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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I agree with you Nathalie. But really, the transaction aspect of this lifestyle shouldn't complicate matters, nor destroy the intimacy. It's simple, bring the correct donation and give it to the lady at the beginning of the encounter. If the client brings five or ten dollars too much, then that is money the lady should get. I suppose the lady could take another approach, the client is supposed to bring the correct donation. If he needs to get change he can run out to a corner store and get it and come back...but the clock has started ticking on his time. It was his fault he didn't come prepared. I guess as someone who tips/gifts I have no sympathy for someone who doesn't bring the correct donation and is so cheap, yes cheap that he wants five, ten dollars change back. Guess he doesn't tip. It's only that type of man that makes the intersection of money and intimacy complicated. For the gentlemen who appreciate a lady's companionship, this is a non issue to begin with A rambling RG
  2. Just popped in my head, but I wonder if those guys that ask for change back are the same type of guys that would complain if the lady is a clock watcher and he only got the time he paid for Just wondering out loud RG
  3. Just on the lighter side of asking for change RG
  4. Never have asked for change. First I book multi hour encounters where that situation would end up working out. Second, since I plan ahead if I needed to break some money down to a five or ten I would do it before the encounter. Third, I tip, so if needing change a problem it also would balance out in the tip. And finally, for most of my encounters now, I use email money transfer so I can pay the exact amount Finally, if it is five or ten dollars, I couldn't be bothered worrying about it. My two cents (now that might be valuable with no pennies LOL) RG :-)
  5. I know of one lady (granted now she has a website) but when I met her, she didn't have a website. Her information was on her CERB profile page. Saw her for a couple encounters, plan to see her again this year. She has nine (deserved) pages of recommendations. She is a lady who takes her profession serious enough. Now on the other hand I saw a lady with a professionally styled website, one of the absolute worst ladies I ever saw. In fact not the worst, but the second worst SP I ever saw...but she had a website My point, don't rule out seeing a lady because she doesn't have a website. You may miss out on a seeing a gem. Personally, I do prefer contact via email. But I'm not so demanding that if she has another preferred method of contact, I'm not going to see her. And no matter what your preferred method of contact is, the lady, because it is her business, determines what is her preferred method of contact. If she prefers phone to email and I want to see her, then phone it is. Whatever the lady's preferred method of contact is, is what is used. It is her business to run, not yours, mine, or any other man's business. I also wouldn't be posting, where all CERB ladies can see, phrases like "if you don't communicate, you lose my business...." It just sets a negative tone, and the impression you leave isn't a good one. And maybe the lady didn't lose your business, she instead chose not to have you as a client. A morning rambling RG
  6. Chocolate Birthday Cake When you get to share some with two Goddesses, it is appropriate to mention in this thread ;-) RG :-)
  7. Having morning coffee and breakfast while watching a dumb movie (Eraser) RG
  8. He already had been arrested for sexual assault (amongst other charges) but they hired him anyway. These latest charges just more of the same. And our Courts, letting him out on bail again, after he already violated previous conditions. You are right, he shouldn't get bail, and I frankly hope the Bare Fax wakes up and kicks him to the curb, he has no respect for women RG
  9. Watched The Sand Pebbles this afternoon An oldie, (well 1960's era film) but goodie RG
  10. The Godfather Part II RG
  11. Let's see. Went for a walk, it's a beautiful day out today Picked up groceries, today is the first day of my low carb regime. While at the grocery store picked up a pre packed back of groceries. The OPP were supporting a food drive for a food bank...nice to give back to those less fortunate Right now enjoying a water with raspberries and lime, and a salad with oil/vinegar dressing for lunch...while watching The Sand Pebbles. Every time that movie has come on it's started at 10-11pm, too late for me Those are the highlights of today RG
  12. Which is why I don't advocate debt financing to begin with, use money you have, not money you will have in a month's time. But if you use a cc, whether for a cash advance or to pay the lady, likely you'll being paying interest in one form or another. If you need a cc you'll likely find most ladies only accept cash, not a cc. Now one other option, if you aren't worried about a trail, if your phone has a banking app on it, and the lady has her laptop with her, do an email money transfer in the room. Anyhow, a rambling RG
  13. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/patrick-brazeau-suspended-senator-arrested-in-gatineau-1.2605159
  14. Lemon, Lime, Raspberries, two water jugs, starting my new regime. I'll have to work up to using a cucumber in water RG
  15. Congratulations Peachka on your 500 posts Looking forward to your next 500 contributions RG
  16. Like Porthos said, I wouldn't use debt financing either for this lifestyle...if I did HOLY F*CK I could have quite a party, albeit very short and sweet LOL I use disposable income, cash I have, for each and every encounter. That way I'm never in the hole after an encounter Even the gas for my truck, hotel (I do reserve using cc, but pay in cash) meals everything is cash on hand That said, if you want to use your cc why not get a cc cash advance before your encounter. Anyhow, my two cents worth, ok nickel's worth since no more pennies, and paid in cash LOL A rambling RG
  17. OK OK OK Everbody :-) I also put it in the joke section Just thought yesterday a little levity could be used in General Discussion Area Anyhow you can listen to the Queen in two forums LOL RG :-)
  18. Exactly, and some of us gentlemen are looking for that clicking and connection with a lady. Maybe I'm biased but I don't think I'll find such a connection with a lady charging low rates. And the ladies I do see, while charging a higher rate (compared to $100/hr), provide companionship. They know being a courtesan is more than being a sex provider. In fact sex is but one part of an encounter. My experience, encounters have a value far exceeding any donation they could ask for. I don't believe I could say the same if I was looking to see the lady offering the cheapest rate possible BTW this is not a put down of those seeking or offering low rates, there is something and somebody for everyone. But what I enjoy are those companions who offer much more than just sex...they provide companionship. A rambling for what it's worth RG
  19. I know, should be in the joke section, but a little levity here RG
  20. Of interest to those who fly quite a bit, especially with Air Canada RG http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/air-canada-wi-fi-to-be-available-across-north-america-1.2603983
  21. I can only speak for myself. When I see a lady it is because there is something about her that interests me, that something, a connection, clicking if you will (and yes her looks too ;-) ) are what matter. If I am lucky to meet a companion that I like, even more lucky if I like that companion enough to continue to see her, and most of all fortunate enough that that companion will agree to see me, guess what, I'm not even looking at some lady offering her companionship at reduced rates From my perspective, sorry to phrase it this way considering the nature of this lifestyle, but this isn't about the most bang for your buck. For me it is about meeting and developing special connections with ladies who offer companionship. Companionship being much more than just a sex. And when those connections are made, a new less expensive companion isn't going to even draw my attention. In short, the dollar rate isn't what decides for me who to see, it is the lady herself that decides for me if I'll see her. In short a lower dollar rate won't undercut my client loyalty nor will it affect my choice in companion to see Hope that makes sense A rambling RG
  22. Had a good walk before lunch...dare I say it, Spring is here Met a couple friends/co-workers for lunch, got caught up...it's nice to be missed :-) The diet thread has me reinvigorated to diet again...low carb diet for me I think is the way to go And this is day three with a robin chirping outside and I get to watch my cat get bent out of shape RG :-)
  23. Lunch out for myself and a couple friends/co-workers Must remember, order the souvlaki or meat lovers pizza next time, their spaghetti with meatballs a little too sweet, and they had no tabasco to cut the sweetness RG
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