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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. What is even more important than whether a photo is a selfie or professional to me at least, is first, is it an accurate portrayal of the lady, and second, that the photo(s) are up to date and current. A lady keeping her photos current, to me is the most important thing A rambling RG
  2. The French Connection RG
  3. Octopussy (from the dark years of James Bond, the Roger Moore years) RG
  4. Macaroni and Cheese washed down with a glass of water Followed by doing the dishes Then a decaf coffee and two white chocolate macadamia nut cookies RG
  5. Jack Reacher...don't waste your money it's a horrible movie RG
  6. Unfortunately there was some drama in the last Valued Members & SP Awards in 2011 and they haven't run the Awards since then. One thing though, if they do the Awards again, a companion's recommendations nor how good a client is, is the determining factor in giving a Valued Member & SP Award, it's CERB board contributions that determine an award Anyhow a rambling RG
  7. Just reflecting back on one encounter I had. This woman physically drop dead gorgeous in her photos. She showed her face, and body in pictures. If she walked into a bar guys' necks would be sore from turning to get a look at her (no not an exaggeration) Well I booked an encounter with her. She showed up, looking even more beautiful than her photos. The first hour of the three hour encounter fine. But without going into details, well she ripped me off. My point, the saying "beauty is skin deep" is true...this woman no matter how physically beautiful in photos and in person, both face and body, well she to me at least was and is ugly to the bone. So while a photo/photos (with or without face shots) help a lady put her foot in the door, to me at least, far more important is who she is, gleaned from her posts, emails, pm's website well you get the idea...in short, at least for me I want a real, three dimensional woman to see for an encounter A rambling RG
  8. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot RG
  9. Travis Tritt Here's A Quarter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUJKxm7hdOI RG
  10. Happy Birthday Berlin Enjoy your special day RG
  11. http://videos.komando.com/watch/2402/viral-videos-hilarious-video-about-deer-crossing-signs RG :-)
  12. He's a sandwich short of a picnic He's not the crispiest chip in the bag RG
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