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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Congratulations Meg on 7000 posts. Looking forward to reading your next 7000 contributions RG
  2. For a client to expect a lady to be fully, well as open as she can be, that is a reciprocal relationship, requiring the client to be open with the lady too. That comes over time, and with mutual trust and respect. I do prefer a lady to be herself, but on a first, even second meeting, to expect a lady to show all herself (is that the right way to phrase it) is unreasonable. Likewise I'm not going to show all myself to a lady on a first or even second encounter. But I want the lady to be herself, personality wise when I see her. I can glean what her personality is through her website, posts on CERB, emails and so on. I assume she can get an idea of what my personality is the same way (well except I have no website) But still we are all somewhat guarded, we don't completely open up. Now when you start getting to the third encounter on, that's when, at least in my experience, the dynamic changes between the two of you, and you both start being more open than is required in a SP/Client relationship. Your relationship for lack of a better word starts evolving into more of a friendship. I don't know if that answers your question A rambling RG
  3. Here is the Lethbridge Section of CERB http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=191 and the Lethbridge Section of Escorts Canada http://www.escorts-canada.com/listings/AB/Lethbridge.html Also keep an eye open for touring ladies Good Luck RG
  4. I'm nervous each and every time I have an encounter, even when I'm seeing a lady I've seen before. My heart is just pounding in anticipation, excitement and nervousness, watching the clock, waiting for the knock on the door... If the lady I am having an encounter with doesn't get me excited and nervous, and my heart pounding with anticipation, what's the point in seeing her. Embrace the nervousness as part of the enjoyment of an encounter, don't be afraid of it, if that makes sense That said, what you should do is when you make the decision and contact a lady for an encounter, let her know you are new at this and you are nervous. But no matter how nervous you get, when you commit to an encounter with a lady, keep the date. As nervous as you get, once you meet the lady, you'll be glad you both made and kept the date Good Luck RG
  5. The Maltese Falcon RG
  6. K-19 The Widowmaker RG
  7. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/spy-plane-fries-air-traffic-control-computers-shuts-down-lax-n95886
  8. I know while waiting in the departure lounge at Tampa International Airport, Florida last year I got CERB on my smartphone, their Wi-Fi didn't block it. Access not denied...at least then RG
  9. I'm sure there are ladies who have potential clients who email a lady and expect a reply NOW!!!. And for those clients/potential clients, auto reply is a great tool (and nothing more than a setting on your email) For me I'm patient. If I haven't heard back within a week, then I'll email again. But the ladies have a private life, they may be in an area where there is poor internet service, maybe they have computer problems. For me then, the answer is personally I'm indifferent. But really the opinion to the question that matters is the ladies opinion My two cents RG
  10. I go back to what I originally argued and what was echoed here. The new legislation just gives the police a law to enforce. But will it be a law enforcement priority. Street prostitution maybe, because it is visible. But seeing escorts and courtesans, which is discrete, I don't think so. The government isn't going to give police and Crown Attorney's bigger budgets to enforce a new law. And it is expensive to bring a case from investigation to charges to trial. It is with a few exceptions, illegal in the United States. But not only is prostitution thriving, you can see escorts/courtesans. It isn't restricted to the street. Yet it is illegal for the most part My point. First in my opinion nothing will change up here even if the Nordic model is implemented. Companions will still see clients. It will just require even more discretion on both the lady's and gentleman's part. Two, a new law is just a political response to the Supreme Court decision. I highly doubt all the police are holding their breath waiting for a new law to come down because they are eager to arrest guys seeing escorts. I'm guessing even if the law changes for ladies and gentlemen everything will pretty much will stay the same as it is now as long as they are discrete My two cents and guess RG
  11. Here is the CBC Story http://www.cbc.ca/player/Embedded-Only/News/ID/2051137449/ It reports only one case (sorry that sounds minimizing, not intended to come across that way) of the super resistant strain and in Japan, not in Canada. As I said not written to minimize, but there isn't a worldwide epidemic. As for me, I've always respected ladies' boundaries. If those boundaries should change I'll understand and continue to respect them Anyhow, a rambling. RG
  12. Kill Bill Vol I & II RG
  13. The Good The Bad and The Ugly RG
  14. This afternoon I watched True Grit...the original one with John Wayne Now I'm watching The Bedford Incident RG
  15. Surfing CERB, reading/replying to emails, enjoying a Keurig :-) and watching the original True Grit on tv RG
  16. Always, Always, I use the lady's preferred method of contact. But I must say I prefer using email, because first off I do plan encounters months ahead, and the ladies I see require screening/verification including a reference. Sending an email allows for me to provide all the required information Second, I live in smalltown, Ontario and besides planning encounters months ahead, no matter where I see a lady it's a long distance call, on a cell phone. Now if the lady I email wants to talk to me I will phone her...I pick a time to call where the call will be discrete for the both of us. But using emails is fine by me, as long as there is a final way to contact the lady to let her know my hotel room number (I like outcalls), be it by text, phone, email, whatever. A rambling RG
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