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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I'm relatively new to this lifestyle although I did go to a few strip clubs in my younger days. But something I have observed in this lifestyle is ladies with tattoos and piercings, mind you I have observed this on ladies who are "civilian" for lack of a better word as well My point, and I have met some lady's with tattoos and piercings, is that those tattoos and piercings compliment a lady's beauty. It doesn't detract. Just because you aren't into tattoos and piercings is just a matter of personal taste. It shouldn't be viewed as a fact that there has been a decline since the 80's. Frankly I haven't seen a decline in beauty at all. And there are some of us gentlemen who see tattoos and piercings as complimenting a lady's beauty. An Easter rambling RG
  2. Vesper Lynd Casino Royale RG
  3. I believe the first Bond girl, starred in Dr. No and From Russia With Love Sylvia Trench In Dr No she was the woman who met JB at the casino at the beginning of the movie In From Russia With Love she and JB were having a "picnic" before he got called away RG
  4. Damn!!! Can't think of any Bond girl whose name begins with q But there was a character Q who made all the gadgets Does that count...probably not LOL For R Tatiana Romanova From Russia With Love (IMHO the best Bond movie ever) RG
  5. Octopussy (played by Maud Adams) in of all Bond films Octopussy Actually from one of the films from the dark days of Bond, the Roger Moore years LOL And yes, Maud Adams also starred In Man With The Golden Gun RG
  6. May Day A View To A Kill RG
  7. Jill Masterson Goldfinger Two pics first how she looked And how she ended up after Goldfinger dealt with her betrayl of him to James Bond RG
  8. The original, although technically not the first though, Bond girl Honey Ryder, Dr. No RG
  9. Having my morning coffee and breakfast, surfing CERB, reading/replying to emails and watching tv RG
  10. Fiona Volpe (Thunderball) RG
  11. It's late, I must be bored (and tired) but another movie type game. This time starting with "A" pick a character (not actress) name of a Bond girl It can be any Bond girl So to start the first Bond girl is Aki (she was the Japanese secret agent to help JB in "You Only Live Twice") RG
  12. Well a suggestion, Savannah Lane tours to Nova Scotia and Lexy Grace is in Halifax. Just judging from their posts you have two ladies you could contact. And, while perusing websites, if there is a lady comfortable doing MFF ménage a trois, or seeing married couples then she may also be receptive to seeing a female client. Just let the companion know when you first contact her that you are a lady. Finally, after your encounter write a recommendation, I'm sure the lady would appreciate it A rambling from a guy RG
  13. I'm afraid to try, this is ingrained in my mind, and I'm worried I'd do it wrong A Seinfeld episode for every occasion LOL RG :-)
  14. Went for a walk, beautiful day outside. Came back home, opened the windows. Having a light lunch (salad, water, and mixed berries) and watching The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Tonight, another good movie on, No Country For Old Men RG
  15. And there is a difference in a lady in a lady offering something unsolicited, where she bends/breaks her own boundaries versus a client asking a lady to bend/break her boundaries for him Given the YMMV factor too, very appropriate not talking about it in a reco/review RG
  16. Again sorry you went through this Victoria. Too bad going to St. John's can't be a drama free (and sugar free ;-) ) city to tour for the ladies Pretty bad when a boy from Ontario can figure out what is going on...and no one on CERB is being bashed btw RG
  17. What a lady offers is her boundary, what she is comfortable with. Whether it is her rate or her services, it is what she offers and is her boundaries. Asking for a different service or rates, IMHO is all akin to negotiating and inappropriate. If the lady offers something different to a specific client that she normally doesn't offer that is a different story, but since the boundaries are hers, she is the one who can bend/break them for a client. It isn't up to a client to ask her to bend/break them for him. Just my opinion RG
  18. Well my morning walk is getting changed to an afternoon walk now Turned on AMC, and a John Wayne western on, The War Wagon Sitting here with a coffee surfing CERB enjoying the movie (just beginning) RG
  19. Surfing CERB while digesting a good steak I just had for dinner Still washing it down with water Shortly getting up to do the dishes :-( and afterwards have strawberries and a decaf (haven't picked the flavour yet) Keurig :-) RG
  20. If I'm not mistaken, also including HIV testing, it can usually take 2-12 weeks for a result, but in some patients up to 6 months for test results to come in (anyone know different for fact please correct me) Are companions supposed to be completely celibate (including husband/bf/cl for 6 months, and are you going to be completely celibate for 6 months, including wife/gf/cl or conventional dating. I can't envision any companion doing that just to see you, or any client, nor can I imagine any client doing the same just to see one lady RG
  21. Absolutely inappropriate and insulting if you asked a lady for her test results, or if she is D&D free. Just as it would be equally inappropriate and insulting for her to ask you for your test results and if you are D&D free YOUR SEXUAL HEALTH IS YOUR RESPONSIBILTY Up to you to get yourself tested But asking a lady about her test results and health status will likely end up in you being declined a date RG
  22. Edward Bear Last Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EP0xhKUbHM RG
  23. One other thing, if you can't turn off your computer disconnect it from power. If a laptop, unplug and then remove the battery, if a desktop unplug it from the wall. A thought, also turn off your modem But I must remember ALT+F4 File that with CTRL+ALT+DELETE. Thanks Savannah for that bit of info RG
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