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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. If either Leslyn Lewis or Peter Mackay should win CPC Leadership (assuming they can learn to count LOL) which elected CPC MP has to fall on their sword and resign their seat so a bi-election can be called and they can sit in Parliament. Neither one of those two are MPs, just party members On a side note, in case memories are short, next federal election if MacKay is CPC leader, remember he brought us Bill C36. But it's all a moot point as of now, their counting machines (guess not enough fingers and toes LOL) still not working and their impotent leader is still Howdy Doody aka Andrew Scheer A late night rambling about nothing really On that note, good night RG
  2. Sad News. He was a Great Member of this site who will be missed. Condolences to his family and friends. Rest In Peace Old Dog. RG
  3. It wasn't COVID and honestly he only took one Viagra LOL RG
  4. Got the call today, after months, quite a few months actually of waiting for an MRI for my knee, my appointment is now booked...in October but after all this time waiting October is just a short ways away. I can't say how good this news really is, first step in getting my knee fixed. I'd dance for joy but my knee is so f*cked up I just can't dance...but hopefully I'll get back to walking without a cane If you didn't gather I'm happy RG
  5. Picked up my prescription And celebrating my good news did a deke by the cheese factory on the way home, picked up a bag of curd for dinner, and some cheddar, salsa and jalapeno and red chili cheese...I see nachos in my future this week LOL RG
  6. The nomination has been posted in the August Member Of The Month thread 🙂 RG
  7. My Nomination For August's Lyla Member Of The Month is...(drumroll)...Jessy Celeste She's a member of the Lyla community who positively promotes this site, not just here but on Twitter too. A voice like hers on Twitter may help draw new members here. She also recognizes other's contributions, having nominated some others for Member Of The Month. IMO Jessy should also be nominated and is my nomination for August Member Of The Month Good Luck Jessy RG
  8. My Nomination For August's Lyla Member Of The Month is...(drumroll)...Jessy Celeste She's a member of the Lyla community who positively promotes this site, not just here but on Twitter too. A voice like hers on Twitter may help draw new members here. She also recognizes other's contributions, having nominated some others for Member Of The Month. IMO Jessy should also be nominated and is my nomination for August Member Of The Month Good Luck Jessy RG
  9. My Dream Vehicle would be a boat...eyeing this one as a matter of fact Lund 1750 Outfitter Already have a GMC Sierra 4x4 pickup truck...not just as a tow vehicle but I like pickup trucks If all goes well (knee gets better and apartment allows boat parking...there's room) next year I might🤞 have a boat RG (currently the boatless fisherman LOL)
  10. Coronavirus: Trudeau announces plans for end of CERB, transition to EI https://globalnews.ca/news/7239834/cerb-recipient-move-ei/
  11. My physiotherapy session. My health insurance doesn't accept direct billing for physio so I upped the money. I must say it's well worth the cost there's still pain (yes f*ck it hurts LOL) but I'm walking better (still told to use a cane day to day) A few more exercises being added to the list for me and now both knees are going to be "hurt" oh whipped in shape until I see a specialist and get surgery. While I'm happy with the progress made still in the back of my head I get the feeling this is just a band aid solution RG
  12. Only cried for twenty minutes. Get Covid tested, that swab in the back of your nose will make you cry alot longer than that In all seriousness discomfort aside in this day and age it's a preventive health measure well worth taking RG
  13. Plants Boats (fishing type LOL) or Jet Skis (I'm window shopping now, hopefully next summer I won't be the boatless fisherman LOL) RG
  14. Go to upper right hand corner where your user name is. Click on it Drop Down Menu comes up starting with Content. Scroll Down to "Account Settings" click on it Page comes up...Under "Other Settings" is "Notification Settings" click on it Page comes up with different notifications you can choose to have or not have (don't click on send me news and info LOL) Hit Save I think that'll work🤞 RG
  15. I like fishing and once they do surgery on my knee (still waiting for a MRI long wait due to covid) and I'm patched up I'll be out on the water again. I've fished bass, pike, muskie, walleye, and panfish I'm familiar with the Kawartha Lakes, fished alot of them years ago for bass tournaments (came in the money a few times) If you've never fished for muskie before but want a good chance at catching one fish Lower Buckhorn Lake. You can launch out of Sunrise Resort. The odds of trophy (50 inch +) muskie are low but a smaller (but legal length) you can catch are high. I found on Lower Buckhorn just cast/retrieve a spinnerbait or chatterbait One thing, same applies too for Stoney Lake beware of rocks once off the channel...both lakes have claimed many skegs and lower units over the years LOL (no not mine) Good Luck RG
