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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Congratulations Spud Looking forward to you staying another 8 years on CERB RG
  2. The Quick and the Dead RG
  3. I don't view the jitters, nervousness, butterflies, whatever you want to call it as a negative, nor is it something I want to ever eliminate. I'm booking an encounter, to meet and have a date with a beautiful woman. So it's only natural to experience jitters, nervousness, butterflies, whatever. I get that for each and every encounter, even with ladies I know and have ongoing repeat encounters with. And strangely this building excitement isn't negative, it's part of the anticipated enjoyment of seeing a lady. The day it doesn't happen, the day my heart isn't pounding as the clock counts down to a lady's arrival, well that's the day to no longer see companions, because it's then become matter of fact instead of a special occasion. And seeing ladies for an encounter is a special occasion, worthy of pre date jitters. My two cents RG
  4. Gordon Lightfoot If You Could Read My Mind RG
  5. Just back from a walk...sky is blue, no clouds, a tad cool but had a nice walk. Beats being cooped up in my apartment with rain coming down and waiting for painters yesterday RG :-)
  6. One thing that has struck me about the ladies in this lifestyle is that they have a head on their shoulders, and seem very well adjusted. That's why I enjoy meeting the ladies and having a date. It is two consenting adults in a mutually beneficial arrangement. Nothing would seem as wrong to me as booking an encounter with someone who I did think was broken...and a client booking an encounter with someone who he thinks is broken, is it me or is there something wrong with that picture. Isn't he someone who would also be contributing to her being broken then, not someone who can claim to her therapist. BTW that is somewhat a rhetorical question As for negotiating, a lady's rate is her rate, nothing so distasteful as trying to nickel and dime a lady. This lifestyle is a luxury, not a necessity. If you can't afford her rate don't contact her or haggle with her A rambling RG
  7. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/rob-ford-taking-leave-of-absence-lawyer-says-1.2627832 RG
  8. Sometimes when you expect Brazeau and out Popadick LOL RG :-)
  9. Well I thought about an avatar change and was close to changing it but this guy started yelling at me Saying if I changed my avatar he would bring his brothers, one with a baseball bat and the other who has delusions of being a soldier and the third who thinks he's an assassin Soooo, after weighing my choices, after being yelled at, and running the risk of being shot by an assassin, or ambushed by a soldier, or my knees being the baseball in a ball game, if I upgraded my avatar, I decided to let sleeping dogs lie and keep my avatar the same So that's why this client doesn't upgrade his avatar LOL RG :-)
  10. Well it's that time of year when the apartment management company is painting the doors (hallway side only) Got the notice, in the 24 hour timeframe. But just like cable, electricians, plumbers, deliverymen etc they keep you waiting all day and just arrived. Door is being painted, but has to stay open for three hours while the paint dries So that's what I've been doing all day, stuck in my apartment, I guess now, literally watching paint dry RG
  11. She has been on hiatus but I'll nominate for CERB Goddess of the Day my dear virtual wife, Gabriella Laurence. Not only is she a wonderful contributor to CERB, and a wonderful companion :-) she offers a helping hand to those new to CERB trying to learn the ropes. Here is a collage pic of my dear virtual wife BTW my dear virtual wife did not hen peck me to post this LOL In fact she doesn't even know I am posting it And for those who don't know, all references to Gabriella being my (virtual) wife are tongue in cheek, she really isn't my wife, this is just a bit of humorous bantering that we have going on But she is my Goddess Of The Day today :-) RG
  12. Gift cards are always a good choice. Some stores you could get a gift card for are Victoria's Secret, Lulu lemon, La Vie En Rose, La Senza, Sephora just to name a few. But the lady's website might have ideas for a gift Good Luck RG
  13. Actually wasn't sure whether to post this Ottawa Police press release in the news section or joke section. Look who was arrested for exposing himself. RG http://ottawapolice.ca/en/mediaroom/newsreleases/14-04-29/8f13e582-b9aa-4d70-b7b9-d9d054d5e659.aspx
  14. All I can say is with the ladies on CERB, whatever they wear is sexy ;-) The ladies make the clothes special, not the other way around Whatever a lady wears to an encounter, as long as she is comfortable, I'm happy RG :-)
  15. To me the clock starts when you walk in the door. You may (at your discretion) give him the time for a shower...a quick thorough shower, but that's up to you. A client is paying for your time, not for what happens during that time. If he choses to spend time in a thirty minute encounter engaged in conversation, guess what, the clock is ticking. Even social time still is time. If he wants an encounter to include social time (conversation etc) he should book longer encounters But I think BC Guy is right, you had a class A twit for a client My two cents RG
  16. Never hurts to ask a question. And you can always ask one of your clients before an encounter if he would like to have porn included in a session...after all we men aren't all the same. And if your client(s) prefer to see you without porn, that means they like seeing you. You spice things up for them and brighten their lives already, and that's a good thing. RG
  17. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/sugar-daddy-website-links-struggling-students-with-older-partners-1.2625194 RG
  18. Me personally I don't have any tattoos. I grew up in an era that tattoos were worn by soldiers, sailors and inmates. And I almost had one back in my army days, not by choice, I was drunk, and a couple buddies were going to chip in and get me tattooed. Thank god they didn't have enough money. Now it is commonplace. If I put one on it just would be for the sake of having one put on, it wouldn't hold any special meaning. But I have been with some ladies who do have tattoos, and I find it compliments their beauty. I would say I love tattoos on a lady who wants them. But body art is personal, and no one should pressure someone into wearing a tattoo, nor should someone sit in judgement of those have tattoos, or don't have tattoos. It is a personal decision, not for me to sit in judgement of. But that said, I do find on those ladies who have them, it compliments their beauty. A rambling RG
  19. Happy Birthday Courtney Enjoy your special day RG
  20. Well my avatar is of John Malkovich, only because I've been told by a few ladies I look like him...don't see it myself, but who am I to argue with them I kind have taken a liking to the avatar, plus the two images on my profile page, so I guess I'm keeping them, and not updating them unless something else strikes my fancy RG
  21. I have to say it has no interest for me either. To me porn is what a guy gets when he doesn't have the company of a lady. But to book an encounter with a lady, porn to me is an unneeded and unwanted distraction. It would take away from an encounter One thing though, if the idea of including porn in your encounters appeals to you, ask your client ahead of time if he would like it. But me, that's something that just doesn't interest me RG
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