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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. In my opinion, whether it's plagiarism, using another's photos, using another lady's (or as has also happened in the past, another client's handle) name all seem to me at least to be under the same family of offences and the sole purpose of those offences is Bait and Switch Read Jessica's post again, especially this line I wasn't sure what to do so I messaged her and advised her that her name wasn't original and that it had been used by a very well known provider for years. She said she would change it but she hasn't at this point. This lady has been made aware of the name and is still using it. How can it not now be seen as trying to pass herself off as this lady? This community is self regulating as it were. We don't go registering our handles and names, trademarking ourselves and our writings and so on. But communities such as ours do have ethics, and our redress isn't going to be Court, it is going to be the support of boards such as CERB who strive to keep this a positive environment Mod and Town Council can't be everywhere. They rely on this community bringing concerns to the forefront. And IMHO the plagiarism policy seems appropriate to use Thanks Again Jessica for bringing this to CERB's attention RG
  2. Any wonder I haven't seen it then :-) RG :-)
  3. Second Spring like day here in smalltown Ontario Did a walk didn't even need a jacket, just my hoodie RG
  4. Had this emailed to me. Artwork on Canadian Forces aircraft. Nothing to do with this lifestyle but thought some here would like it RG http://www.vintagewings.ca/VintageNews/Stories/tabid/116/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/410/language/en-CA/Tails-of-Glory.aspx
  5. For your ad situation contact the Mod to see if he can delete it I don't think any one poster, even a thread starter (I may be wrong here, don't quote what I say as gospel) can delete a whole thread. But if a thread begins to go sideways the Mod may either close the thread, or sometimes delete it in entirety Good Luck RG
  6. You can, I believe it's within 24 hours of posting your thread, edit your thread. Click on the edit icon at the bottom of your post, a window with your post comes up which you can edit. If you wish to delete your post entirely you should make a note that you deleted your post so people won't be scratching their heads And if your post has been quoted, well it's there to stay unless that person can edit and you can sweet talk him/her into editing and deleting it RG
  7. Ladies, well the professional ladies, put forth an effort to present themselves as someone unique and special. This lifestyle isn't just about finding anyone for an encounter. It is about finding someone you believe you will click with. For gentlemen, well at least me, I make that decision based on how the lady presents herself. Her posts, profile, ads and ad titles, her photographs all give potential clients an idea on who this lady is. The name she uses becomes synonymous with the person who creates the posts and ads and ad titles. (it's early in the morning, hope that makes sense LOL) So when a lady uses another lady's name, especially a very well known lady, that new lady appears to be trying to benefit through plagiarism, that she is some other lady, usually a well known and well respected lady and companion IMHO. That lady is well known and respected due to her hard work, investing in herself and her reputation. It must be difficult but ladies starting out should present themselves as themselves, not pass themselves off as someone else. It is nothing short of stealing. When a client comes and the door is open he is going to be to say the least disappointed, and view the lady as offering bait and switch Ladies, especially new ladies need to remember, there is someone for everyone so they need to present themselves as themselves. They do not need to pass themselves off as someone else. Bait and switch, be it in the form of name stealing, plagiarism of ad titles/posts, fake photos are capital offences in this lifestyle and completely unacceptable. A lady created her reputation with her name, another lady stealing that name not at all acceptable. Normally any evidence of such plagiarism/stealing should be reported. If this lady is brand new to the lifestyle and immediately corrected her error after being messaged, then she learned. But those experienced in this lifestyle know better. Anyhow, a morning rambling over my first cup of coffee RG
  8. Thanks Meaghan, too early, I guess I can put the defibrillator away now LOL RG
  9. Rupert Holmes Escape (The Pina Colada Song) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfWVn0GF48Q RG
  10. Came back from a walk and grocery shopping...it is beautiful out, too warm to wear my jacket. Just had lunch, now watching tv and surfing CERB RG
  11. Seeing as it is going to be a nice +8 today, I'm about to get my shoes on, put on a jacket, go for a walk and then pick up a few groceries RG
  12. One thing, avoid The Quality Inn. Stayed there last summer going to a funeral. It was the most uncomfortable hotel I ever stayed at...well second most uncomfortable hotel. If you have reservations there cancel them and stay at one of the better hotels by the airport RG
  13. I used Virgin for my cell phone provider when I first got a cell phone. Pay as you go, got a basic phone (yes they do sell fancy smart phones too :-) ), no bells and whistles, just did phone and texting which is all I needed it for at the time No need to register using your real name. And you can get at a Virgin kiosk or Wireless Wave http://www.virginmobile.ca/en/home/index.html RG
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