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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. If you weren't in the mood to debate this why did you post the topic to begin with. And you, not every one else, prefaced your post with the title "Going To Get A lot Of Backlash But..." Actually you didn't get a lot of backlash, you got different opinions, but the tone of this thread has been respectful. Why you feel the need to leave CERB I don't know. RG
  2. http://www.superstarmagazine.com/the-ultimate-lucky-people-animals-compilation/# RG :-)
  3. Although not a PEI boy, I second Magician's post which includes Emily Rushton (btw not a put down of other ladies mentioned, I haven't met them) I have seen her once, twice, OK well seven times I think ;-) and there is a reason I keep seeing her. And I am in the process of planning for our next escape, a weekend sleepover Emily tours across Canada, so if she comes to PEI, book an encounter with her, she redefines GFE She truly has brightened my life. I feel very fortunate to have met her Just a suggestion RG
  4. One point to make. In other threads (the negotiating thread comes to mind) ladies were pretty much across the board and most gentlemen too that this lifestyle is unlike any other business and shouldn't be compared to other businesses. In fairness it shouldn't now be compared to other businesses. This business is a very unique, very intimate and very special lifestyle lifestyle with really no other comparisons. To compare it to other businesses now seems a tad unfair. And I do believe the OP asks a valid question. One function of this board and community is to learn. There is a unique intimacy in this lifestyle. But the intimate nature of this lifestyle notwithstanding, friendship is something that is special and may happen, but more than likely won't happen in this lifestyle. But sending emails in the hopes of making a friend isn't going to happen. When you see someone regularly, it might happen. But friendship is something that unfolds naturally. Hopefully he received the answer he is looking for. Good Luck RG
  5. I like Tracie. She recognizes and acknowledges Cerbite's milestones and is a positive contributor to this community RG
  6. Watched it when it first came out in theatres, good movie, but it's one I would find difficult to watch again RG
  7. Just turned on The Day Of The Jackal. 1973 movie about an assassin hired to kill de Gaulle RG
  8. Cleo is right...any of us on CERB fill out that form honestly are precluded from donating just because we partake in this lifestyle Not to mention some have certain health issues that also preclude them from donating Here's the questionnaire...see who is eligible http://www.blood.ca/centreapps/internet/uw_v502_mainengine.nsf/page/ROD%20Questionnaire But it's a nice sentiment...too bad Canadian Blood Services isn't enlightened RG
  9. Live Free Or Die Hard RG
  10. This was what the thread, the discussion was about. Here is the OP's post copied/pasted Losing Interest Is it me or are others losing interest in this hobby? I have been finding myself more and more very disinterested in what or who I see available. Maybe I'm just getting old or maybe being in a new relationship I just don't feel it anymore lol. It wasn't until near the bottom of page 2 that posts starting turning this thread into the problems of Winnipeg. Prior to that the OP's disinterest seemed attributed to in part a new relationship and getting older. And people get older everywhere, and enter in new relationships everywhere, not just Winnipeg. So how this thread talking about one person losing interest got derailed into a problems of Winnipeg discussion I don't know If you wish a discussion of Winnipeg problems only discussed by Winnipeg SP's/Clients create a social group and restrict it's membership to Winnipeg SP/Clients. But as long as Winnipeg problems are aired for all of CERB to see and read and hear, expect replies from coast to coast. It's the nature of this community RG
  11. Well my two cents. If you see a lady once, and that's it, I personally think expecting on going emails/PM's/texts is unreasonable. Possibly a thank you email (either from you to her or vice versa) for a good encounter and maybe sending a copy of the recommendation (if you wrote one) to her for her preview first, but that's it. Now in the case of a lady who you have gone beyond seeing just once, a different matter. She is a lady who, well you are a regular client of hers. In fact your encounters seem less SP/Client and more like friends getting together. In such cases you may very well have regular emails beyond just scheduling an encounter. Emails just connect you two between encounters so to speak What has to be kept in mind, are your emails going to be viewed by the lady in the same light as "tire kicker" type emails? Or are they emails from a regular client/friend who she will see again. If the former, don't expect a lot of replies. But if the latter, it is very possible that the lady will email back. Anyhow, a rambling RG
  12. Your not confusing him with one of James Bond's nemesis's, the Man With The Golden Gun Anyhoo, just finished watching Safe House with Denzel Washington and now watching Django Unchained RG
  13. When posts are made on the public forum that ALL CERBite's can read and reply to, you are bound to get input from across Canada, not just from Winnipeg SP/Clients Might I suggest if you want to keep Winnipeg issues exclusive to only Winnipeg SP/Clients, start a Social Group on CERB and restrict it's membership to only Winnipeg CERBite's, and you all can discuss to your hearts content in private without reading anything from the rest of us and we in turn won't comment because we won't be reading posts about Winnipeg RG
  14. Well it wasn't an either/or question...it was pick the absolute best Bond movie But as for your question, I would say the 60's Bond girls Which Bond girl gives new meaning to unsafe sex? Mayday or Xenia Onatopp RG
  15. Although I do like Jinx too, but Honey Ryder, that name just has a ring to it Absolute best Bond movie For me it's From Russia With Love RG
  16. Hands down, best Bond is Sean Connery, he defined the character But Daniel Craig isn't a bad Bond Now worse Bond...Roger Lazenby or Roger Moore RG
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegging_(sexual_practice) and there is a reference to Myra Breckinridge so for a treat and that was made in 1970, imagine if made today Your Welcome :-) RG
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