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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. First this profession, this lifestyle, has no comparison to any other profession. So comparing the rates a lady charges can't be compared to rates charged in other businesses/professions. Each business can only compare itself to itself, a comparison of SP's rates to say an accountants' hourly rates is comparing apples to bricks. Also this lifestyle is a luxury, some use the term hobby, meaning you are free to partake in it or not. But it isn't a necessity, it is a luxury. But other professions that charge (what may seem a high) hourly rate (quick examples, lawyers, accountants etc) are a necessity. And their rates can't be compared to a companion's rates, and vice versa. Different services, different purposes. Think about what lower, real lower rates would truly mean to this lifestyle. Why would any lady want to consider becoming a professional companion? It is a profession that a lady gives of herself, as cliché as it sounds, body, mind and soul. BTW name any other business that requires that. What a lady charges for that, is never too much. In fact it has a value in my experience far exceeding any donation asked for. And any gentleman who feels a lady's rate is too much for him, is free to see someone else. It isn't as if he is forced to see her. Anyhow, a morning rambling RG
  2. Personally I would have no issues with seeing a lady at my place. The ladies I now see (granted after a bit of learning and experience) I trust, so I wouldn't be worried about the silverware being stolen LOL All that said, the biggest obstacle to hosting in my own place is that I live in smalltown Ontario, and it would be far to long a drive to get here But I do like hosting, which is why I like outcalls to my hotel. But irrespective of my preference , it's first and foremost what the lady feels comfortable doing. A rambling RG
  3. Sh*t!!!...woke up, pouring rain out, but it improved (sarcastic voice here LOL) Now it's snowing :-( RG
  4. I'm curious, why are you taking things this personally. If it is, as you say, business is business, why do you then turn around and talk about thoughts and feelings. If you send an email, get no response, well move on. I could somewhat understand if you develop a connection with a lady that you have seen, and continue to see, and then she wishes to no longer see you, talking about thoughts and feelings. But to contact a SP for an encounter and she doesn't reply, just move on. Honestly, bringing feelings for someone you haven't met strikes me as somewhat strange. Unless there is something more to your post you haven't shared. And if you are getting a steady pattern of no responses to your emails, maybe look at the emails you send. Is there something in the way you write that might concern the lady enough that she might just prefer not to see you, and not reply to your email RG
  5. Happy Birthday Silvershock Enjoy your special day RG
  6. Happy Birthday Red Headed Raven Enjoy your special day RG
  7. Young Jeezy I Luv It btw what is a jeezy??? am I showing my age LOL RG
  8. An electric razor Oh yes, I gave up on the beard LOL RG
  9. Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Lonely Bull RG
  10. In all seriousness Ice4Fun I see your point and agree with you. It just shows that we all realize, whether in sports, politics, whatever, it isn't or shouldn't be personal. I think we saw the same sort of thing with the passing of Jim Flaherty. While politicians of all political stripes day to day would be in opposition to one another, those political allegiances came down and recognized the passing of a fellow human being Hope that came out right RG
  11. Dwight Yoakam Crazy Little Thing Called Love RG
  12. Congratulations Curious7 on 2000 posts Looking forward to your next 2000 contributions RG
  13. Genesis Land Of Confusion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pkVLqSaahk RG
  14. Congratulations Frank on 2000 posts Looking forward to your next 2000 posts RG
  15. I actually do see your point. And think it is great you have change available for those who don't have the exact amount. In such cases as you cite yes I wouldn't see needing change as cheap. But quoting myself, second last line in my post "Now there may be some who do need that change, but my feeling is most of the men asking for change, the same sort of guys who complain about clock watchers" I'm not talking about those who really are in need of the change, but my guess, the vast majority of clients aren't really in need of the change. I also think it is great that you do offer change. But I guess no matter which side someone cites, either now it is coming down on the side of clients having the correct amount ready, or on the side that the lady should have change available for those clients who bring too much money Personally, I am of the opinion that clients should have the correct amount available and they should not expect, nor should it be required of the lady to have change. RG
  16. Joe Nichols Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off RG
  17. Getting change, especially in five's and ten's is not difficult in this day and age, in fact in any day and age. The rate is no surprise, you should know the ladies rate and have the exact donation ready to give her at the beginning of the encounter. It is the client's responsibility to have the correct donation And frankly, I can see asking for change as spoiling the mood. Yes this lifestyle is a business, but the business of providing a fantasy. The fantasy would be wrecked by dragging out the business end of an encounter This lifestyle is a luxury, not a necessity and if you want to partake in it you should have the funds available to partake in it...if you need that five or ten dollars, maybe rethink your spending priorities Now there may be some who do need that change, but my feeling is most of the men asking for change, the same sort of guys who complain about clock watchers Another rambling RG
  18. About to stop surfing CERB (for a few minutes) and do the dishes :-( Then relax with an evening decaf...haven't decided what coffee to have yet RG
  19. Digging out my fan, got the windows open and it's warm. Going to have the ceiling fan running in the bedroom tonight RG
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