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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. There was talk of a Fat Bastards BBM Dance but for some reason the idea never took We still wonder why RG
  2. Received a very special email from a very special lady, well Goddess this morning Just brightened my day, and made my week Thank You RG
  3. Happy Birthday Lilly Enjoy your special day RG
  4. Just finished watching it. It is funny, entertaining, and lots of beautiful women too, RG
  5. Happy Birthday Cuteboy Enjoy your special day RG
  6. Happy Birthday lorencook Enjoy your special day RG
  7. Just finished a T-bone steak and baked potato with all the trimmings Washed down with a Becks no alcohol beer For desert, which I'll have in a couple hours, because I'm stuffed, mixed berries RG
  8. Just bought groceries including a premade Caesar salad which I'm having for lunch right now RG
  9. Surfing CERB, checking/replying to emails, watching The Rifleman and having my morning coffee RG
  10. Running Windows 8 with IE on a HP2000 Notebook Don't really like Windows 8 but getting used to it Windows Update set to update automatically Likewise HP has updates, also set to update automatically RG
  11. Kinkiest I got was a wonderful ménage a trois So guess you could say vanilla but with some chocolate syrup on top LOL Seeing as there is a thread on fishing which would you prefer to fish for Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Muskie, Pike, or Walleye RG
  12. Congratulations Cleo on your 3000 contributions Enjoy what you post Looking forward to your next 3000 posts RG
  13. Congratulations NJ on your 4000 post milestone Enjoy your contributions. Looking forward to your next 4000 posts RG
  14. Congratulations on 9000 posts Angela. Enjoy what you say, looking forward to your next 9000 contributions RG
  15. Damn I wish I hadn't sold my boat LOL Muskie in June...like a pike on steroids Then Bass...largemouth or smallmouth Pike and Walleye a warm-up For eating, Crappie, Rock Bass or Perch RG
  16. Maybe some of you Manitobans/Winnipeggers need to re-read the OP's post starting this thread Losing Interest Is it me or are others losing interest in this hobby? I have been finding myself more and more very disinterested in what or who I see available. Maybe I'm just getting old or maybe being in a new relationship I just don't feel it anymore lol It wasn't till near the end of page two that some Winnipeggers took the thread as a chance to complain about the problems of Winnipeg. This thread wasn't about the problems of Winnipeg. The OP talked about getting old or a new relationship as his reason for disinterest. Really this becoming about the problems of Winnipeg is closer to a thread hijack, this thread was not about the Winnipeg scene till some CERB members sought to turn it into one As long as threads are made in public forums for all CERBite's to read then expect responses from all CERBite's And if you want a thread about the problems of just Winnipeg, then at least start a thread about the problems of Winnipeg, don't take over another thread where disinterest is attributed to age and a new relationship. RG
  17. I can't say the best gift I have given. The gifts I give are for each lady, one isn't better than another. They usually are gift cards, for Victoria's Secret, La Senza, Lulu Lemon, Chapters, Air Canada,MasterCard gift card, to think of a few One lady I gave a birthday card and present too, and a Christmas card and present. The gifts were something special I think she would appreciate. But one gift giving took place that stands out. It was during the evening of my ménage a trois with two very special Goddesses, Lonna Lux and Emily Rushton. Besides being a special occasion because it was my first (and thus far only) ménage a trois a couple other occasions were celebrated by us that night. The first occasion. That encounter was Lonna's last time as a companion, she was retiring. Emily and I surprised Lonna with a retirement gift of a bottle of wine and chocolates. Later on in the evening the surprises continued. Lonna had a birthday coming up too. So Emily and I arranged for a birthday cake for Lonna. We surprised her, me bringing in the cake from the kitchen, and Emily and I singing Happy Birthday. That was the best birthday ever, two Goddesses and me having birthday cake in bed in the bedroom...and it wasn't even my birthday Oh yes, there were crumbs, and who cares The companionship from the ladies I have seen has a value far exceeding the donation requested. If that can't be considered a gift, what can? But I have been fortunate to be the recipient of some other gifts. I received a couple of Christmas cards, one a personal card, which I still have. And although not, I don't think, intended as a gift, there was a special email received from a lady around Halloween last year which touches me. I received another email around Christmas time, also personal. And there was a Christmas gift I received. I won't tell what the gift was but any mention of Kate Middleton and Prince George and I immediately think of this lady ;-) As for the gift, it is in my living room. But no matter what the gift, it truly is the thought that counts. And most of all, the thought, at least for me, when I give a gift (and tip) is that it is showing a sign of appreciation and respect to the lady who is providing you companionship A rambling RG
