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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Just my opinion, but I find websites very useful for getting the information I need to book an encounter with a lady Yes I like looking at the pictures Yes I like reading the lady's writings, be it her "About Me" "Booking Procedures" "Fees" etc. The website allows me to know a bit about her, whether on our first date, the ultimate blind date, and whether we will click and have a good time I don't know another way to have all the information needed for a potential client to see to peak his interest in meeting a lady...with the caveat, speaking for me, an encounter is more than just a chance to have sex....encounters are time spent with a lady, more akin to a date,...a GFE, just that you are rolling in three to four hours what usually takes place in two to three conventional dates. Most of the ladies I've seen, it was their website that got me to initiate contact. If there wasn't a website, no email would have been sent Anyhow, a rambling And just my opinion RG
  2. And even if they aren't brilliant geeks...who cares ;-) From a geek who is neither brilliant, nor handsome, but appreciates and respects gorgeous women RG :-)
  3. Happy Birthday doctorlove Enjoy your special day RG
  4. Sorry wasn't implying you were implying about STD's...just more a general comment that obvious hygiene issues both ladies and gentlemen equally responsible, but STD/STI health are each individual person's own responsibility. But I think you and I are in agreement RG
  5. PM's per se have never been used by me to book an encounter, not that I recall. But I do add to verification/screening a PM to the lady to confirm my board handle, and in my cover email, let the lady know my board handle and that I'm on CERB...this btw is volunteered information. Guys expect ladies to be alone with them intimately, and trust them Well trust is a two way street, and I believe the more open I can be with the lady I want to see, the more relaxed she will feel with me. If a guy doesn't or won't trust a lady with his personal information (and we are talking about in this thread just a anonymous board handle) how can a guy expect a lady to trust him to be alone with intimately. In this case, we are talking about a man's anonymous board handle, versus a lady's safety and security. And safety and security trumps privacy each and every time A rambling RG
  6. Actually, if I'm reading what you say right (she has obvious hygiene issues) jmho but the potential client would be in his rights to cancel the encounter and leave with his donation Part of the underlying "contract" if you will, is that both the lady and gentleman show up with good hygiene (clean etc). That in my experience has never been an issue with any of the ladies I have seen As for sexual health, that again is each and every person's individual responsibility. No one, lady or gentleman alike has to bring a note from the doctor to an encounter saying passed STD/STI test. But common hygiene, that is each and everyone's responsibility A morning rambling RG
  7. In my humble opinion none returned. But you should have this a policy clearly stated in your website The lady has blocked off a period of time for the man. Time blocked off for an encounter which she fully believed she was going to receive income (this is after all her livelihood) While she has certain responsibilities for an encounter (good hygiene, dressing up etc etc etc) the man has responsibilities too. And that includes good hygiene. If he can't show up clean, and can't be seen by the lady because of his hygiene (his fault) then she is in her rights to cancel and keep the money...unless he has a replacement screened/verified client for her, which is hardly unlikely A rambling RG
  8. Law Abiding Citizen Who by the way, wasn't...mind you no one was RG
  9. First prostitution is legal. Second, how do they know it isn't two adults meeting for a romantic escape...they only know it's prostitution if you let them know it's prostitution Third, yes maybe identify yourself, but you sure do not have to say who you are going to meet (if asked say you have a discrete relationship) And under the philosophy sh*t goes downhill, if the desk staff treat you rude, call the manager, if the manager rude, ask for head office...nobody likes their fiefdoms disturbed, if you are going to be the disturbance in their (in their mind) empire, they chose the path of least resistance And with hotels, maybe you might get upgrades, be it a better room, free parking etc etc etc BTW once on the elevator press a couple floor buttons, just so the hotel staff can't narrow down who you are seeing (more a peace of mind thing and to protect the lady) YOU BELONG THERE AND YOU AREN'T DOING ANYTHING WRONG A rambling RG
