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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Some off the cuff ramblings Don't ask questions which are answered in the lady's website. Be on time, pay the donation in full up front. Also consider giving the lady a tip and gift Respect the lady's boundaries. Don't ask for services she doesn't offer Have something to drink when she arrives (wine, beer, water etc) You can always email and ask her what she likes. Maybe have some hors d'oeuvres too Think of writing a recommendation after a good encounter. Doesn't have to be a Pulitzer Prize essay, just a few lines saying you had a good time with the lady, she arrived on time etc etc etc Contact the lady using her preferred method of contact Many ladies utilize verification/screening. Be open and honest with the lady, providing the requested information. And always ask your reference's permission before using her as a reference Just a quick few ramblings RG
  2. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/miki-mappin-discovers-sex-identity-change-creates-passport-hassles-1.2621440
  3. What really sucks is it feels like early March (on a good day LOL) when you step out the door, not like it's even close to May RG
  4. cargo pants and red plaid flannel shirt, socks and shoes off RG
  5. Congratulations Luckyme on hitting the thousand post milestone Looking forward to your next thousand contributions RG
  6. Welcome to CERB. Read the reco's, the ladies' posts, profiles and websites and if you see a lady who interests you, contact her using her preferred method of contact. Here's a good start for you (I'm assuming since you posted in the Ottawa Discussion Forum) of Ottawa ladies http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=316 and the recommendations thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=125 Good Luck RG
  7. A drawer style K Cup Holder for my Keurig RG
  8. One I recommend you don't watch, I made the mistake Jack Reacher RG
  9. KERB as in Curb Your Desires....NO!!! I pronounce it CERB with an S as in Sexy :-) RG
  10. Xenia Onnatopp Goldeneye RG
  11. Solitaire Live And Let Die RG
  12. Cheat like I did LOL and just remember their gadget man was named "Q" RG
  13. There was a very informative thread started by Samantha Evans on her dealings with a stalker I'd link it to you but only have phone access and no computer access till Tuesday Do a search on CERB keyword stalker and look for the thread started by Samantha Evans One bit of advice document everything Good Luck RG
  14. Just like every other message board somebody getting under your skin Think about what you just said...if it's with every message board too...DO YOU THINK IT MIGHT BE YOU!!!???... RG
  15. That's pretty decent of you tolerating ladies who have breast implants. I wonder what the ladies have to tolerate RG
  16. Trying to read and post on my phone Away from the computer because I have to visit family :-( and my phone my only escape to the outside world RG
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