  16. Just paid my truck insurance about a week early because my health insurance (FINALLY) paid a claim it owed me Easy come easy go LOL RG
  17. Picked up my prescription, then gassed up the truck on the way home, stopped picked a few groceries up and that's it I know...boring LOL RG
  18. To get the ball rolling on nominations, and I don't know if eligible to be nominated (but if not issue me a warning LOL) but Lydiahardwood She responds to member enquiries quickly including the creation of the Cornwall forum. Sometimes it must seem like we members like to complain but she answers members' enquiries and complaints. She also keeps a voice between Lyla and Twitter She is being nominated because her efforts as Administrator on Lyla are appreciated in spite of our sometimes day to day complaining LOL. Thank You Lydia RG
  19. Cat...Well Beatrix's Idiosyncrasy (just one of them) When I adopted Beatrix I got her a automatic food dispenser and automatic water dispenser. She likes eating her food from the food dispenser. But she hated the water dispenser, so much so she'd drop food pieces in the dish portion so the water would turn gross and Dad would give her a bowl of water instead. Turns out she'll only drink water from a bowl, not a dispenser. Conversely (I tested my theory) she won't eat food from a dish, it has to come from a dispenser. And the reservoir has to have food in it. To top it off she takes things (like business cards given to me in junk mail, or bottle caps or pencils etc...anything she can turn into a toy) She'll carry them in her mouth to the (clean) water dish and drop them in. Then she sits by the dish meowing for a clean bowl of water...up to me to remove what she put in LOL A rambling about my dumb feline RG
  20. Started off today with a physiotherapy session. While my health plan covers it it doesn't do direct billing so I guess my first "last purchase of the day" was my physio. Then I went out grocery shopping to stock up. I also got more Covid masks (sold at the grocery stores) and something I haven't had in a long time but it's good in a heat wave...lemonade. RG
  21. As the saying goes "Build it and they will come" Congratulations NJ on taking the Cornwall Forums virginity 🙂 RG
  22. I know in terms of phone numbers I give my cell number. I also add to it who my Cell Phone Provider is and since I no longer use a land line (what are those LOL) the lady is in fact getting my "home" phone number. I also can confirm through PM or DM (depending on site, Lyla or Twitter) who I am But at the end of the day I provide the companion what info she requires. It's not for me to decide what she needs, it's up to me to give her what she requires for screening since I'm the one who initiated contact with her in the hopes of having a date with her. If I'm not comfortable with her screening requirements then I won't contact her. And for those who don't trust a companion with their information or money for a deposit just a question, why do you want to see someone you don't trust? A rambling RG
  23. I look at it this way, any lady I'd book I trust (keeping in mind I initiated contact with her out of the blue, not the other way around, and I don't blindly pick someone on top of which whatever money I send I do treat as a bit of calculated risk...no I'm not naïve) But the question that needs to be asked to guy's who mistrust companions with their deposit..."why are you dating a lady you don't trust?" I've been fleeced twice. I only saw the one lady once and never again, the other I won't ever book again. That's out of ten years of seeing companions, must be doing something right. The added bonus I've met a few wonderful companions I otherwise wouldn't have met...ladies I've pre-booked with and also purchased some virtual companionship in these covid times. But if you're getting fleeced all the time you need to look at your screening methods. Don't just blindly send money to anyone, make sure she's a reputable professional companion. Professionals won't risk their reputation for a quick buck This thread started by Greanteal is a good start Actually the whole forum... https://www.lyla.ch/forum/157-new-to-this-things-you-should-know/ ...contains a wealth of information. And maybe reading through it would be helpful to clients in Ft Mac A long winded rambling Good Luck RG
  24. Send a PM to Mod asking for a Cornwall forum to be set up. The Mods may not see this thread but would notice a PM. A forum would allow those ladies a place to advertise, and a place too for clients to write respectful recommendations But PM one of the Mods to get the ball rolling. Build it and they will come Good Luck RG
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