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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Herb Alpert This Guy's In Love With You RG
  2. Anymore that's what I do. I only see ladies I trust. The only time I don't use email money transfer is if the lady prefers to be paid in cash. For me, it has the benefits of simplicity, no issues with exact change, and no need to travel carrying a large sum of money, nor does the lady have to travel carrying a large sum of money after the encounter RG
  3. Enemy Of The State RG
  4. Back home (no place like home) after being away for Mother's Day.....what has now become a chore. And got a walk in before the thunderstorm hits tonight (they originally called for it during the day) RG
  5. Sheena Easton Strut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcAJ9siMseA RG
  6. There's no prostituting here (not that there's anything wrong with that) He's just a liberated male being taken on a dinner date by a lady with the guarantee of sex after dinner And he doesn't make the lady take him out on two or three dates at least before she gets lucky LOL RG :-)
  7. No guarrantees here are a couple options I gleaned from Google http://www.phonenumber-411.com http://www.whitepages.com/10583/search/R http://www.mologogo.com http://www.freephonetracer.com http://www.realphonelookup.com No guarrantees...and unfortunately if a disposable phone... Hope this helps Good Luck RG
  8. Doctors, Priests, Lawyers Psychiatrists and so on get their confidentiality from Common Law But for example groups like AA, NA don' t get such confidentiality Likewise Paramedics don't get such confidentiality Long answer short, the law spells out which professions have confidentiality and which don't And although not a lawyer a non disclosure agreement would be binding in civil court but not in Criminal court But when a client talks to a SP and vis versa if there is concern over police or going to Court watch what you say RG
  9. Must be real bad to get two 810 Orders upon release. Once from Federal custody and once from Provincial custody. The police would likely like to do more but this is the best tool under current laws they have at their disposal to monitor and control him Just speculating but probably his Breach Of Recognicance is a breach of the first 810 Its not good he is out on the street but he isn't unmonitored Someone to definitely avoid if possible RG
  10. Well don't know about hourly rates but some hotels near airports sometimes offer daily rates I would just check some of the hotels near the airport And just me but I would be leery of any hotel offering a hourly rate...who knows how clean it really is RG
  11. I'll stand by what I've always maintained. Just because a new law is going to be drafted it is only a political response to the Supreme Court Of Canada decision. It doesn't make it a law enforcement priority. I doubt the various police forces are planning on forming "Flying Squads" LOL dedicated to enforcing a new prostitution law. Police still are restricted by their budgets and I don't see the government (politicians) loosening the purse strings As for concerns about police stings there were enough laws on the books previously that professional companions and agencies could have been targetted. It wasn't a priority then I can't see it a priority now. LE's focus IMHO will remain focused on street prostitution just the politicians will pat each other on the back about passing a new law A rambling from someone who isn't so pessimistic about this RG
  12. One other reason for never changing (upgrading) an avatar is it becomes as identifiable to a client as his handle...and we don't go changing our board handles. Our avatar is as much our signature as our handle It could get confusing if we kept changing our avatar As for the ladies, I can understand them changing their avatar, with current photos of themselves. Just so potential clients know what the ladies look like A morning rambling RG
  13. A Mother's Day Greeting To All Mothers Out In CERB And To All CERB Ladies Who Aren't Mothers, This Card Is For You For me, I'll be visiting and doing dinner for Mother's Day. More so I can stay in touch with my nephew than anything else...things are strained with my family. Yes the whole family is getting together (yayyyy...said sarcastically) And what my dad's wife will do, I don't know. When he was alive and married basically her family became his and my brother and I were fit in at both his and her convenience. Which suited both him and his wife fine. I wasn't bitter, he didn't leave when we were kids, he waited till we grew up, and it was his choice, but the choices they enjoyed now have consequences (if that makes sense) But now that dad has died, she likes to keep in touch (a reminder of dad I guess) To me I find it a bit uncomfortable. So I'm dreading Sunday and looking forward to Monday Sorry to put a downer on the thread But to the mothers and non mothers out in CERB, a Happy Mothers Day to you A rambling with a bit of venting RG
  14. Just realized, it's taken longer than fifteen minutes just to go through the drive thru at some Tim Horton's sometimes Just thinking out loud, that's all LOL RG :-)
  15. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/chantal-bernier-says-ottawa-snooping-on-social-media-1.2635998
  16. I know for me any encounter with a companion is a special occasion ;-) I sort of use a flat rate for tip and gift, and have that in mind ahead of time It's what works for me and the lady RG
  17. Maybe this will help http://www.cerb.ca/classifieds/g54-toronto-massage-ads.html Good luck RG
  18. If that person at the store went above and beyond the call, yup, he/she would get a tip too. Unfortunately I haven't found anyone at a shoe store going that above and beyond Anyways... RG
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