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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Ladd, Cheryl From her days on Charlie's Angels and now RG
  2. Seeing as I just saw them both The Hunger Games and The Hunger Games 2 RG :-)
  3. Forgot one, and that is Xplornet Intended for rural (have a friend who uses it and he is a country boy) but it may also service urban centres too http://www.xplornet.com/ RG
  4. Personally I never demand anything from a lady, the best encounters for me at least, are those that unfold naturally between two people. Irrespective of this lifestyle being about paid companionship, clients should not demand anything. The client has to respect the lady's boundaries always. And, at least for me, I am tested regularly. It is done along with other blood testing (no blood disease, but because I take medications and my levels need to taken on a very regular basis) So I include STD/STI testing at the same time which is every two months. That said, I'll say this again EVERYONE'S SEXUAL HEALTH IS THEIR OWN RESPONSIBILITY Now I do know who I have seen, so if I got a positive back on the test, I would contact the ladies I have seen (yes I know and remember them all ;-) ) and let them know so they can get tested too Anyhow, a rambling RG
  5. Today for lunch tomato and cucumber salad with chicken, and homemade oil/vinegar dressing washed down with 32 ounces water followed by a walk and then mixed berries and another 32 ounces water For dinner a steak washed down with 32 ounces water followed by strawberries and more water. Any wonder I get up a couple times a night any more LOL RG :-)
  6. On the suggestion of a lady, I watched... The Hunger Games yesterday and The Hunger Games 2 today Glad she suggested them Now I just started watching Wall Street 2 RG
  7. Aerosmith & Run DMC Walk This Way http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2eu4x_aerosmith-run-dmc-walk-this-way_fun RG
  8. Well about to get my runners on, go for a walk, then stop in at the grocery store (closed tomorrow Good Friday) to get food for today and tomorrow. Come back, kick back, and watch Hunger Games 2 (never got around to watching it yesterday in spite of best intentions) RG
  9. Well I'm 6'1", and I personally do not care if the lady is the same height, taller or shorter. I've met ladies from 5'1" to almost 6' tall. It really is the person inside that counts. My preference is a lady I can click/connect with. Whether she is shorter, my height or taller doesn't matter. The ladies accept me with my physical shortcomings, who am I to judge their beauty...yes beauty A rambling again :-) RG
  10. Albeit I'm tall (6' 1") but I'm also on the heavy side (not to mention bald) Whether a lady is tall or short or in between really makes no difference to me. Ladies accept me with my physical shortcomings (no pun intended here considering the topic) so who am I to judge a lady on her physical appearance, which btw in the ladies' case has never ever been a shortcoming, it's been an asset. If a lady exaggerates about her height, it's no issue for me. The only thing that matters to me about physical appearance before we meet, is if a lady steals some other lady's photos to represent herself Anyhow a rambling from a guy who has met and had memorable encounters from ladies from 5' 1" to almost 6' tall And at the end of the day it really is the person inside that counts A rambling over coffee RG
  11. The War Of The Worlds RG
  12. I've never seen any negative reactions, but then again I tip and give a gift I don't think a lady would hold it against someone who doesn't give a gift and tip, but I do think a lady will appreciate those clients who do tip RG
  13. The Quick And The Dead RG
  14. Had it recommended to me by a lady, so I'm brewing a Keurig and just started watching The Hunger Games. Then later today, it's The Hunger Games 2 RG
  15. My comment got shorted LOL. What I was saying was "often communities have clothing drop boxes too and clothes get picked up from there to go to shelters" Those drop boxes look similar to mailboxes (not the same, similar) just bigger to hold a large volume of clothes Many of my previously loved LOL clothes have been donated Thank you for posting that Kylie RG
  16. Scorpions Rock You Like A Hurricane http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1ez2l_scorpions-rock-you-like-a-hurricane_music RG
  17. Not from SS Marie but I do know Emily Rushton includes SS Marie on her tours. Next time she comes up, well give her a call. I contacted her once, and, well I think it's been six or seven unforgettable encounters total I've seen her since then, my next one, a weekend escape with her OMG I almost forgot another lady. Victoria Jolie. Saw her recently and would definitely see her again. She also tours to SS Marie. If she is scheduled to tour there contact her, she also provides a memorable encounter. RG
  18. Thank you for that Savannah. I personally find encounters with ladies are much more than about getting a "happy ending" For me the happy ending begins with the lady entering my hotel room and finishes when we both get dressed and hug and kiss good night. One of the most pleasant memorable encounters I had, we ended up in bed, kissing, caressing and snuggling. But nothing to lead to orgasm. But that's just how the evening naturally and pleasantly unfolded that night. And it was a pleasant memorable encounter for me Anyhow, it was one of many pleasant journeys I have had, and the destination, well it may not always have been what I expected, but there are other wonderful destinations too...if that makes sense A pleasant recollection and rambling RG
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