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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. The War Wagon Starred John Wayne and Kirk Douglas RG
  2. Fred Eaglesmith 105 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGGWuPG10h8 RG
  3. Laptop Toughest Cowboy John Wayne or Clint Eastwood RG
  4. The Road To Perdition Only came to mind because it's on now RG
  5. Well if you can Wham! us I can George Michael you LOL George Michael I Want Your Sex RG :-)
  6. Silence, at least you can watch the tv while waiting Home phone service-landline or cell (for everyday use) RG
  7. Well for this smalltown Ontario boy Southern and Eastern Ontario (London, Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston and Ottawa) is my locale and when I get the urge to meet someone, Emily included, I can. And for Emily, Canada, which includes Winnipeg, is her locale. I've also been lucky enough that seeing Emily has developed into a long term (much more than you will ever know) relationship... since March 2011. So I guess by your definition, Emily is the Girl Next Door The definition of a Girl Next Door, paraphrased from Wikipedia, is "the archetype of a cute, kind, unassuming, and honest woman." And Emily is one of the kindest, most caring women I have ever met, both in this lifestyle and in civilian life. She is beautiful inside and out, a gem and someone I trust without reservation. By that definition, she is the Girl Next Door And she redefines the GFE. Once you meet her, well you will know why she is so highly recommended RG
  8. #3 for Emily Rushton Her donation is very reasonable She is highly recommended, for a reason, and she does go to Winnipeg A Goddess who redefines GFE And a lady who has brightened my life RG
  9. If I saw she was getting ready for a CBJ I would say no thank you, but then give her a hug and kiss and we continue on...there are many other ways to physically show and receive affection. Just as a gentleman must respect a lady's boundaries, the same holds true for a lady, she must respect the gentleman's boundaries. Putting the shoe on the other foot for a second, how does a lady have the guts to say no to a gentleman who wants a BBBJ My point, having guts to tell her plays nothing in this. The lady and gentleman are in a mutually beneficial arrangement, and should the gentleman prefer no CBJ then the lady should be receptive to his preference. Just the same as the lady has her preferences and the man has to be receptive to them. But encounters are great when we all show mutual respect for one another, and a bj, whether covered or not is not the end all of an encounter. There are many other ways to physically show affection for one another A rambling RG
  10. The problem is that until someone is affected by the Nordic law, it is law. Hopefully clearer heads prevail in the Justice Department (bureaucratic/public service side, not political side) and could see potential problems. I agree, you can't, and I emphasize again I'm not a lawyer, challenge a law once enacted. But once someone gets arrested/convicted under the Nordic law then a Charter argument could be made. Of course just my opinion. But for those of us in this lifestyle, either clients/sp's discretely partaking as always, nothing will change. Law enforcement's focus will remain at targeting street level prostitution. The police just don't have the resources A morning rambling RG
  11. Well me, and speaking only for me, after a couple times, a CBJ doesn't do it for me. I've had a couple CBJ's but they were terrible, so I just prefer not to. That said I am not menu focused, and the ladies I see don't even offer a menu, except that they offer a GFE In one GFE encounter, a very memorable and great encounter BTW, we kissed, caressed, and snuggled. No nothing else, but it was a great intimate encounter My point is a GFE is more than the sum of it's menu parts There may be guys who like CBJ so keep it for them If you don't like BBBJ, it's a boundary, well keep the boundary But an encounter is more than just about a CBJ or not Don't know if that makes sense or not A rambling RG
  12. Happy Birthday Satai Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  13. Happy Birthday Alfie Enjoy your special day RG
  14. Is it a turn off to ask for RV dates???...:icon_rolleyes: Or 420 Friendly dates???...:icon_rolleyes: Or how about 420 Friendly dates in an RV???...:icon_rolleyes: Half tongue in cheek and half serious RG :-)
  15. Fair enough about the hotels, I mean if you know someone that works at a hotel, you know someone who works at the hotel, which is a different situation all together But I have never, repeat never, including the two hotels you mentioned, had room service, or housekeeping or whatever just walk in, or almost walk in. Only once since I began this lifestyle has that happened, in a downtown Toronto hotel, and I complained to the manager. It paid off, they never did that again plus my parking (substantial in T.O.) was free But I see your point, if you know people, yes, you would steer clear RG
