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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. There's a beautiful woman standing before you wearing lingerie and..... sorry, what was the question again? RG
  2. @ Angela I wished for happiness and that covers, well everything, including a boat. No the boat wasn't forgotten, not to mention brand new truck, and, well I could go on Money seems so obvious and may not bring happiness, but if truck and boat amongst other things bring happiness, well my wish for happiness bring me a truck and boat amongst other things RG :-)
  3. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/declaration-on-mass-surveillance-calls-for-new-privacy-measures-1.2651751
  4. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/prostitution-drugs-and-booze-to-be-included-in-italian-gdp-1.2652066
  5. I don't know if you'll get the "honest" answer you are looking for Because, in my opinion, we are opposite sides of the same coin, and thus are, or should be stigma free in this mutually beneficial community Anyone stigmatized by another, be it a lady stigmatizing her client, one she agreed to see, or a client stigmatizing a companion, one he contacted to see first needs to take a good look in the mirror. No one here is in a position to judge anyone for being here, and as for stigma, if a SP or Client believes someone else deserves to be stigmatized for being here, he/she, and everyone deserves the same stigma And an SP publically stigmatizing clients/potential clients also may find she no longer has clients In short, people living in glass houses don't throw stones A rambling RG
  6. @ Jessica Lee Maybe make the client putting sooooothing calamine on you as part of the encounter...sort of a game of playing doctor...reward him for soothing you ;-) And to the ladies generally, well I recall back in my dating days, girlfriends having bad hair days...and a bad hair day can be sexy you know RG
  7. XTC Mayor Of Simpleton Pickin's are slim with an "X" RG
  8. Sick is one thing, and yes, even I cancelled (I did pay the lady her donation in full btw) once because of it. But bumps, bruises, scars, you know signs of a lady living day to day, another, and for me at least not a reason to cancel an encounter And best and quickest cure I found (coming from a fisherman who has been bug bitten more than one ;-) ) for bug bites...calamine lotion. It's cheap, tried tested and it works RG
  9. My God!!!!!! :-) You ladies take me and look past all my imperfections.....and there are a few...well quite a few ;-). Even if you have a bad hair day (and you have hair btw) you take this follicly challenged guy, and make me feel like a King. I've been asked if I would prefer to postpone encounters for one reason or another at times by ladies, but as of yet no imperfection has been cited as reason not to meet Don't be too critical on yourselves ladies...even on a bad hair day or other similar type bad day, you're Goddesses to me, and brighten my day A morning rambling RG
  10. Yvonne Elliman If I Can't Have You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI2yTWUFquI RG
  11. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/flight-attendants-resist-transport-canada-s-move-to-cut-their-numbers-1.2650860
  12. Reason for going to a doctor...I discussed this with my doctor. There is a history of Stroke in my family, and I also take certain prescriptions. ED medications are contra indicated for both. In short, to put it mildly, if I took them, I would have a bad day...no, a real bad day. And although not my case, I believe Heart Conditions are another factor in whether to prescribe ED meds or not Only your doctor knows your medical history, and treatment options geared for you. Drugs of any sort aren't something to play with. Someone working in a mail-order warehouse doesn't care about you, he/she only cares about money. RG
  13. You are talking about a prescription drug that is intended for men. Has she seen her doctor. Has her doctor prescribed it for her? You surely aren't thinking of slipping it to her without her knowledge Just shaking my head here RG
  14. I didn't generalize, I related my one experience seeing an SP in her condo Across the board I've seen ladies in condos, their homes, their hotels, my hotels, my motel. BTW the lady may not want to come down since there are two security guards right there Only once in her condo (third encounter) Only once in my motel (first encounter) Ladies homes, their hotels, and my hotels, lost count ;-) But from my experience, hotels whether mine or hers, my number one choice Homes second choice Never again in motel Depending on the condo, maybe, maybe not RG
  15. And don't be embarrassed about talking to your doctor. He/She is a trained medical professional and is the one person you can talk to about this in private and get professional advice BTW as a direct answer to your question, your can get these drugs from a pharmacy after a prescription from your doctor RG
