de résistance was a lady showing up, smelling of cigarette smoke, she asked to use mouthwash and all was fine...about an hour into a three hour encounter she asked if she could go out for a smoke break. Me being me, I said OK, she left with her purse, never came back...it wasn't so much losing $500.00 as it was being ripped off of an encounter All that said, my encounters overall have been terrific and recommendation worthy, and I focus on those positive memories instead of these few aberrations and am thankful to those ladies who made and make this a wonderful lifestyle and experience A rambling RG
  4. Never pay for sex...what is marriage LOL Here is a quick summation. Prostitution is legal in Canada Outcalls are legal (the lady comes to your place be it hotel, home) Incalls are illegal (you go to the lady's place) Do not discuss in a public place-ie soliciting is illegal EMails, texts, phone etc are not places and ok to use Car dates illegal and I have to add..... Although not a cop I'm LE, and I've been exposed, while exposed, well actually I exposed myself :-) LOL so to speak, even showed a lady my badge. I wasn't doing anything illegal. Anyhow, a quick summation. That plus the links Brad provided, and using the search function on CERB, a wealth of information here Welcome to CERB and this lifestyle RG
  5. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadian-air-travel-changes-new-planes-full-flights-less-service-1.2656172
  6. It was a definite aberration for me. Most ladies I see are professional, in fact this case was the first and thus far only time I have had a beyond slow reply to an email This lady btw is not a CERB lady, and proves stick to CERB and you should have a great encounter RG
  7. This subject has been discussed before here's the link http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=151618 RG
  8. I know for myself, I provide all, likely even more information than is requested. Since a lady is willing to be alone with me intimately, I provide my personal information to her for screening purposes. As a client I don't believe in being evasive on providing my personal information, because after all, a lady's safety and security trump a man's privacy each and every time...and what a lady requests is done for screening, and thus her safety and security. As for waiting for a reply...well when it comes to emails and a reply, I have the patience of Job LOL. But on occasion a delay becomes too long. When the client needs confirmation to make his travel/leave/hotel arrangements and doesn't get a reply, well the client ends up cancelling. Yes patience on the part of the client is expected. Likewise making a client wait (yes I sent 3 emails in this time) three weeks to confirm, will cost you a client. Mind you I grant this is an exception in my experience, but just as gentlemen need patience, ladies do need to reply to (respectful btw) emails, and not leave the client hanging Anyhow, just a rambling from someone just recently left hanging RG
  9. Maybe I'm off the mark here, but I thought agencies (real agencies) were so called because they were acting as agents (ie representatives) for the ladies, not as their boss. As agents they did their bookings, screening, driver, security and so on for the lady The model used, where an agency is considered the employer and the SP an employee and the lady has to do what the employer says...sounds more like a pimp, and that already is illegal....not to mention as for being a pimp, since already illegal, do you really think then laws banning bbbj are going to deter him. As for enforcing this no bbbj law, how is that going to be done. Having a law is one thing, enforcing it is completely another A rambling RG
  10. What is the first sign that you haven't had a date in waayyyy too long a time RG :-)
  11. A big hats off is due to the Mod and Council. Theirs is not an easy task, I think often underappreciated The positivity of this site is why I'm here, and don't use any other sites any more CERB isn't a board, it's a community RG
  12. What do I love about being single (and unattached)....??? It allowed me the freedom to see professional companions, something I personally would not have done if in a relationship or dating. Not to mention the connections made with ladies, without them (or me) getting possessive. We respect each other seeing others in this poly amorous lifestyle. For me, well now not so strange, but in civilian dating I was monogamous so it was somewhat something new for me when I started in this lifestyle. And I can certainly relate to Old Dog. My family did something to turn my life upside down (I now consider myself family less) But one bright light in all of this, a certain lady has been a friend, and someone to vent to...she has been much more than a companion, she has been a trusted friend (and by trust, you can trust someone with money, risk, you lose your money but it can be replaced, but she knows inner most private details of my life, risk is if it lost, it means others get to know, and my privacy gone, never to get back. Oh, btw since I prepay, I trust her with money too. But I have found the quality/calibre of people here a cut above (generally speaking) those I see in mainstream society. If I wasn't single I never would have met these ladies, especially, a certain trusted redhead ;-) who I have, well developed, well got a soft spot for A morning rambling over my first cup of java RG
  13. Tossed salad with bleu cheese crumbled in and homemade oil/vinegar (garlic) dressing washed down with water RG
  14. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-votes-2014/wrong-number-directs-ontario-voters-to-apparent-phone-sex-line-1.2655879
