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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Unfortunately posting that link on CERB may give it more visibility But even if she herself doesn't smoke pot she and her fetus are exposed to second hand pot smoke which is a at least according to this link is a hazard to the fetus http://www.pregnancyandbaby.com/pregnancy/articles/937071/secondhand-toke-marijuana-pregnancy It may be worded judgementally but really there are some real health risks that an innocent third party (the fetus) could receive and end up being the one dealing with for the rest of his/her life Some bigger things to consider here. RG
  2. Just my opinion. But I think it is the perception that there are "too many eyes" In reality you are really just another face in the crowd, and not someone standing out. And how can room service interrupt unless room service has been called for. As for hassle getting into a hotel, could you say which one. Because that has never been my experience. BTW I've had both incalls and outcalls at major downtown Kingston hotels, four to be exact, not to mention one incall on a well known Princess Street hotel, and then two others in relatively less known hotels/motels back in my newbie days...so I draw from seven Kingston encounters from seven different companions. I add that I used to live in Kingston (I grew up there in the 70's, and worked there in the mid 80's), people I used to work with know me and my current co-workers, I have family and friends of family who live there, so I guess I could be seen by those "too many eyes" The reality is, and again, my opinion, based on my Kingston experience, well hotel experience no matter what city, is that there is more a matter of perception than reality going into a hotel...the reality is your just another client, you only stand out if you make yourself stand out. Anyhow, just my opinion RG
  3. Yup my bad...but that said, I still prefer outcalls to my hotel ;-) And for those who are concerned about walking by the front desk of a hotel, hotel's deal 24/7 365 days a year with people of all shapes and sizes going to hotel rooms...for all reasons, including business meetings, vacations, affairs, and yes, seeing companions...and it's none of the hotel's business why you are there. A hotel is really as suspicious of their clients wanting a room the same way a restaurant is as suspicious of their clients wanting to eat a meal. Just my opinion, but I think it is the person walking by the front desk who thinks or acts funny that brings attention to him/herself. I say this as someone who has checked into more than one hotel (a regular at a few) and gone to incalls at hotels where the hallway in front of the front desk is a relative tight squeeze, and I've never had an issue. Just act like you belong there. Although I do agree about key carded elevators A corrected rambling ;-) RG
  4. First apologies ahead of time if any part of this post is worded incorrectly. Absolutely no offence intended, my questions are intended for my education and enlightenment and CERB being the board and community it is, this is the place to learn about it. First, am I correct that the difference between a TG (transgendered) and a TS (transsexual) is that a TG is a male anatomically but has the mannerisms (ie dresses like a female etc) of a female. But a TS has had sex re-assignment surgery and is for all intent purposes (anatomically, mannerisms etc a female) Second, no matter whether a TG or TS, the appropriate term to address them is "she" Third, and this I really do not know. If a male (who is female on the inside) has sex reassignment surgery and becomes a TS, and he becomes a she (sorry if poorly worded) both inside and out, is the surgery so complete (again sorry for poorly wording this) that you could not tell the difference from looking, anatomically between a TS and someone born as a woman? And if there is no external difference between a TS and a someone born as a female, how would someone even know if they have ever even been with a naturally born female versus a TS in their life? And again, apologies if any questions seem worded incorrectly or inappropriate. But this is a new area and if I knew exactly the appropriate way to phrase the questions I would already have the answers Not a rambling this time, but questions from someone wanting to learn and be enlightened. RG
  5. Got the mail today, received Notice Of Rent Increase RG :-(
  6. Well logistics would be the biggest concern for me to have an outcall to my place since I live in smalltown Ontario That said I am not opposed to seeing a lady in my apartment But, and I do prefer outcalls, I like to see ladies at my hotel. And I do at least pick (what I consider) upscale hotels (minimum 3 star) A rambling RG
  7. A woman's beauty (and hotness ;-) ) transcends the country she is in But if your talking about the ladies in this lifestyle, well there are many beautiful ladies. But as for down to earth and sweeter, keep in mind the legalities of this lifestyle and consequently this profession means down in the United States companions need to be somewhat more guarded, so unless a lady knows and trusts you really good, well no home cooking in the U.S. ...where as a companion in Canada, as long as she feels safe, just may invite you for dinner, or take your invitation for dinner But I do believe that the legal environment the ladies work in, in Canada as opposed to the U.S. is more the determining factor That said, I do know one or two or three or... Canadian ladies, who could easily be Victoria's Secret models, or PMOY or...but VS's and Playboy's loss has certainly allowed me to meet wonderful companions who have enriched my life A rambling RG
