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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. One more thing. As Cat so eloquently phrased it "Mouths are notoriously full of all kinds of microscopic wigglies. " That said, remember the penis is more likely to have "microscopic wigglies" of concern. Put another way, the receiver of a bbbj runs less risk than the giver of a bbbj for an STD Just something to consider when a lady is offering one of the most giving, intimate acts she can. A rambling RG
  2. Well I have two containers of water (not counting my Brita with just plain ole water) in the fridge chillin, one with raspberries and lime, one with lemon, and searching on line for the best low carb diet and then grocery shop tomorrow for what I'll need Couple questions for anyone that knows. Do I have to give up 2% milk on a low carb diet? Is olive oil OK for cooking. And are salad dressings like Renee's OK or should I make my own oil/vinegar or oil/lemon juice dressing for salads Any input appreciated Thanks RG
  3. Any intimate activity with anyone, be it a professional companion, bar pick up, girlfriend/CL/wife ALL carry an element of risk...celibacy, well masturbation is the only safe sex and no, not being glib here Condoms are not risk elimination, they are risk reduction As Cat pointed out, never ask a companion if she is clean, and don't ask the lady if you have a morning after panic attack if you should be tested YOUR SEXUAL HEALTH IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY...you should get tested regularly if you are sexually active One more thing, while there is an element of risk in being sexually active, even if using safe sex practices, celibacy while safe (sex wise that is) carries something else IMHO far more unhealthy...and that is loneliness...and I am speaking from experience Anyhow, a rambling RG
  4. Not being smart, actually wanting clarification...Aug 1, 2000 to Aug 30, 2000...29 days 63 pounds lost If so what is the diet? In terms of exercise while I don't run (knees and ankle injury from my Army days) now with Spring here and sidewalks no longer ice covered I am walking daily Thanks RG
  5. Catching up on personal emails :-) about to have my third Keurig (what should I pick)??? :-) surfing CERB :-), confirming lunch plans via text, and finally reset all computer/internet passwords :-) after my anti virus deleted them after it was installed :icon_mad: RG
  6. The Happy Hooker :-) RG
  7. For A Few Dollars More RG
  8. Sitting back, enjoying a Wolfgang Puck Signature Blend Decaf, surfing CERB, watching tv and watching my cat, second day in a row, getting bent out of shape over the robin outside my apartment window RG
  9. Spicy Mexican (speaking of which tacos tonight...had to buy hot sauce, they only sell mild taco kits) continuing on a food theme here, when you eat Asian foods do you prefer to use a knife and fork or chopsticks RG
  10. Not quite on the same realm of absurdness as yours Lee, but close LOL But video is in Aquascope Aqua Barbie Girl RG
  11. In Ontario chilli, but if in the Maritimes F&C Chilli, mild, medium or hot RG
  12. Well no preference, so if offered it's a coin toss for me, well draw from a hat, whichever is drawn, east, west or south I'll go. Now preference Tupperware ;-) or Glad plastic containers RG :-)
  13. Twelve hours seemed short to me once my sleepover ended...first thing, and your right, you should be with a lady you are comfortable with. As for the sleepover, if longer than an overnight, discuss and seek input from the lady over the weekend plans. Two days can be awfully long if one or both of you are bored with what is happening. A show, dinner out, some activity during the day...it is more than two people in a hotel room for forty eight hours. Also the lady may, depending on the length of the sleepover, want a bit of time for herself. Anyhow, for longer encounters it should be discussed with the lady. Just my opinion of course Good luck RG
  14. Monty Python's The Life Of Brian And a couple scenes for laughs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K8_jgiNqUc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiLNN1NhQ RG
  15. Well when I first answered I have, since then, had a few more GFE encounters, some with ladies who I see regularly. And one or two, it's no longer what could be described as a GFE, more like two friends reconnecting, even a much more intimate (in the broadest sense of the word) and special encounter I had a ménage a trois, but it wasn't MFF...it was a GGJM (Goddess, Goddess and Just Me) ménage, with Emily Rushton and Lonna Lux A very special evening with two Very Special Ladies And I did write about it, my recommendation http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=111874 I've always considered myself pretty much vanilla, but not so vanilla that night...how can a guy having chocolate birthday cake in bed with two beautiful Goddesses be labelled vanilla? It was extra special in that it was Lonna's last, or one of the last encounters she had before retiring. Thank You Again Emily and Lonna for that very special night I had a sleepover with Lonna Lux as well which I have fond memories of. It was nice falling asleep with a beautiful woman beside you, and nicer still, being greeted in the morning with a smile and a "good morning" The two things I learned from that sleepover. First twelve hours is too short IMHO for a sleepover. My next sleepover is a weekend escape. Second, a sleepover should be done with someone you know, like and trust, and she should like and trust you too. Now Lonna and I knew, liked and trusted each other. My mistake was only making the sleepover for twelve hours...had I known then, the sleepover would have been longer. But what is fortunate about this lifestyle is we can explore different areas of human companionship and a fantasy encounter, as long as it respects both the lady and your boundaries is possible A reflective rambling RG
  16. Replying to a text (going to have lunch with a couple co workers/friends on Wednesday) surfing CERB, watching tv (more channel surfing LOL) and savouring a Dark Magic decaf brewed from my Keurig RG
  17. Thinking on it more and more, I think it's more accurate to say, at least in my case, that I lead a compartmentalized life. That not everyone I know knows everything about me doesn't really mean I'm leading a double, well triple, quadruple, whatever life does it? I think, and being single, having less need to hide this lifestyle than those in relationships, that everyone has compartmentalized their life. And this would be true whether in this lifestyle or not. Not everyone, in fact very few, are an absolute open book to everyone Hope that makes sense A rambling RG
  18. I know my recent encounter with Victoria was better than expected, and I expected a GREAT ENCOUNTER I certainly can and would recommend Victoria. She's a wonderful companion My reco http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=V&t=167804 RG
  19. Lucky Number Slevin RG
  20. Well bought myself anti virus for my computer...got to load it in tonight And today's trip to Vaughn Mills and Bass Pro Shops, where do I begin with what I bought LOL...but it was two big bags I carried out RG
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