  15. I'm aghast!!!!....my beautiful virtual wife in bed with another man. And drinking Champagne with him to boot...all I got was a bottle of water on our virtual honeymoon (mind you I don't drink)......I think I'm jealous (OK no I'm not, just joking here) Is that an example of sarcasm, tongue definitely in cheek, and in the spirit of fun ;-) BTW Gabriella and I are just virtual (not real) husband and wife A "in fun" sarcastic rambling RG :-)
  16. Well with the time constraints being the consideration you'd have to ask the lady if she is interested But I have had some Great Encounters with the following ladies Kylie Daniels is a Toronto companion, and if you pay her transportation fee she will come out to the airport Kylie's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=73262 Emily Rushton is a touring lady, who's locale is Canada ;-) but has been known to come to Toronto airport Emily's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=22822 Victoria Jolie is another companion who tours and has come to Toronto airport Victoria's Profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=17627 I don't know if Emily or Victoria are touring in Toronto, but you can ask You would have a memorable escape with any one of these three ladies Good Luck RG
  17. Speaking for me, I support this board, this community, and consequently it's members (I hope) by my posts, and also by the use of "Thanks" "Comments/Rep Points" and/or "Nominate Post" I don't use any of these, including my own posts for any hidden agenda. My posts are my own opinions. And the use of "Thanks" "Comments/Rep Points" and /or Nominations, I use if someone's posts rubs me the right way (guess a bad way of putting it on a board like this LOL) But whether issued or not, they have nothing to do with like/dislike of a person. And I have been generous with a few people some days (they all rubbed me the right way LOL) that I had no more love to hand out, not for 24 hours at least Also, general comment, don't worry too much about "Thanks", "Rep Ponts" "Nominations". I've sometimes written what I think (my thinking may be wayyy off btw) a Pulitzer Prize winning post, and yet nothing...then a two line off the cuff comment, and lots of thanks. All I'm saying, don't read too much into "Thanks" "Rep Points" and or "Nominations"...I appreciate them when given but it isn't my reason for posting nor do I read any hidden meaning in not getting them And I give them when I think due, to another CERB member. BTW sometimes quoting and getting a agreeing post is another way to be acknowledged, and sometimes PM's and Visitor Messages too Anyhow, a rambling RG
  18. Simple search on CERB shows this her last post http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=528872#post528872 Her email, website and phone number (for text) on it RG
  19. Congratulations I4F on this major milestone Enjoy your posts, looking forward to the next 1000 RG
  20. Happy Birthday Angela Enjoy your special day RG
  21. If she is a lady you know and have a regular "relationship" with, you both have discussed ahead of time and want to go on the trip together, then yes, prepay her and book the trip If you haven't discussed the trip or committed to it, yet then don't make any financial commitments, either in booking the trip or paying her I have to say though, if I saw a companion that pre paying was not an issue, I wouldn't after the fact be posting "Would you be worried about being scammed" Your relationship isn't that trusting if you post publically especially phrasing as a scam JMO this should have been handled more discretly between you and the lady, and even if she's late (in your mind), like for example one day, would that be a problem as long as trip is booked and you both go You should have had more faith in her before thinking the worst, or if she deserves thinking the worse, why would you want a trip with her JMHO from a guy who pre pays encounters most of the time, and never assumes the worst, because I know I'm not the only one with a life, the ladies have lives too RG
  22. Her last ad/post on CERB, May 7 2014, not at all that long ago. Just simple search function to get it http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=596472#post596472 Contact details in the ad RG
  23. Photos of your junk, if anything shouldn't that be why ladies get a donation...guys' junk is so called because.....LOL And in my case at least I look much better covered up, once naked, well that's where the ladies earn the donation, just from looking at me, and I've heard the word, geez that is junk, well junky (said tongue in cheek btw) Anyhow, no junk photos, you may just scare the ladies away, they might think no amount of money is worth this LOL Young and hung, well I'm old and not...btw to those guys ever notice a lot of ladies prefer guys 30 and up...heyyy wonder if there is a CARP discount (Canadian Association Of Retired Persons) btw just joking Just a BJ!!! WTF!!! A lady is doing one of the most intimate, personal caring activities for you...just a BJ WTF are you thinking even asking that. Getting a BJ should be treated as a lady's priceless gift to you. Repay that gift by treating her with the utmost respect, including obviously paying the donation in full, a tip and gift nice, and say Thank You. Just some half tongue in cheek half serious ramblings RG
  24. Here is a thread and also link to a forum to read with the caveat I'm not a lawyer http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=395 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=279 Basics-illegal Communicating in Public Place Car Dates Incalls (seeing a lady at her place) Common Bawdy Houses Basics-Legal Outcalls (lady sees you at your place, be that home, hotel) Communicating via phone, email and text legal (with caveat I'm not a lawyer)...phone/email/text not a place Sorry, mind isn't too sharp today LOL...but read those threads and others may add RG
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