  8. Well here's my take on it. This is btw just my opinion and that's all, I may be completely off base here For me, PSE is pretty much a menu based encounter. By menu I mean an encounter is focused just on various sex acts off a menu...and not just "conventional" sex acts (for lack of a better term) but "unconventional" sex acts too, those you would likely see in a porn movie And the focus is just on receiving physical pleasure, nothing else. And a PSE lasts as long as both the lady and gentleman can physically, which likely means probably an hour (not even that for me LOL) I guess, crudely put a PSE is about f*cking and nothing else On the other hand a GFE can be menu based or the encounters just unfold naturally, based on the chemistry between the lady and gentleman. A true GFE only works with some reciprocity from the man, he has to offer a BFE There is an affection between the two. Encounters are more than just about sex. It is about a connection between two people. And GFE date can be very intimate, yet no sex. A date could involve a lot of kissing caressing and cuddling, but no sex. Yet a PSE doesn't have the freedom for that type of intimacy. And a GFE could be longer, multiple hours, sleepovers and so on. A GFE sexually is about showing physical affection for one another, but it isn't just about sex That to me is the difference between the two. Although I do admit never having done a PSE, but I have had many wonderful GFE. Don't know if I'm right or worded it right A rambling RG
  9. Congratulations and Good Luck on your move Carrie Ottawa's loss is Niagara's Gain RG :-)
  10. Cuddling, well face to face, spooning, kissing, caressing, snuggling, For me when you cuddle, it's relaxed, affectionate and trusting just go with what feels right to both of you, don't restrict yourself to just one position...it is an act bringing both of you closer together Don't know if that answers your question Before sex/lovemaking...each of you just undress yourselves, or do you undress each other RG
  11. If credit card, or paypal, or whatever works for both ladies and gentlemen then great, as long as they are both happy and no one gets screwed over (in the bad way LOL) But still, cash is king over everything else, cash doesn't require a service fee for handling, cash doesn't bounce, it doesn't leave a paper trail (except for email money transfer) But if everyone is happy, more power to them Me, I'll stick to cash or email money transfer, and no service charges from the way I pay or fear of anything bouncing RG
  12. Well today was supposed to be the first full day of rain, starting last night. Well not only has not a drop of water fallen...yet, the sun has come out, well I've lost count On the plus side, I prefer the sun to rain, but next time they call for sun, well it'll likely be rain RG :-)
  13. There is something else to consider about credit cards. I believe the business has to pay a 2% handling charge on the gross amount charged (someone correct me if I'm wrong) meaning they would either have to up the fees to someone using a credit card to make the same amount as someone paying cash. Not to mention the privacy concerns for the ladies, and the risk of the cardholder after an encounter defrauding the lady. In this lifestyle IMO cash would be king :-) RG
  14. @ MN2...I'm sure your right, I just might be a fan if invited over to watch hockey But then again if Meg invited all of Canada to watch the Canada-Russia play...in anything, and she rooted for Russia, everyone would root for Russia LOL RG :-)
  15. Not a writer of blogs, but I do enjoy reading the ladies' blogs. I for one am glad CERB has returned the Blog Updates. In my humble opinion this thread compliments CERB and I hope it now stays A rambling from a guy who has to now brew a coffee and read a few blog posts.:smile: RG
  16. Hands Down...Meg!!! And I don't even follow hockey But Meg has you beat no matter what Sorry MN2 RG :-)
  17. This pussy watches a guy shave, well clip his hair http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ef5TGT5kuo RG
  18. Here's the Timmins forum http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=222 I have been very fortunate to have met and have wonderful memories with Emily Rushton and Victoria Jolie and they have also included tours to Timmins Although I have not met (yet...) either Keissy Hennessy or Jessica Lee they are two ladies once my schedule and their touring schedule works out I would like to also meet them Instead of just waiting for these ladies to announce their next tour to Timmins, email them, tell them you want to meet them. Ask one of the ladies for a heads up before they officially announce their next touring schedule to Timmins, and then you can book an encounter with her Just a though RG
  19. You will be missed Porthos. I have enjoyed your presence and contributions here Sorry to see you go. Yours is a loss to the community. But wishing you all the best of luck. The door is always open to you RG
  20. Meg makes a good point. Also to the best of my knowledge, it may not be so easy for a SP to get a Merchants Account for processing credit cards and Paypal...not to mention the risk that some clients may after the encounter call the cc company and report a stolen card. I also believe Paypal won't knowingly process any Paypal transaction if discovered it is used for adult services. If someone knows otherwise I will stand corrected RG
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