  16. First I'm no lawyer (although I have stayed at a Holiday Inn once or twice LOL) but I do wonder if the Nordic model would survive a constitutional challenge...if a new law enacted under a Nordic model and in a couple years the government could very well be facing another Charter challenge The Nordic model doesn't treat everyone equal before and under the law. SP's (sellers of a service) are not breaking the law, but Clients (buyer's of that service) are breaking the law. And a quick "generalization", and I admit a generalization, but it is ladies who are selling the service (legal) but men who would buy that service (illegal) Men and women are not equal before and under the Nordic model and are not afforded equal protection and benefit of the new law. I have copy/pasted the Charter section, below RG Equality Rights Marginal note:Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law 15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. Marginal note:Affirmative action programs (2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
  17. Bracing myself for the onset of major things that suck Began last weekend with Mother's Day, visiting a mother and brother (and sister in law) who are now just mother and brother (and sister in law) in name only And while it's a long weekend, Sunday is the one year anniversary of Dad's last birthday...he passed away shortly thereafter Right now I really feel sort of family less RG :-(
  18. I suppose it could be a lot worse irrespective of which team you are rooting for. RG :-)
  19. I'm not arguing the point of SP's not wishing recommendations. I have had encounters with some ladies who wish to keep encounters private and I too respect their wishes if they choose not to have a recommendation (not a review) written. Recommendations after all are written for the lady's business and if she prefers nothing written that has to be respected. That is why each and every recommendation I have written from the very first one I wrote first was seen by the lady for her yay or nay. I never post, nor never have posted a recommendation without the lady's OK. BTW that doesn't mean I post false recommendations, they are all true accurate reflections of my dates with the ladies, just they get OK'd by the lady before posting But I am talking about those guys who don't write recommendations because they think somehow keeping the lady they saw their little secret is a good thing. Why keep a lady a secret? That is counter-productive for this lifestyle Anyhow, a morning rambling RG
  20. Non....yet In lounge pants and a tshirt enjoying my first coffee RG
  21. Not a statistician here and I've forgotten my basic stats course from university, but CERB has 45,895 members, of which 11,275 are active members. Then there are the other escort review boards across Canada to factor in as well and their members who may have responded. And it has also been mentioned in blogs so clients may have read and replied through the blogs. Now on the down side, there are those who disagree with us and who may wish escorting/prostitution be abolished completely who also may have replied. So 30,000 replies, I really don't know if that is low, high or average RG
  22. I truly have never understood that "logic" of keeping a lady their little secret...like WTF, really. Do these guys understand that this is the lady's livelihood and by keeping her a "secret" only means more chance she will leave this profession because she can't get enough of a client base to sustain herself business wise. Or does this client plan to support the lady financially 24/7 365 days a year I for one enjoy my encounters with the ladies I see, and post recommendations of my encounters, because it is my way of giving a public thank you to the lady, and letting gentleman know of a great companion, plus hopefully maybe sending some clients the lady's way. I also noticed the ladies are happy providing me a reference to see other companions, they don't have any jealousy or possessiveness This is a poly amorous lifestyle. Jealousy and possessiveness do not belong here. We should all strive to support one another, ladies and gent's alike, unless you can't support someone (ie bad client or poor SP) A rambling RG
  23. I do not know this lady either. I am reading her ad, her words, and making what I think is a reasonable assumption, actually very reasonable assumptions based on a cold reading of her words, nothing else And that is, being 420 Friendly runs the gamut from being friendly to those who smoke marijuana, to liking to smoke marijuana to possibly in this case, will accept a client who is already high on marijuana. As for making comments publically that is your choice which I respect, just as it is my choice and others to comment publically. It isn't being judgemental, but it is making very reasonable assumptions My opinion and rambling RG
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