  10. There are a couple ladies I have had repeat encounters with, because I wanted to get to know them better, for lack of a better way to say it Two of those ladies, well it wasn't a couple encounters, well we became regulars, including the three of us getting together for a very special evening The one lady retired. But I still see the other lady regularly. And why. She has allowed me to get to know her, and I have let her get to know me. Plus she did something very special, very personal, that at a dark time she brightened my life up. She could show up (not that she has ;-) ) hair in curlers, no make-up, wearing sweats and a t-shirt and old runners, and all is good because she showed up and I'm reconnecting with her. Getting to see her you might gather, I'm happy. I do like the poly amorous lifestyle, getting to meet new ladies. But that doesn't mean some ladies stand out, are memorable and, well I have a special soft spot for them. Don't know if that answers the question or not A late night rambling before bed RG
  11. Well it is true that CERB seems primarily a Ottawa and Maritime focused community this guy is smalltown Ontario, having had encounters in Ottawa, Kingston, London and yes....Toronto too And Toronto is more "homebase" for me than the other cities A late night rambling from a small town boy who goes to the big city every now and then and women take advantage of him :-) :-) :-) With that said, there is that other erb site that predominates Toronto which may explain why CERB doesn't seem so TO focused...but I have written a recommendation, or two or three or...from Toronto encounters I have had RG
  12. Well if blowing things up does it for you here's the link for NLOS Cannon Challenge http://www.ahctv.com/weapons-technology/cannon-challenge.htm Don't worry, it's free ;-) RG
  13. Meatloaf Paradise By The Dashboard Lights http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xodq9_meatloaf-paradise-by-the-dashboard_music RG
  14. God I hate "Y" After my pick you'll hate "Y's" too LOL Yoko Ono Listen The Snow Is Falling RG
  15. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/how-air-canada-s-dreamliner-could-change-canadian-air-travel-1.2643049
  16. Happy Birthday Luxe Enjoy your special day RG
  17. You are in a very unique situation, because you can both be a MP and a recipient (client) of a MP However for most prospective clients, they don't face that predicament (if what you face can really be viewed a predicament LOL) But for most cases, if a CERB member contacts a lady for an encounter, identifying himself as someone from CERB, I can't understand any reason to hide a handle. Something which is anonymous. And most ladies, well at least the ones I see, require full verification (including real name), so how revealing is it just to provide a board handle? If someone doesn't want to give their CERB handle, then don't say they are on CERB. And if there are non sinister legitimate reasons for not wanting to disclose one's CERB handle to a companion, then companions can employ full verification/screening including real name prior to booking an encounter Now if someone refuses to provide his board handle and also refuses to be screened/verified, I would think the lady has a right to then refuse the encounter Anyhow, a rambling RG
  18. Actually vexing. For me, as part of offering my verification/screening information, I not only include my board handle, I confirm it through PM However I book through email (the ladies I thus far have seen prefer email) Board handle is just an added piece of information/identification If someone doesn't wish to share their board handle why mention they are even on CERB. If you feel the least bit uncomfortable or unsafe, don't book this client, potential client Anyhow a rambling RG
  19. For what the the ladies provide, I am appreciative. And I never lose sight that while ladies and gentlemen are the opposite side of the same coin, for guys it is their escape, for the ladies, their livelihood. And the ladies so skilled and gifted in making what is their livelihood seem like a normal natural date that they want to be on, and you specially they want to be with...definitely only a very special lady could do that. And you feel like you had an encounter which has an intangible value far exceeding the donation she requests. With the bonus, discretion, and no strings. What do I do? I try to be the very best client I can be. Pay in full, plus gift and tip. Since I'm an outcall guy, offer wine (or some other drink) plus maybe h'ordeuvres, or dinner out or well you get the idea. If I cancel on a lady (once it happened) I pay her in full her donation...not her fault I cancelled, why should she, after booking and setting aside time for me, be out? And a postponement, well when our date rescheduled I increase our time so she gets a bigger donation I cringe hearing stories (I've heard some) about how some ladies are treated. And not just by some men, but some ladies too. So beyond being the best client I can be, if I read a post that seems to be more of an us versus them (client versus companion) attitude and bash of a lady, I'll comment. I'm a supporter of this lifestyle being respectful to all. And I do believe it is forgotten by some, that the ladies are working, to pay bills, pay the rent, put food on the table etc etc. This for them isn't an escape. They should be respected and supported for that. No shows, haggling, bashings, put downs, etc etc etc, that isn't respect or support A rambling from a supportive gentleman RG
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