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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. On tonight...High Noon at 7:30 Then at 9 series premiere of TURN about America's first spy ring RG
  2. Although I didn't really mind school, last day Best Mayor Marion Barry or Rob Ford RG :-)
  3. Well I don't collect per se. But those who have been to my place must think I collect fishing tackle. One large tackle bag and one large muskie box each filled with baits. Then a couple drawers full of baits I haven't used yet. And a wood cabinet filled with even more baits and tackle. Not to mention having fifteen rods/reels I haven't even covered my ice fishing gear yet LOL And what am I doing tomorrow...going to Bass Pro Shops, yes really :-) RG
  4. Happy Birthday Katrine Enjoy your special day RG
  5. Three Days Of The Condor RG
  6. Congratulations Bianca on the 500 post milestone Looking forward to your next 500 contributions RG
  7. Well it took place yesterday but was for today. Got a knock on the door and a FedEx man was there with a package for me...a birthday present from a Very Special Lady and Friend (you know who you are ;-) ) It's the perfect present Thank You Very Much for your Thoughtfulness And here's a Big Hug and Kiss For You XOXO RG :-)
  8. For A Few Dollars More RG
  9. If the lady doesn't post her rate, or you are looking for a longer encounter which she doesn't have a posted rate for then in your contact email it is OK to ask what the donation is And once given, do not try to haggle. The lady's rate is her rate, haggling may find you not getting your email returned RG
  10. Thank You Everyone for your posts and a special Thank You to Tracie for noticing. Wow 11000 posts, I see I have way too much time on my hands. Or maybe I just like playing those game threads too much But I'm glad I joined CERB and participate in this community...cornerstone though, I'm flattered Tracie. And most definitely I am most of all a supporter of the ladies here. How can anyone not support these beautiful ladies, when they give of themselves body mind and soul, to provide an escape for us gentlemen Thank You Again Everyone RG
  11. That actually makes more sense. Seeing professional companions is at least mutually beneficial. No one gets cancer from second hand encounters, it is all done in private between consenting adults But cigarettes, well it's not just the smoker, but people around the smoker, be it family, friends etc also run the risk of getting cancer from second hand cigarette smoke. Mind you it gets really confusing for those who smoke after sex LOL Thanks RG :-)
  12. Wings with bleu cheese dip (actually Renee's salad dressing) Washed down with a Becks no alcohol beer Followed by mixed berries and a decaf coffee...well actually Starbucks House Blend (for my Keurig) RG
  13. Well yesterday and today brought me two laughs http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=173536 and http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=173675 Thanks Meaghan and Piano RG
  14. The police, they become one because of the interesting things they get to deal with ;-) But think, if no one wanted to be a police officer, well we'd have anarchy. Yes I've gotten speeding tickets, hated it (although deserved it) and cursed the police. But where would we be without the police (and other law enforcement/justice agencies) The guy, kinda stupid, leaving his expensive watch within this lady's grasp after she wanted it removed from his wrist. That should be the red flag right there. But stupidity doesn't mean he deserves to be victimized I actually have no sympathy for this lady. She saw a expensive watch, she wanted it removed so IMHO she could steal it. And she didn't drop it in her purse, she inserted it in her vagina, the way professional type criminals smuggle contraband. I bet once the police checked, she has a criminal record, this isn't her first time stealing She gives a bad name to all professional companions. Something that will have somewhat a negative spin off effect for the next provider Sorry, I have no sympathy for her whatsoever Anyhow, my opinion for what it's worth RG
  15. I live relatively close, since 2008, to an airbase and never saw one so I was suspicious But with Bieber, best he should be put on is a mothballed Musketeer LOL That was really when the jig was up But funny, and some nice pictures to boot RG
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