  18. I have seen many ladies, and developed some very special connections and memories with some, because they weren't concerned about a "NOW" encounter with me when I first contacted them (by email BTW) A NOW encounter something completely impossible for me to do due to my circumstances (living in smalltown Ontario) which requires me to always travel. But to those ladies, especially in my newbie days in this lifestyle, who took that leap of faith that I was a gentleman truly interested in an encounter with them, not just a "tire kicker" who liked to send emails to companions, a BIG THANK YOU Now I have, as I said first contacted the ladies by email. Some replied, wanting to talk to me over the phone, even if I was planning an encounter ahead of time. No problem, I asked the lady a good time to call her, and did in fact call her. If a phone call is part of a lady's screening protocols, I'll phone her (btw only two ladies requested a phone call before booking) And for some of us, phone calls are always long distance. But for all that I guess echoing Emily's point but from the other side of the coin. I'm one of those emailing clients/potential clients, but when I email you, it's because I want to see you. Granted, not "NOW" because a date "NOW" is impossible for me. But I need to plan "NOW" because I know in a few months I'll be free for a few hours to see you, and want to set up a encounter with you for then Anyhow, a long winded rambling from a planning ahead emailing client/potential client RG :-)
  19. I don't know, after this episode of Seinfeld the thought of being in a airline washroom loses it's appeal...keep watching the whole video you'll know what I'm talking about LOL http://seinfeld-episodes.com/the-airport/ And flying to and from Florida last year there was literally a line up of people waiting to go to the washroom...just reinforced my belief As for chartering a jet, the money spent on that charter could be IMHO better spent on an extended encounter with a special lady Anyhow, a Seinfeld episode for every occasion even if not intended RG
  20. First I have a medical condition I wish I didn't have. It's the reason why I don't drink. Very few here know what it is, but it affects my life daily. Could stop taking meds and although few notice, my day to day life appears normal. But there are things I have to do to deal with this medical condition on a daily basis I also wish I could lose this gut. No, not looking for washboard abs or anything like that, but I wish I could lose this gut and once off keep it off Quick response from everyone, diet...well easier said than done Funny how there's support and sympathy for a smoker trying to quit...that to me should be easy...to quit smoking you just don't smoke anymore...simple, it's just stopping a habit But to lose weight, diet...you can't stop eating, you need to change your habit from eating wrong to eating right Plus exercise, which for me is walking, but with this sh*tty winter, it's been too treacherous to walk Not an excuse, ice and snow covered sidewalks have been too treacherous to walk on One other thing, and not so much because of appearance, but I wish I didn't need glasses, and had 20/20 vision without glasses My baldness, I've learned to accept it...it stays RG
  21. Waiting for the washing machine downstairs...no one allowed to do laundry before 8am or after 8pm...got downstairs at 750am and the washer was well underway with a load of laundry So waiting for my turn RG
  22. The Bridge At Remagen RG
  23. So your troubled that CERB members read this users thread (which he wanted input by the way),and replied to his thread. What troubles you the most, people responding to a thread where a response is requested. Or that the replies were pretty much civil, even if they didn't all agree Are you now troubled that we replied to your thread As for attributing motives of posters, what was your motive in posting, just to stir sh*t? Playing devils advocate for a second, maybe no need to reply to your post, but more importantly then, there was no need for you to post at all to begin with BTW as for the thanks, rep points/comments and nominations, they are nice but if they were removed from CERB and all accumulated rep points wiped from my profile, I still would be checking into CERB That isn't the reason I joined CERB RG
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