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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. No Country For Old Men RG
  2. Probably the lady has seen some clients who have complained that no one ever told them about YMMV. And they had certain expectations based on others' experiences (based on recommendations) Really YMMV shouldn't need to be spelled out, most clients know about it. It is unwritten into every encounter, but some clients need it to be spelled out for them. So some companions then spell it out for every potential client. So if a lady spells out YMMV don't be upset with her, be upset with clients who have had to make her spell it out prior to an encounter. And a second thing YMMV seems to have been spun into meaning you may get great or poor service, or everything and anything in between. And yes, there is that aspect of YMMV. But it also means, at least to me, each encounter is going to be different, not better, not worse, just different. A companion may have offered and had a great encounter with one gentleman, but has another great encounter with another gentlemen. Both encounters, 180 degrees opposite in what took place, but both equally great and recommendation worthy. YMMV isn't an excuse or justification for a possible bad encounter so much as it is a way of saying that each and every encounter will be unique for you, and not a clone of some other client's encounter A rambling RG
  3. Highlight number one. Back home today after a day away from home Highlight number two. My cat happy to see me back home, then he got tuckered out (happiness exhausts him) and he's now snoozing on the back of the couch Highlight number three. Well not a highlight but funny. Needed to ask directions for a doctors officer (out of town) There was a police cruiser parked so we pulled over, I walked up and asked the officer for directions. He said turn left then turn left and back two blocks. All great but if I had turned left where he said to turn, would have driven the wrong way on a one way street RG
  4. A pair of pants, pair of jeans and a shirt, and picked up and paid the balance owing on my glasses RG
  5. Editing a post within 12 hours http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb3_board_faq#faq_editpost RG
  6. The World Is Not Enough RG
  7. To Live And Die In LA RG
  8. Still waiting for my board handle name vote to go so I can vote under my real name But stumbled across this link by petition voter Bob Rae (The Bob Rae I don't know) http://www.cbc.ca/day6/blog/2014/03/06/rethinking-prostitution-doc-and-talk/ RG
  9. Here's a recent news report, not good news http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-26506961 RG
  10. Might be of interest to Ottawa Cerbites RG http://www.ottawacitizen.com/owners+take+radio+station+Bear+fresh+direction/9587148/story.html http://www.thebear.fm/
  11. Got my on line banking passwords all reset...joys of getting a new ISP Beautiful sunny day, snow and ice melting away...nice day to go out for a walk Enjoying hi def cable with the new channels :-) Enjoying hi speed wireless cable And with losing an hours sleep last night from the time change, enjoying watching my cat snooze on the back of the couch with his paws hanging over the sides RG
  12. The Guns Of Navarone RG
  13. Well I stop at one when heading to Toronto, London, Hamilton, Kingston or Ottawa on the way to a weekend escape RG
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