  16. Bad experience with a condo. Saw a SP in her condo in downtown Toronto...which btw she used as her incall, it wasn't her home Had to park in public parking lot across the street To get in, punch the number in the keypad, it let me in the front door In the lobby there were two security officers, yes really. I had to know the lady's real name in case asked by security who I was seeing. Enough on mind but having to memorize two names to boot. Those guards btw weren't there for customer service, if you were questioned it was for security purposes...thank god I have an innocent looking face, I just was waved on by. But I made it, but that is my reason for disliking condos Walking by a hotel front desk where the staff ask questions because of customer service, a walk in the park. And just think, this is part of an SP's life, something she deals with when she goes to outcalls. Don't hear complaints from them A rambling RG
  17. Sounds to me like your a sweetheart too Jessica RG :-)
  18. Maybe he has this around his neck and it covers up the smell But if he knew he smelled enough to need covering up he wash And you'd think he'd see it when washing And deal with it when he noticed Sometimes you got to say WTF!!! Funny how common sense just isn't that common A half lighthearted rambling :-) RG
  19. To begin with, when I book an encounter, even with a lady I haven't met yet, in the back of my mind I'm thinking I'll be writing a recommendation of our encounter after the encounter...and why do I think that?.....who would book an encounter with someone he thought would not provide a recommendation worthy encounter. Guess I'm a glass is half full type of guy. Second, a recommendation doesn't provide intimate details, nor does it have to. But it means I had a good time in the lady's company and I believe another gentleman would too. But it is an opinion, and every encounter is both unique to that lady and gentleman and YMMV plays heavily into it. Even repeat encounters are unique, the third encounter with a lady isn't a clone of the first encounter. And each and every recommendation since the very first one I ever wrote was given to the lady to read, and give her yay or nay. Not that she writes it or tells me what to say but she may not want one posted. There have been times no recommendations have been written. With the exception of a lady not wanting a recommendation written, I am extremely disappointed when I can't (yes can't) write one...it means I had a terrible date. I'm not a hard client to please. Encounters are human interactions, not final exams, and involve give and take, not a rehearsed script, if that makes sense. And a lady who is a good companion, but we have no connection/chemistry, well that isn't anyone's fault. And if she does everything "right" if that's the way to put it, she gets a recommendation. When I am with a lady I just can't recommend, then the time together was for me just bad. And I think for other gentlemen they would have a bad encounter too. For me to look at an encounter that way actually takes a lot of work.But that said I'm glad for CERB, which allows us to focus on the good, recommendation worthy encounters, and not allow negative reviews. If negative reviews were allowed, there would be a few, well six I'd write...and I'd rather not. Finally a recommendation for me at least is first and foremost a public thank you to the lady for providing a wonderful encounter and escape. Then second, maybe, just maybe, it will help the lady get another gentleman which would help her business. And third, sort of the opposite side of the second reason, it will let gentlemen know of a great companion that they might want to see. But for those recommendations I have written, I enjoyed writing them, because it brings back an immediate flashback to a great encounter and the lady who made it possible. And a secret exposed, every now and then I look back at a recommendation I wrote, it brings back fond memories. But if after the encounter, I'm thinking my time with the lady had a intangible value far greater than the donation she asked, and I have a smile on my face over our time together, well that's why I write a recommendation. A rambling RG
  20. One other thing that I just recalled, and why I started confirming my board handle via PM. A very well known member here (he can say who he is) awhile back reported on other people booking ladies using his board handle. But a guy sending a email or text or whatever could say they are for example, roamingguy, yet never send a PM confirming board handle Using the PM to confirm board handle ensures it is, well using me, in my case, roamingguy is contacting you, not someone else claiming to be roamingguy. A rambling RG
  21. Be yourself. And has already been said, for me too, it's about a connection, chemistry if you will. Treat the encounter like a date, and you want to be there. As much as this is the lady's livelihood, during the encounter, after business is looked after, you should have an escape, and both forget it is a business transaction. It is instead two people on a date. This btw is why professional companions are special, they make a paid date be an escape. And again, be yourself. Don't worry about other ladies and what they do. The gentleman seeing you is seeing you because there was something about you that interested him. He wants to see you A rambling RG
  22. Watching Captain Phillips (second time I've seen it, this time free) And three Somali pirate bad guys just found out the hard way that they should have taken up another profession besides piracy not to mention a fourth one who got off easy, doing a thirty three year sentence :icon_twisted: RG
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